Part 35

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"You didn't tell me you are in Bangkok"

"Because I don't think you want to know"

The old man sighs, he knows his daughter is stubborn and do whatever she wants without discussing anything with him. But he never blames her, he always away.

"You need something from me?"


"what do you want? I will help if I can"

"this" Anne spreads the photos on the table to show it to Van, her father.

Van is shocked but he able to hide it well.

"I want you to help me solve this case. I want to take everyone to the judgment"

Van lost word to say, he looks around at hia private office. He takes a sip from his cold coffee.

"How far you know? It's better you back off because I don't want anything bad happen to you"

"I won't back off. I already know who is the master of the devils. I won't let them ruin any child's life anymore" Anne is determine. She doesn't care about her safety, all he thinks now that her father stop commintting to this crime.

"You better go back to UK, I have nothing to say about that" Van already get up from his seat, he is ready to leave.

"I love you Dad" Anne's tears fall from her eyes. She try to strong but she can't.

Van stop from walking away, this is the first time he hear something like that from his son.

"I know we are not close like other family but I know you care about me. I love you and I studied really hard because I want to be with you, I want to be a good daughter and treat you till the end of my life" Anne starts crying real hard now.

"I'm disappointed when I know about this, about what you have done. I don't want to believe it but it's the truth!"

"At first I want to get you away from it, we can leave this place and stay anywhere far from world but then I remembered you told me to be what I want to be and fight for what you believe"

"I believe in justice and I also believe in second chance. If you don't help me, I don't know what to do anymore. I hope you still want to be with me. I will not be embarrassed if my dad is a ex prisoners but I will hurt if you continue this crime"

"I don't want you to do it anymore. Please, I'm begging you. Please dad, I love you and I hope you will change too"

Anne walks to Van and sit on her knee. She really want her father to stop doing this crime.

Van pulls Anne to stand up, he feels bad as a father, Anne hugs the old man still begging for Van to stop his evil job.

"Anne, please sit" Van takes Anne to sit on the chair. Van wipes her tears, he is hurting to see his daughter crying like that because of his crime.

Van took a file from the safe box and put it on the table.

"look at it. It's the name people involved since first kid to today. Everything in there is the solid prove. Transactions and everything too"

Anne look at her father can't believe it but she take a look at it and it's right. Everything in there, including the photos of the victims.

"I want to quit this but I don't know who can help me. This syndicate is big and dangerous, you can't move alone, you won't make it to the court"

"I have a big and strong team with me dad."

"I don't want anything bad happen to you"

Anne grips his dad's hand tightly.

"Come to this address in two days 9pm, take everyone you believe including cops. Lots of cops because it will be the biggest catch in history. Take another team to the operation site"

"I know you won't be able to save everyone but save as much as you can"

"Please be careful. I wish you all the best and I hope you will end all of this. Anne, you are my only daughter, please be careful."

"I will see you that night. Please plan everything well, don't trust anyone in cops, make sure you know how to ambush us without anyone from their people know. They have eyes and ears everywhere"

"the next time we meet, I don't know if we still can share a conversation like this. I love you my daughter"

Anne cry again, she hugs her father tightly. She is hurt but when she knows her father also want to end his dirty work she is happy.

"I'm so proud of you dad. We will see each other again. Thank you"

"thank you too. Now go, you have a big plan to make" aftee sharing the last hug Van let Anne go.

"I'm so proud of you" Van wipes his tears and sit back on the chair. He looks at the old picture in his old wallet and he smiles widely.

"You has the same smile like before. I want to be a good dad for you but I've never be a good person in life. This is my punishment from god"

If you ask or wonder is Anne happy to do this to her father of course the answer is not, she is not happy but she wants her father to change and do something right before its too late because she loves her father.


Thr operation is a top secret, only a few people know about the real mission and people in the team is clueless where they are going and who they gonna ambush. It's hard to plan it at first but they did all the best and hope luck is on their side.

The operation takes 5 hours to be done, to catch everyone involve and to make it secret from the media. It's worth every second they spent in the past to this big day.

Tae and Anne just watch from far every of them walk into police car with handcuffs on them. This is only half step, they still need to take this to court too. These evils still can do something to help them escape but Tae won't let them do it.

The news spread really fast after that night,  that was rhe biggest case in Thailand and even other coutry talk about it causing a big fuss all over. It's shocking that the minister of security and the head of police involved in this case when their responsibilities are to make sure people's safety.

People argue about their safety and wonder if they are actually safe living in this country when the on who should take care of them is the devils.

To conclude the case, the people involved are 514,all of them will be taken to thw court. The victims were around 4080 since this syndicate operated for 17 years already. Most of the victims are orphanage.

Van gave a hard-drive to Anne right before he went to the prison. It's more clear, the proof and everything. Most of the innocent kids died only around 35 of them able to escape including Tee.

The trial took around a month to be done and every of them were punished badly, according to their crimes. Some even sentenced to death. It's solved but it will never be the same to the victims, most of them died. They have no parent but rhey are human, they didn't deserve the bad life.

People put flowers on the stairs to the victims that can't stay with them anymore. Their names and pictures show on the big screen in the city. Everyone is sad to see that.

Tee can't stop crying, he is one of them but he is lucky he able to continue his life.  Tae hugs Tee tightly in his arm. Tee's nightmare, finally they able to bring judgment to the victims.

"it's already end. Hopefully no one will do this crime again" prays Tee.

"I hope so too"

"I hope all of the kids are in the heaven now. I hope they are happy in there with good peoples"

"they will be happy"

The people who got the innocent kids organ without they know it's illegal also come to Thailand to make merot to them. Not all of them involved are bad but some of them can't live peacefully thinking about their life while someone is dead.

I hope everyone os safe wherever they are living now. Hopefully kindness spread all around the world. Hopefully we all live in a peaceful world.

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