Part 2

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Tee is already on the flight, did he enjoys the flight? No, he is busy sleeping all the way to Bali and when he woke up because a stewardess wake him up, he already arrived at a destination.

He gets off from the plane and look around for anyone holding his name sign and he see a man holding it. He runs happily to the man and greet a simple hi to the man who is smiling widely at him.

Tee is amazes with the beauty of the city, he awes at every building he saw and for him everything look very entertaining. He  takes out his camera, the latest model and the only things modern he has with him now. He enjoys taking photos as a hobby.

"here is the hotel sir, you can ask the receptionist about your room under your name. Enjoy your trip sir" the man ia fluent in English and it's easier for Tee to talk to the man.

"thank you too and enjoy your day" Tee happily take his bag and almost skipping to the hotel lobby. The hotel looks expensive and beautiful, it must be 5 stars hotel, Tee is excited to stay here.

he was greeted politely by the staff who works there, he happily greet back with the same way the staff did. He is more amaze with the interior that has modern and traditional touch in it.

"wow, this is beautiful" Tee never forget to take photos, he enjoys it here already. His a whole week holidays will be very interesting.

Tee walks to the receptionist and tell them his booking under his name. He waits for around 5 minutes before the lady look at him sadly.

"I'm sorry sir, I can't find your name in our reservation"

"huh?! What? But, but, I, someone reserved a room for me" Tee is panicking now, how this happened to him, especially in this foreign place.

"I will try to check it again" the lady kindly try to check it again and the answer is the same.

"maybe you reserved it under someone else name" The lady try to suggest a way for Tee and Tee take out the brochure He bring with him.

The lady try to check under the names written in there and everything are fruitless. Tee explains how he end up here from Thailand and he is under a travel package of a company.

The kind lady try to check the existence of the company and maybe help Tee to know how this problem happened now. The lady looked shock and she didn't know how to explain what is happening at the moment

"sir, I checked the company and it stated that the company never existed or maybe not registered. You might be scammed?" the lady look at Tee's sad face.

Tee sighs, he is really lost now and he doesn't know what to do. Should he return back to Thailand? He doesn't has another plane ticket now, only the one he got from Win.

"we still have rooms available at the moment that you can stay for today" Tee blinks at the lady, he actually didn't has any money in his hand, he didn't has time to change to this country currency. He has  no credit card, so he has zero ways of paying the room.

"uhm, I will try to call my friend first. Thank you miss" Tee politely wai and move from the table. People might wonder what he was doing here like this, besides, he doesn't want to trouble the staff more.

Tee wants to cry so bad because he really doesn't know what to do. Tee can't surf internet to know any ways that can help him. He is hopeless and ready to surrender, maybe he can find a good place anywhere he can sleep for the night.

This is not the trip he hopes for.

While he was pitying and sympathising himself he heard a few men talking in his motherland language. Someone from Thailand too! He is hopeful that maybe this men can help him.

When he want to approach the group they are busy and he didn't has a chance to even say hi.

"I don't need a suite since I'm staying alone" said the tall man, he is wearing a nice suit and sunglasses.

"No more room available khun, besides it's comfortable and away from other rooms" answer the other man, the assistant of the man.

Tee just listen to their conversation and think of a way on how he can talk to them.

"I need a lunch now, I will wait for it in my room" The boss left, leaving the assistant and two other men.

Tee watches the assistant orders people to take the bag to the suite. Tee saw the trolley and he can find a space for him hidden under it. He calculate a short plan and hide under it, he did it because he knows he will not have a chance to ask for their help now so he should wait for later but he can't be sure he will be able to see them again.

The staff pushed the trolley a little bit harder than normal days because it's heavier but they able to manage to send the bags into the room. Tee find a good moment to get off from the trolley and hide at a good place.

The suite is big, big enough for 5 to six people to stay in it. What a waste for only a man staying in there. The staffs left leaving The boss and Tee alone in the room. The boss is busy talking on his phone, and Tee busy to try fighting his hunger. He is still hungry even in this situation.

Tee hides beside a table, behind a thick curtain. He even fall asleep there before he can talk to the man, when he awakes the suite is already empty.

Tee carefully show himself from his hiding and look around for any human but he was greeted by a peaceful quietness. Tee looks around in case there is someone else in here but he found none.

Tee jumps happily and he dances around the big room, launch himself on the super soft mattress. He never sleep on a bed that comfortable before. He wants to continue his sleep but his stomach is growling angrily for him to fill it up.

Tee looks at the tray on the table, some leftover food in there. The food were barely touched so he enjoys the food, he is in no place to be picky and he is never a picky eater too.

After he finished all the food he walks around and found a small kitchen, a lot of fast foods store in the cabinets. He took a few as his emergency food and look for minerals water too. The room has a fridge and he found some beers and carbonated drink, he drank a can.

Tee make the room as himself, he took shower and spend the day in the tub. It's almost 12 am but he is still calm enjoying the free room. His actions wander away from his initial intentions.

"I should hide now" Tee already make a small area for him to sleep comfortably behind the curtain. It fits his small body well and he knows he will be able to sleep better too.

He will think what to do tomorrow, for now all he wants is to sleep and rest.

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