Part 1

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Being an animal's doctor is not easy, as a vet they also has their busy days and Tee almost got no free time at all at the clinic he is working. He is the busiest doctor in the clinic and animals like him a lot too.

Tee is an orphan, he has no family left so he only has a few people around him that he knows. He finished his study with scholarship, he start working as soon as he graduated. It seems like he has a good life.

Tee worked at his senior's clinic who offered him to work there. His senior also giving Tee a free place to stay upstairs the clinic and Tee take it because it's easiest for him.

"Tee!" the manager call for Tee when Tee is having his lunch at the pantry, he barely eaten his sandwich at that time but he needs to leave his food to get to his manager.

"Look at this mess, someone need to clean this blood on the floor" The manager, Kihn glares at him angrily, like he is the cause for the blood to be on the floor. A dog was hit by a car and brought here when it was bleeding heavily.

"can I do it later after I'm done with my lunch?" ask Tee softly.

"so that you can eat and someone else need to do it? How selfish are you?" Tee flinch when he get yelled like that.

Tee moves to the toilet to take water abd a mop to clean the floor. When he start wiping everyone leave him with a smirk. Tee sighs but still finished the work so that he can continue to eat his lunch

When he is back to the pantry, he saw his sandwich already in the trash can, he ask a nurse who still in there drinking some water.

"who threw my sandwich?" ask Tee sad

"I don't know, it looks like a waste" the nurse, Milan flips her hair and left Tee alone. Tee stares at his poor sandwich, he barely eaten that, how could someone waste a food like that.

"Phi Tee, I saw Phi Moon threw your sandwich. She is a witch! Here, I bought extra, you can eat this" Win gives Tee his food and Tee thanks Win. Tee able to fill his stomach and get ready for work.

Win is a nice male nurse ,he always support Tee and make sure Tee treated better in the clinic. He can't do much because he is still new but he will try as best as he can to help Tee from being bullied by others here.

"Dr Gwen! Someone threw away Phi Tee lunch again today" complaints Win to Gwen, the other person who are nice to Tee.

Gwen confronts the staffs and no one admit doing that. Gwen is scary and always make sure no one was treated unfairly in the clinic. She wasn't always present because she needs to cover another branch of clinic too.

"Phi Gwen, let it be. Maybe they thought it  was leftover food" Tee didn't want to cause trouble again, they never listen and they just get angry at Tee again.

"Don't make me watch CCTV, I really don't want to fire anyone because of this bad behavior" warns Gwen and enter her room.

Tee get death glares from the other staff, only Win ia happy because they got scolded. Tee sighs and return to his place, he needs to face double the trouble when Gwen left later. Can't he has a peace day at work for a day?

When it's almost to the closing time, Tee and Win are the only staffs who clean abd tidy the clinic. They need to make sure everything are clean and sanitesed. The clinic open for 12 hours a day, 9 am to 9 pm and staffs work in shift.

Tee's day finally over but he was scolded because he didn't make the order for their medicines in stock. It wasn't his work but like usual, staffs there step on his head just like that.

At 10 pm Tee finally able to go home and get some rest, he has evening shift tomorrow but he still needed to prepare everything for morning shifts staff.

"Phi Tee" Win enter Tee's room. That small room barely enough for a man to live but Tee manage to stay in there. The place is too small even for a minimalist like Tee who has nothing at all except the necessaries.

"You are not home yet?" ask Tee to Win. Win takes a place on Tee's bed because there is no free floor available anymore for him to sit.

"Phi Tee, I think you should apply for your holidays. You never use your pay leave, it's a waste because the clinic didn't pay it to you either" Win complains about how Tee was mistreated all the time but the bigger problem is, Tee never care.

"I don't have anywhere to go" replies Tee, he likes working with animals and he enjoys treating the animals getting better.

Win excitedly pull put some a few documents in his bag and put it on the bed. Win already fill the form leave for Tee and pass it to Gwen a week ago. Tee already has a permission to take a leave for a week.

Tee is surprised to see the form because he never fill it before. He doesn't even never seen a form like that the whole life he works here.

"I already did it and your leave is a pass!" Win cheers happily. Tee smiles a little, Win is always a good junior to him so he appreciates what Win did to him.

"but, I have nowhere to go" replies Tee back, he never has any place he wants to go except the orphanage he used to live.

"don't worry phi! I already planned everything for you. I found a good travel website with cheap price to Bali, Indonesia. It's really cheap, full package for a week! Here, this is the details and everything including your flight ticket. All you have to do is enjoy the trip!" Win gives Tee everything he got when he met the agent. Win even paid it for Tee because he wants Tee to has a good vacations

Tee is obviously happy and excited because this is his first time to go to a trip alone. He went to other country before while studying for their uni's activities but he never go to a trip before.

"Win, how much is it? I can pay you back"  Tee didn't want to use it for free.

"don't have to phi! I want to treat you. Just make sure you buy me some souvenirs when you are back!"

"thank you Win! I promise I will treat you to a trip too"

"Yay!" Win jumps on Tee and they both hugging together while dancing happily. They both are sillies.

"it's tomorrow phi! Start packing now!"

Win helps Tee to pack everything that Tee will need at Bali. They happily chatting about beautiful beach and ocean, good foods and beautiful ladies. Tee is excited for his sudden trip now.

"it's better if you have smartphone phi. You can use internet to find out a lot of beautiful places" Tee is still using the old type of flip phone. He never like to use the latest technologies especially phone and he also doesn't care about social medias. He is an old guy in modern world.

"It's okay. Here, it's stated that someone will wait for me at the airport to take me to the hotel. I will have a guide with me all the time" Tee is confident that he will be fine there, Win too think Tee will be okay since he said like that.

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