Part 17

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Tee already wake up early in the morning, he prepared breakfast for himself and others, including Saint, Ben and Fern. Of course for Tae and Win too.

Tee also has a plan of leaving to the farm together with Win today, he doesn't want to go with Tae because it will be super awkward and he doesn't want to trouble Tae at the same time. Tae needs to go to work too.

Tee is ready with his backpack and wait for Win to come down from his room. He greets everyone good morning when he see everyone is here except Tae, which is good for him since he wants to go without Tae know.

"Phi Saint, Win. Let's go to the farm now. I've already packed both of your breakfast" Tee pulls Win and Saint's hand to go with him to the car.

He told Ben and Fern about the breakfast on the table and ready to leave the house soon.

Saint and Win are confused but still walking to the car together with Tee.

"Did boss allow you to go to work today?" ask Saint serious. He doesn't want to make Tae angry about his doing.

"I'm not going to work. I will visit Kao and then go home" answers Tee fast, he did get a permission from Tae. Tee always check behind his back to see if Tae see him.

"Let's go then Phi Saint" Rush Win to help Tee. He knows Tee hides something from them but he will help Tee this time.

Tee looks at Win and Saint who can talk like normal person now, they are not fighting like cats and dogs anymore. Win even want to call the giant Saint with his name,added with respect calling too. 'phi'.   Tee already called Saint phi because Saint asked him to do so.

"You gusy in good term already?" ask Tee teasingly, he is happy because Win will has another friend besides him here.

"Nothing like that phi! He is still an annoying giant" Win stomps his feet and enter the car with a huff.

Saint heartily laugh at Win's antic and Tee can't help but laugh too. He also can smells roses around them, is it too soon to ship Saint and Win? Tee laughs at his own thoughts.

Three of them already inside the car, Saint starts the car and ready to leave when the car's door on Tee's side opened widely.

Tae are glaring at them with scary eyes.

Tee gulps, Win also gulps but Saint remains calm.

"Khun, Tee said you allow him to visit Kao, so he will go with us" Saint told Tae what Tee told him.

Tee wants to jump into the swimming pool in the house. He was late a few seconds only and now he was caught red handed by Tae.

"what do you think you are doing?" ask Tae to Tee, staring directly into Tee's eyes.  Tee knows, he is doomed now.

"uhm, I don't want to trouble you khun. I know you must be busy and you still need to go to your office. I don't want to waste your time" answers Tee timidly.

Tae sighs and look at his watch. He already wears casual clothes because he wants to go to the farm. He already take a day leave for today.

"You get off from the car now and come with me or you want me to pick you inside?" warns Tae leaving Tee with no choice but to obey, he doesn't want to be seen by anyone Tae pick him up like a sack.

"I will go with you" mutters Tee slowly.

Tae make a way for Tee to get off from the car.

Tee gives the breakfast for Saint and Win, he even has time to comments about Tae to them.

"Your boss is acting weird, the drugs must have enter his body without he knew it" Mutters Tee to them.

"hurry up!" rush Tae sternly when he see Tee is still talking to Saint and Win

"make sure you ask him to go to the hospital to check up" advise Tee and leaves them fast. Tae is waiting for him outside the car, both hand on his waist. Scary!

When Tee obediently follows Tae into the house after his plan fails badly,Saint has time to laugh at Tee's comemnts. To be honest even Saint don't know what happened to Tae,why Tae did all of this to Tee but he knows for sure, Tae did all of this not because he is conscious about Tee's presence and not because he hate that man

"I really agree with Phi Tee, boss is acting weird these days. He wants Phi Tee to cook for him, eat with him, he even took a day off to take care of Phi Tee. He still can't trust us or something?" While Saint like what is happening right now, Win is worried about Tee.

He likes working here and he comes to like everyone too, after knowing everyone he knows all of them are not bad guys but he still can't read Tae, Tae is still mysterious and scary for him to approach. He doesn't want anything bad happen to Tee again.

"Don't worry Win, boss might look scary but he is kind. Let's go to the institute now so that we will have time to eat this" Saint try to reassure Win and Win agrees with it.

Fern and Ben already done with their breakfast also ready to leave, leaving Tae and Tee alone in the big house. Tae come directly to the table to eat his breakfast and Tee follows. He sits on the chair far away from Tae.

"eat with me" orders Tae, Tee without saying anything back took a plate and start eating too.

Tae is irritated that Tee choose the farthest chair to sit away from him but he doesn't want to scold Tee more. They eat in silence and Tee wash everything when they are done.

"wait here, I will take my car" Tae enter a garage and comes out with a sport car, Tee's mouth is open when he sees the beauty, even the colour is yellow,his favourite colour!

He can't stop admiring the car, this is the very first time he sees one this close. He can't move any step closer because he still amazes with this beauty.

Tae rolls down the window and shout to Tee to enter the car fast. Tee needs to run a little because he is startles. But, when he is near, he stares at the closed door. How to open the door? Tee ask himself because he can't see any handle.

Tae sighs, he can read Tee's confuse face. Tae gets out from the car and go to open the door for Tee, Tae did it so easily making Tee awe in admiration when the door turn up when it's open

"woah, this is awesome" praise Tee like a kid.

Tae who was annoyed before try hard to hide his smile when he sees Tee's face lit up like a bulb. It's cute?

"get in" Tae push Tee a little to take Tee out from his admiration. Tee nods his head and say sorry for entering the expensive car, he is afraid he will hurt the beauty.

"I'm sorry if I hurt you" mutters Tee.

"silly" comments Tae but close the door and get into the driver's seat.

Tee can't close his mouth when he see inside the car, he feels like dreaming watching all this with his eyes.

"thank you khun, for letting me ride in this care" Tee touches the dashboard softly.

"If you like it this much I can buy you one " said Tae softly, Tee barely hear anything because his mind is dancing in the clouds.

"huh?" ask Tee.

"wear your seatbelt" Tae clears his throat and glads Tee didn't hear him just now.

Tee looks for the seatbelt but can't find one, Tae sighs again and this time help Tee to put on the seatbelt. Their face are really close to each other, Tee even stop breathing when that happened.

"like this" Tae buckles Tee up and focus on the ride.

Tee can't breath properly yet, he can't even blink normally too.

'That's, scary' Tee's mind spoke itself.

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