Part 24

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Tee is helping the worker to bath Kao, he starts working back two weeks ago, Tae against it but with the doctor suggestion Tae let it be. Tee didn't handle much at work since Tae already hire another doctor to replace Tee's place. Tee is at work mostly to take care of Kao and a few  other sick ponies.

"Phi Lam, Kao is done" Tee already finished bathing Kao, he wants to bath the next pony now but Kao won't let him go.

"I don't think Kao want to let you go" Lam chuckles at Kao's behavior around Tee.

"I need to bath your friends too, can you wait for me in your stable" Tee try to coax Kao, Kao neigh unhappy but still follow Lam who is ready to take him back to the stable.

"I swear Kao is human in his previous life, he understands you"

"maybe I'm his partner in his last life" Tee jokes a little, Kao is attached to him very much.

"That's all nonsense" Tae appears out of nowhere, he doesn't look happy with Tee's jokes. Lam wai and excuse himself from there.

"Phi Tae! Are you done with your work?" Tee put down everything in his hand and walk to Tae.

Tae is wearing sport wears,maybe he is here to practice polo since the game is coming closer.

"Have you eat?" ask Tae back after he nods answering Tee's question. He smiles happily and touch Tee's wet hair, he is bathing along with the ponies it seems

"I have lunch with Win and Phi saint. Are you here to train?" ask Tee eying how good and smart looking Tae is today. He wants to try wearing something like that too.

Tae smirks when Tee is eyeing him and he is proud with his body.

"Come with me to the training ground" Tae already hold Tee's hand and ready to leave.

"wait!" Tee stops Tae from pulling him away. He is still wearing his uniforms and he has a pony to bath.

"the pony and my uniform" Tee shows himself in the apron and boots.

Tae looks at another worker and that person understand Tae's order. He take care of Tee's work and tell Tee to go with Tae. Tee already done more than he has to do today so he smiles thanking to the worker.

Tae helps Tee to take of the apron and let him stay in the boot.

"Phi, I smell bad and I don't want to ruin your hand"

"I don't mind. Let's go" Tae takes Tee's hand in his and walk hand in hand to the ground. Eyes are watching them and smiles happily at them.

"Come in Tae!" his friend call for him

"you can wait for me here, I will ask someone to bring you some snacks and drink" Tae leaves to inform his staff.

Tee wants to reject it but Tae is long gone.  Tae tidies his boot and hop on the black pony. He rides around for a little bit before joining his team.

Did Tae look good?

Tee is mesmerise with what he saw, his jaw drop a little bit. Thankfully a waiter come and serve his foods and drink or else he will has dry mouth after.

"thank you" said Tee to the waiter and he take a sip of the cold drink, it's taste heavenly in his throat.

Tee knows nothing about polo but he enjoys watching they play it. He eat while watching, sometime he claps his hand happily when Tae scores.

"You are really shameless" Tee's happy claps stop when he heard someone saying that to him. He looks up to see Mai looking at him poorly.

"Khun Mai, please have a seat" Tee kindly offer but Mai just scoffs at his polite gesture.

Tee feels uncomfortable but he just act like usual, he can't focus to the game anymore so he keep eating the fries on his plate.

"You are just an orphan who has nothing, how dare you try to be close to Tae" Tee didn't take anything Mai said to heart and he choose to ignore the comments. He is here because Tae wants him here, it doesn't matter what she said.

"I can pay you and find a new job with better pay for you, just leave Tae alone. You don't deserve him" Mai leans closer to Tee's face, her face show lots of hate abd her voice full of warnings.

Tee fidgets feel uncomfortable with the gesture but he still doesn't want to back off. He remains on his chair, eating the dry fries quietly.

Mai starts to feel angry when Tee didn't give her the response she wants. She grabs the drink and want to dump it on Tee's head.

"Tee" Tae comes to Tee when he saw Mai came to Tee's table. He can't hear them but Tee look uncomfortable so he decided to stop training and ask for leave first. He promised his team he will catch up with them later.

"Phi Tae! Are you tired? I bring towel for you to wipe your sweat" Mai change 180 degrees when Tae arrives. She acts sweet and wipes Tae's sweat.

Tees just stares at both of them without saying anything.

Tae avoid the hand and take off his cap. He jumps put from the fence and walk to Tee's side.

"Thanks Mai but Tee and I have something to do. Excuse us" Tae offers his palm and Tee takes it without hesitation.

Tae smiles thinly to Mai and pull Tee to leave with him. Tae doesn't even give Mai a second glance,he ignored Mai's call too.

"Phi Tae, it's not nice to treat her like that"  Tee is glad Tae take him away from there but he didn't want to be the bad guy here. Mai already hate him without he knows why, he doesn't want to make an enemy.

"Well, I don't like the way she treated you too"

"But, she did nothing..." Tee really doesn't want to make Mai hate him more.

Tae chuckles and make Tee to look at him in the eyes.

"I know her Tee and I know you too. You keep your palm into fist when you are scared or anxious" Tee is shocked when he heard that, even he himself doesn't realize he has that kind of habit.

"I, I just..."

"shh. Now I'm hungry. Let's go home, shower then go out to eat something good.  You have something in mind?" ask Tae to Tee.

Tee's eyes lit up talking about food, he now totally forgetting about Mai. He has various of food passing through his small head. Tae smiles and walks with his hand on Tee's waist, Tee didn't even realise that because he is busy thinking about what to  eat.

"can we have shabu shabu?" ask Tee with both his palm together. Tae can't help but laugh heartily at that question.

"of course. Let's go home faster then"

"okay!" cheers Tee happily.

Tee start talking about his day when they are driving home together, Tae also share his boring day for him but Tee is excited to listen to everything happened to Tae today.

Tae even teach Tee the rules of the polo game and Tee sounds interested. Tae promise he will teach and take Tee to plag together in the future.

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