Part 27

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Tai waits till the end and he listen everything Tee and the therapist talking at the other room. Tee cried a few times and its hurts Tae all the time but he knows Tee is crying because he wants to let go all of his past.

Tee is being brave but Tae has to force himself to stop from entering the room and take Tee into his arms, he wants to wipe those tears and calm Tee down.

"Time will move along and for you to appreciate your present is the best way" said the therapist. Even the doctor is proud of Tee for being strong during all of his sessions.

Tee lost to himself sometimes especially when they were at the start but slowly he can see the spirit Tee is showing to be better. No one can help themselves if they don't want it. Tee did it and of course everyone can do it too.

"I'm able to do this because of everyone around me" Tee looks at the mirror wall, he can't see Tae from inside but he knows Tae is out there waiting for him, sending him encouragement from there.

Tae stares directy into Tee's eyes, he knows Tee can't see him but he can feel Tee is looking at him in the eyes.

"That's right but mostly because of yourself. You are strong, you are a fighter and you fight your own battle with the others as your weapons and protection" Tee agrees with the doctor, it's true he is better now because of everyone around him.

"I don't want to say goodbye but this is it. You can always contact me if you want to talk or anything" the doctor pats Tee's shoulder with a wide smile.

"Thank you so much doctor. Can I hug you?" ask Tee with a wide smile. The doctor chuckles a little and open his arm, ready to be hugged by Tee.

Tee rush to hug the doctor and he stays there for a few seconds.

"it's too long Tee,thats enough" Tae can't sit on his chair anymore when Tee hug the doctor.

Win and Saint just sigh tired with their boss being a jealous boyfriend all the time.

"Tee" calls Tae when he opens the door to see Tee and the doctor are shaking their hands.

"thanks again doctor. Bye" Tee bows to the doctor and walk to Tae's side. Tae pulls Tee into his arms and Tee return the hug.

Tae is glaring to the male doctor, the doctor raise both of his hand as showing he didn't mean any harm at all. He laughs a little and walk away from them, thankfully he has another door to get out from the room. Tae's glare is scary.

"Phi Tee!" Win happily appears because he also wants to hug Tee. Tee let Tae go and hugs Win this time. They are hugging happily like brothers bht Tae doesn't like it too.

"let them be khun" Even Saint is tired with Tae's jealousy.

"tell your little boyfriend to watch his boundaries"

"Khrubbbb" Saint doesn't want to argue so he get Win from the hug and hug Tee a little bit. He is still a brother for Tee and Tee treat him like one too.

Tae is tired of glaring to everyone that wants to hug Tee because he knows, Ben will want to hug Tee to when they meet tonight. They will have a very big dinner tonight.

"Let's go Tee. You said you have somewhere to go right?"

"Yes. I want to go there with you Phi Tae" Tee walks to Tae's side. Tae put their hand together and walk to the door leaving Saint and Win at the back.

"Your boss is really overprotective" mutters Win angrily, he wants to hug Tee more because he is very proud of Tee's fight.

"Let them be. Should we buy Tee something for tonight" ask Saint trying to change Win's attention.

Win's eyes lit up when he heard that, buying something means shopping and he loves shopping especially with Saint because Saint always pay for everything. Win try to pay for his stuff when he is out with Saint but he is tired of trying, now, he enjoys everything Saint buy for him. He didn't ask for it, he never ask for it


Tae walks with Tee hand in hand into the restaurant, Tae rent the whole place for them to eat dinner here today. Tee smiles widely because he can see almost everyone including his coworkers.

Tee walks to Win and greet everyone he know, Tae just chuckles a little because he was left alone. He walks to their chairs and wait for Tee there to join him.

The foods is a buffet so everyone is free to eat whatever they want, some might not sure what's the dinner for and they thought it's for Tae and Tee close relationship. Everyone thinks they are dating already but none of them admit the status.

Tee returns to the table with a plate of food he took when he is on the way there. He greets Win, Saint, Fern and Ben, Jin too.

"Phi Tae, you want some cake?" Tee ignores everything else on the big table and get cake first as his meal.

"You didn't eat much during lunch and then you eat this first as dinner, I don't think it's a good choice" Tae being strict again with Tee's diet.

Tee pouts a little and look around, he doesn't like to be scolded like that. Tae didn't scold him or raise his voice at all, he is just worried about Tee's health.

The others sigh and turn their head away, Tae always being strict to Tee and they can understand why but he should be less stricter since today is Tee's happy day.

"I'm not angry Tee, Phi is worried, that's all" Tae can see the changes on Tee's face and he doesn't want to spoil Tee's mood.

Tae grips Tee's hand under the table and smile thinly. Tee looks up at Tae and nods his head.

"eat this a little bit and then you can eat all the cake you want"

"okay" Tee push away a little his cake and eat the food Tae already took for them.

Tae smiles when Tee start eating, same goes to him, he also start eating his food.

Win stares at them all the time, he is really happy to see Tee is treated this kindly and he is grateful Tee met Tae, even though their first meeting was bad.

Win is glad Tee learn how to accept kindness from other people too and learn how to rely on others. Tee deserves to be happy and has nice peoples around him.

Everyone on the table are happy for Tae and Tee, love change both of them to be a better person and they learn to love themselves too.

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