Part 21

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Tee awake in the middle of the night, he looks around the dark room, only a table lamp open giving dim light around the big room. At a glance he knows this is not his bedroom.

Tee saw Tae sleeping on the couch, he is surprised and rush to get off from the bed. He is sleeping on his boss's bed while his boss sleep on the couch.

Tee walks slowly to Tae's side, he wants to wake Tae and make him sleep on his own bed, he can go back to his room.

"how did I end up in his room?" Tee ask himself.

He get down on his knee to wake Tae softly, he doesn't want to startle Tae too. He taps Tae's shoulder a few times and Tae already gain his consciousness. Tae rubs his eyes and look at Tee's face in front of him.

He clears his throat and sit properly, he even pull Tee's arm to make Tee sit beside him on the couch.

"You are awake, how are you feeling?" ask Tae concern, he is trying to shake off the sleepiness away.

Tee looks at his fingers playing with the hem of his shirt. He can't remember everything but he did remember he got an attack and some bad memories come into his mind all at once. It force himself to shut it off and he fainted.

"How did you have the photos phi?" ask Tee, he is starting to shiver again. He start to feels scared of something from his past.

"I went through your past because of incident in Bali. I found out you are Uncle Jod's adoptive son. When I was 17, you were 12, we met but you probably can't remember me because the doctor who treated you told me that you need to delete all the bad memories to help you recover since you are still young. You lived your new life without your past, your childhood" Tae takes Tee's hand in his.

Tae remember how empty Tee's eyes at that time and they became friends even though all the did was stare at the wide ocean silently together. The both found the calmness while doing that together.

Tee was thin and look different like today,  Tee barely has any meat and muscle in his body, he was traumatized that he can't even sleep nor eat. After Tee went through a treatment that erase or lock up the bad memories he changed, he change to a better child. Tae was away studying overseas when Tee was treated.

"I did remember a little but it's hurt. I don't want to be in pain anymore" Tee's tears roll down his cheek. He doesn't want to be in pain again, he doesn't want to remember his nightmare a anymore.

"I understand and I'm sorry for making you went through this again. I just want to bring the culprit to justice but you don't have to worry, I will not involve you in this investigation" Tae is hesitates to bring Tee into his arms. He didn't mean to hurt or make Tee remember his past even though they share one together.

"Can I live like normal again after I saw those photos? I keep getting glimpse of the past. I'm scared and it's hurt a lot" Tee is begging to stop everything in his mind, he wants to forget about it again.

Tae feels guilty for making Tee go through this again, it's his carelessness that caused  Tee become like this. Tae pulls Tee into his embrace and apologize repeatedly to Tee in soft tone. He regrets and angry at himself.

"I'm sorry, I'm really sorry"

"I promise I will find a way to help you this time. I promise"

Tee leans his body fully on Tae, he is too weak to do anything else. His pain, headache slowly going away and he feels a lot calmer than before. His mind becomes empty again, all the glimpse not attacking his brain anymore.

Tee feels safe and calm. He wants to be like this forever, he doesn't want to face the future about his past. He is in pain enough already.

"You didn't eat dinner. Want to eat something?" Ask Tae softly.

Tee looks up to see Tae's face and he leans away from the comfortable embrace. He is back to reality now and he knows boundaries between him and Tae. they are the boss and the employee.

"Sorry khun, I will go back to my room" Tee is a little shy after hugging Tae like that.

Tae smiles a little and stop Tee from leaving by holding his wrist.

"Tee, you can call me Phi Tae, stop calling me Khun Tae because you has a special place in my life."

Tee blushes hard at that confession. Tee barely remember anything about Tae from his past but Tae already treating him differently.

"but, khun you are my boss"

"I was your friend first" States Tae not giving Tee a chance to retort back.

"I missed my dinner too. Let's heat up what aunty prepared and eat it. I'm hungry" Tae already on his feet, he pulls the dumbfounded Tee to go with him to the kitchen.

They walk into the kitchen hand in hand, Tae pulls a chair for Tee to sit and heat up the dinner made by his maid. He make two glasses of hot chocolate and serve it on the table.

"Drink it" offers Tae to Tee.

Tee take the glass and take a sip slowly since the drink is still hot. Tee smiles when the warm liquid run down his throat.

"Tee, I will help you and be with you all the time. You have everyone here that care about you so you don't have to be scared. We will support you" Tae didn't want to talk about the matter again but he also wants Tee to know that he is not alone and he will be safe with them here.

"Maybe I should talk to the doctor and ask his opinion about this matter. I don't know what to do" Tee feels suffocated but he has no idea how to solve it.

Tae smiles encouraging Tee to be brave.

"Tee, when you are ready you just have to tell me. No one is forcing you to do anything and we will respect and support your decision." Tae rubs Tee's hand softly.

While they are staring into each others eyes the microwave ding, their food are heated enough now.

Tae wants to curse the microwave for ruining his moment but his stomach is hungry too.

Tae leave to prepare two plates for both of them. Tae eat first and Tee follow still feeling shy about Tae holding his hand. He is confused about  a lot of things but he doesn't want to think about that yet.

They eat while talking something simple, Tae asks Tee a lot of questions about his study and so on, Tee enjoy telling Tae story about his life even though he feels his life is so boring

"Well, me too. I have a boring study's life too. I just study and be a good student. I want to be successful early so that I can build my own empire" Tae smiles a little.

"You are successful khun, you build your own empire already" praise Tee. Tee knows that Tae is a successful businessman and known in Thailand. He is young but talented.

"maybe but the empire is not strong enough yet. I have a lot to gain and learn"

"don't be so humble khun! What else you don't get right now?" Tee can't believe Tae talk so humblely about himself.

"I want to have something very bad but I know I need to wait for it. But, I want something now"

"huh? What is it?" ask Tee excited. He is thinking what a rich man like Tae want at this moment

"I want you to call me Phi Tae, not khun. Can you give me that?" ask Tae sincerely.

Tee is gaping like a fish, that's all Tae want now?

"I will try okay? It will take time for my tongue to get used to it" Tee doesn't want to say no but he can't say it now either.

Tae smiles and nods his head, he is happy enough to hear that.

They finished their dinner and walk upstairs to their room. Tae wish goodnight to Tee and walk to his door. Tee walk to his door and stops a moment.

"Good night, Phi Tae" After wishing goodnight to Tae, Tee enter his room and close the door fast. He even lock it. He feels so shy after saying that.

Tae can't hide his happy smile. He stares at the closed door for a few seconds before enter his room with a lot of happiness. He is really happy.

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