Part 18

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They arrived at the farm and Tee waits patiently in the car for Tae to open the car's door for him. He still doesn't know how to open the door yet.

Tae already outside and wait for Tee who is so eager to see Kao, Tee talked about Kao during their way here. After waiting for awhile Tae looks at Tee who is still sitting still on the seat.

"we are here" informed Tae in case Tee didn't realize they already arrived at the farm.

Tee looks at Tae with a guilty look, he looks troubled and Tae don't know why Tee looks that way.

"Khun, the door. How to open it?" ask Tee politely, he doesn't want to trouble Tae but he doesn't want to touch the wrong handle too.

Tae chuckles a little and walk to Tee's side. He opens the door for Tee widely.

"I'm sorry khun, thank you" Tee thanked Tae with a bow and small smile. He get off from the car and stand away to let Tae close the door back.

They didn't know that their actions was watched by other workers at a distance. Everyone at the farm know Tee because Tee likes the horses there and always the nice to them. They also know Tae as their boss.

They all are confused and curious about Tae and Tee relationship. They are misunderstanding the situation because Tae opens the door to Tee, Tae looks like a gentleman treating his lover. That's why we can't trust everything we see.

Tee walks first to the Kao's stable, he greets a few workers and exchange greetings between them. They all are worried about Tee's incident. Everyone greet and bow to Tae too.

Tee left Tae who is talking to the manager of the farm and runs to see Kao. Kao neigh happily when he see Tee and rubs his head to Tee. Tee hugs the pony back and they stay like that for a few minutes.

Tae is talking to the manager but his eyes stays on Tee all the time.

Tee talks to one of the worker and ask about Kao's condition.

"we run a test and Kao was overdosed the meds and the meds used actually weren't suitable for him. He is fine now, a lot healthier than before too. He even can walk around the field now" informs Zink happily and Tee thanks him for taking care of Kao when he wasn't here.

Tee rubs Kao's face softly, he is upset because someone try to kill Kao and the one who caused this still free out there. Tee knows everyone did their best to catch the bad person but they still clueless about it.

Tee asked permission to take Kao walk around the field, Zink allow it and let Tee walk with Kao. Zink follows Tee together with Kao and they talk more about Kao's health.

"it's impossible for Kao to join the match again even though he is healthier now" said Zink and Tee nods his head. He doesn't care about that, all he wants is for the pony to be healthy again.

"How are you? You look pale doctor" ask Zink concern. Tee did look paler than before he arrived.

"I'm good but I did feel a little dizzy now" Tee laughs a bit, he doesn't know why he feels so weak suddenly. He was okey minutes ago.

"uh" Tee almost trip but Zink able to catch him before he fall. Tee grips on Zink's shirt tight, he reall doesn't feel well now.

"Doc, let's take a seat first. You are not okay" Zink start to worry, even Kao stares at Tee sadly. Zink supports Tee's body to the bench near the gate and let Tee sit there.

"Doc" Zink kneels in front of Tee, he touch Tee's cheeks with both of his hand to check on Tee's condito, Tee is paler now.

"I will go get some water for you, wait here"

"I got this. You go send Kao back to the stable" Tae push away Zink's hand from Tee's shoulders. Tae looks at Zink for a glace after giving the order.

"Yes khun" Zink has no choice but to obey the order. He took Kao and walk Kao back to the stable.

Tee tries to wipe his face but he is really dizzy now. Tae makes Tee look at him by holding Tee's cheeks, Tee look bad.

"I'm sorry,my head hurts so suddenly" apologise Tee, he doesn't want to trouble anyone.

"let's go to the hospital" Tae already stand and want to help Tee to go with him.

"I think it's better if I rest at the institution for awhile. I will be okay soon"

"we are going to the hospital" Tae already decided so Tee has no choice but to obey.

The drive to the hospital takes some times and Tae always check Tee's condition every minute. Tee looks better now when he rest in the car but he is still dizzy. He doesn't know why his body feels weak so suddenly.

When they arrived, Tee soon treated by Dr Bun, Tae's friend and the same doctor who treated him before. Tee was resting in the ward when Tae talk to Bun.

"I've told you to not let him work and stay under the sun for too long" scold Bun, ha already told Tae to make sure Tee rest enough because Tee's immune system is still low. Tee is not strong enough to work and use his energy like usual.

"he needs a lot of rest and stay in hygienic place. What do you think by making him go to the farm?" Bun continue scolding and nagging Tae but Tae just listen because he can't stop Bun anymore, he can't even defend himself from the accusations.

"he needs to stay the night here?" Tae asks after a long nagging session from Bun. Bun huffs and glares at Tae's blank look.

"He can go home when the drip is done. Please let him rest, I'm begging you" Bun even put his palm together begging Tae to let Tee rest at home and not start working yet.

"okay" replies Tae lazily and enter the ward where Tee is treated. The IV drip will take more times and Tee is sleeping soundly right now. Tae stares at Tee's face and sighs a little, he blames himself for letting Tee go to the farm today. He should be stricter next time.

Bun and Fern eat lunch together at the cafeteria because Fern will be waiting for Tae and Tee to go home. Tae asked Fern to come with more comfortable car than his sport car.

"Tae shouldn't make Tee work yet. He is still weak" Bun is still angry about what happened to Tee. He is really worried about Tee's condition.

Fern laughs a little, Bun is mistaken about the real situation.

"Did Tae scold you back? Did he annoyed with you?" Fern think Tae scold Bun back for nagging at him since Bun was misunderstood the real situation.

"No. He just nod his head and said okay" Bun also thinks it's weird for Tae to not retort back at him, Tae just listen to his nagging and scolding.

"really?!" ask Fern shocked.

"actually Tee begged him to go visit Kao. He personally drove Tee to see the pony today, he even took a day off" explained Fern and Bun is super shocked to hear such a rare things to happen.

"what?! Really?! He just let me scold him when he is not wrong? Is he dying?" ask Bun can't believe what is happening now. That's not the Tae he knows.

Fern chuckles a little more. He did realise Tae change a lot lately and Tae become softer to Tee, not that Tae admitted it but everyone can see Tae is changing to a better person to Tee nowadays. No one dare to talk about it because they are still scared of Tae but everyone can see the differences between Tae now and before.

"No one understands why Tae changed now but he is changing to a better person. One day we will understand this" said Fern.

Fern got a text from Tae saying they are ready to leave now. Fern pats Bun's shocked back and excuse himself to leave.

Bun is stupefied and dumbfounded because Tae is really changing now. Now he has a question deepp in his mind,

'Did Tae change for Tee or because of Tee?'

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