Part 22

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Tee has his first treatment with the doctor today, he wants to come alone or with Win but Tae said he will be here with Tee too. Everyone is waiting outside the glass wall while Tee is being hypnotized. One way to treat the trauma is with face it first  since Tee didn't remember all of it yet. Tee's block himself from remembering the pain.

Everything going smoothly when the doctor ask Tee a few questions and Tee smiles a little remembering his childhood a little. Saint help a lot in recreating Tee's past childhood when he was still a small little boy.

"Do you remember anyone?" ask the doctor to Tee.

Tee's hand moving a little, he try to reach the older boy he see in his mind. He is smiling and wave a little.

"Phi Saint! Phi Saint likes playing with Tee" Tee's hand still looking for Saint's hand and the doctor touch Tee's hand.

Tee grips the hand tighter.

"I catch you phi" Tee is in his child state now so he act like one.

Saint has tears pooling in his eyes, it's hurt him so much to see his angel start to remember him. He hopes he didn't leave Tee at all.

Win come close to Saint and hugs Saint's body a little. Saint return the hug and his tears rolling down his cheeks.

"I don't know Phi Tee was in pain before" mutters Win, he is not hugging Saint to comfort Saint but to comfort himself. He heard everything from Saint and he can't believe the kindest man like Tee has a very traumatic past.

Tae, Fern and Ben stay to watch what is going next.

"Phi Saint left me, he needs to study and become smarter" Tee's voice sounds really sad right now.

Saint close his eyes tight, he hopes he can return to the past and stay with Tee forever.

The doctor keep asking a few more questions and Tee answer everything calmly. Not until the question about when he was adopted was asked.

"Yes, a rich man adopted 10 of us. Tee and friends" Tee's voice start to tremble when he answer that. He start to sweat a lot too.

"he came with big car, but then, he put us in a small room" Tee shivers this time, his face show how scared he was.

"how was the room Tee?"

"it's bad, old, smelly and small. It's scary and I'm scared!" Tee start raising his voice, he is also crying right now.

"everyone was bad, no rich man. They locked us in the room. No!!!" Tee start screaming and thrashing on the bed.

"Stop asking. Stop it!" Tae raise from his chair and ready to go inside but the doctor told him to stay. They are close to open the door for Tee's hidden memory.

"Help! help!!!"

Tae wants to enter it but Fern hold him, stopping him from entering the room. The doctor still want to continue the treatment.

"Help me! No! No!" Tee becomes mire hysterical.

"Phi Tae!!!" calls Tee as loud as he can.

Tae push away Fern and ambush the room, he doesn't care anymore because he can't see Tee like that.

"Leave!" Tae yells to the doctor and move to the bed.

Tae easily lift Tee and then he sit on the bed, Tee in his arms. He take the folded blanket and cover them with it.

Tee is trembling and shivering, he is sweating a lot, his body his pale and cold. Tae hugs Tee close to his body.

"Phi is here, I'm here Tee. Open your eyes, you are here, you are safe" Tee touch Tee's face and keep whispering comfort words into Tee's ears.

After a few minutes Tee becomes calmer, he was in the dark before but he slowly see a light and he runs to the light. He found a hand offering him to get out from the dark and he take it.

"open your eyes Tee"

Tee's eyes fluttering to open slowly. His breath is not as hitch ad before. He can breath normally now, a lot better than before. Everyone who watch it feels glad that Tee is getting better.

Win is holding tight to Saint, Ben can't see it anymore. It's hurt to see Tee like that.

Everyone left Tae and Tee when Tee start to fall asleep, he is tired mentally and physically. Fern and Saint see the doctor and listen to what the doctor want to say about Tee.

"If Khun Tee still can't remember anything after this session, he has to do it again"

"again? No! It's enough already"

"this session trigger him badly but if he keep it again we need to do this one more time. If he already open it a little, he will be struggle with the past because it will keep coming to him till he fully remember and face it"

Saint put both of his hand on the table, he doesn't want to see Tee like that again. He feels useless because there is nothing he can help right now.

"All of you need to be stronger than him to support him."

Fern and Saint left after talking to the doctor. They just need to wait for Tee to wake up and see the result of the treatment.

It's almost night but Tee is still sleeping soundly, the doctor suggest to wakw Tee up because he won't be able to sleep well tonight if he keep sleeping. The doctor warn them to be ready with the nightmares Tee will go through every night.

Tae wakes Tee up. Tee rubs his eyes, he is still tired and doesn't know why but he smiles a little when he see the familiar face. Everyone is here with him.

"Hey" greets Tae first.


"how are you feeling?" ask Tae and help Tee to sit properly on the bed.

"exhausted" answer Tee honestly.

"Do you remember anything?" ask The doctor this time, Tae glares at him for asking that question.

Tee smiles a little and he looks at everyone for a glance.

"can I talk about it tomorrow. I want to rest for today, I'm hungry too" No one can understand Tee's condition now but the doctor smiles back at Tee.

"Of course. You can come when you are ready"

"thank you" mutters Tee softly.

"Phi, what do you want to eat?" ask Win and stand beside Tee. He is hugging Tee's waist supporting Tee to stand.

"fish soup. I'm craving for it" replies Tee.

Tae just need to give a look to Ben and Ben already understand his assignments. Ben book a table for all of them to eat in the restaurant, Tae knows Tee wants to eat outside. They all want to eat together.

Whatever happened today, no one gonna talk about it anymore. For today, Tee wants to stop himself from thinking of anything else too.

They all surrounded the big round table and eat heartily the food served.

They all try to act normal like nothing happened but not Tae, he still has his serious look with his famous frown.

Tee puts a slice of beef into Tae's plate because Tae is not eating. Tee smiles to Tae and he hopes Tae will enjoy the night like others too.

Tae put his chopsticks and eat the beef. His face becomes natural little by little and Tee is grateful for that.

Tee remembers everything but he chose to let it go for tonight. He is fighting with his inner self and he wants to be strong to face everything in the future. Tee looks around the table, he has them with him now, he is not alone anymore

A/N: I don't know how the treatment work so I just make it up,  I'm sorry if it's not right.

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