A Series of Irregularities

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Following Their call with GR the team receives the information he claimed would help them in their investigation. However, when an old friend unexpectedly emerges from the shadows their entire investigation is thrown into a whole new direction, but this is just the beginning of the day's irregularities.

Matt (driving to Spellbound and talking to Subject 4)- On my way to the office now and I just got an alert that Gary actually sent us some documents. I'm hoping that these confirm what he claims about Chloe. For those of you who haven't seen the last episode he claimed that Chloe Sued Deb. It possibly could reveal a motive as to why Chloe could have murdered Deb.

Matt arrives at the studio

Matt (still talking to subject 4)- got the files open it up. (Talking to Sam and Woods) This looks familiar doesn't it. The green file. These are supposedly the files on Chloes attempts to sue Deb.

Matt then notices that Eric isn't with them.

Matt- Hey wait, where's Eric?

Sam- I'm not sure he isn't in his office, and I couldn't find him anywhere else.

Matt- Huh that's odd because normally he's always here before us.

Sam- Yeah. Maybe try texting him?

Matt- Ok I'll do that. Just give me a minute.

Matt texts Eric

Matt's Text- Hey Eric just wanted to check in and see where your at. Text me back when you can. Thanks.

Matt- and sent. Right well until Eric texts me back I think we should look through these documents and then if Eric does show up then I'll get him caught up.

Sam- Ok

Woods- Ok

Matt Opens the file and pulls out some of the documents inside

Matt- ok so these must be Chloes attempts to sue Deb and it seems like there's a lot of them.

Sam- Well ok but do they say what she was suing them for? It just looks like she's suing her for general malpractice, which makes sense.

Matt- Yeah.

After looking at some of the documents the team comes across a lab report.

Matt- Hey Sam, can you read this report.

Sam- Sure.

Lab Report – February 15, 2000. My concern with Chloe is my inability to treat her side effects Affectively. The tests are falling further and further behind because she's not ready. Her hallucinations are odd, they are of places, people and even events she's never seen before. Is this a potential Splintering? I'll mark it as confirmed for the time being. Scott can change it if necessary. I don't know how much more of this testing she can handle. Scott has reported that her screaming is disturbing the other patients and she isn't hesitating to use that pain to spew threats to those at Syntec including myself.

Sam- So I'm assuming this is Deb.

Woods (inquisitive)- using pain to spew threats.

Matt- Well I mean you know a lot of people don't really know how to manage pain. That's very normal.

Sam- One last part though.

Lab Report Continued- Considering her pain levels I'm not surprised nor offended. Scott seems uneasy though.

Sam- I mean I wouldn't be surprised if this was written around the same time, we saw Scott and... I think didn't he say the other guy's name was like Xander or something? Having that conversation about Chloe like I bet that happened in 2000. Like around all of this.

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