Part 4

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Tee was left alone with Saint, he is still on the knees but this time his mouth was covered with a tape. Tee begs for any kindness left in Saint but Saint scary face makes him scared. They all are bigger than him in size and he has no idea how to escape here.

"huu huh huu" Tee try to talk with his mouth covered.

Saint sighs, he never sympathise with anyone before especially the one who make trouble like this but seeing Tee's crying face make him feel pity. Tee's face is too kind to be a criminal, a cute one too.

"Fine. I will let you explain yourself" Saint sighs again, he uncover Tee's mouth making Tee wince in pain because Saint pull the tape harsh, even here Saint feels a little bit guilty for hurting Tee. What happened to him?

"thank you khun! I'm sorry, I mean no harm, I'm sorry" Tee is a crying mess again.

"If you don't stop crying and start talking I will tape your mouth back" warns Saint and Tee stops crying fast. He try to avoid making any sound but his tears flowing like a waterfall.

"speak!" orders Saint harsher this time. Tee was stunned for a moment before he starts telling his sad stories.

He told Saint about how he end up here on this scammed vacation his friend paid for him. He told Saint how he found out about them and try to talk to them but failed and end up here in the room.

Saint went over to the curtain to check wether Tee is saying the truth and indeed,  he can see Tee's sleeping place behind the thick curtain. It's admirable how Tee can sleep at a small space like that.

"I have no money in this country currency so I don't know how to pay for another room. I will pay back when ai return to Thailand. I'm sorry" Tee continue crying, pitying himself this time.

"K decided to leave tomorrow morning and go to the airport. I've never touch anything belong to your boss except the breakfast and foods in the fridge"

Saint looks at Tee, he is thinner than normal people and he wants to feed Tee so bad. Saint try to fight himself from being nice because this is not him but still, he called the hotel to send simple dish to the room.

Saint untie Tee's hand and make Tee sit properly on the carpet. The food, he served it to Tee making Tee feels weird but sad too. He thinks this is his last food on earth. He is too dramatic for a person who never watch drama before.

"is this my last food before I die?" ask Tee with tears on his face, Saint feels like laughing but control himself.

"who knows. My boss is not cruel but he is not kind either. If he wants to send you to prison, he will" Saint really don't know how Tee's fate will end because Tae is not a forgivable person.

Tee is scared, he wants to turn back time so bad. He regrets accepting Win's offer for this hellish holidays.

"at least send me to the prison in Thailand. I don't want to die in other country" begs Tee. The food he eats slowly because he is hungry. Even in this state, he still can eat and sleep too.

An hour passed, Tee is asleep on the carpet, lying flat like he is sleeping on the bed. Saint is amuse with Tee's action. He even wonder if Tee is really scared just now or maybe Tee just use his angelic face to cover himself.

Saint leave the sleeping Tee and make a call to Fern to tell that man what he got from Tee as an information, maybe it can help Fern to investigate about it more.

The night turn darker and it's past midnight, Tae and Ben return from the dinner both of them look tired. Tae still don't forget about Tee and want to talk to Tee now.

"he is sleeping?" ask Tae can't believe his eyes, Tee is sleeping soundly on the carpeted floor.

Ben and Fern also amused with Tee now. They can't tell wether this man is a bad person or not, maybe he is a fearless man or just maybe he is plainly idiot.

"what did you get about him?" ask Tae to Fern.

Fern give Tae his tab, all information about Tee in a document. Tae scroll through slowly and read the important information about this man.

"his name is Tee, he worked at a vet and he is 25 years old. No suspicious information at all" Tae concludes the info a little bit. He has no time to read everything in there because he only wants to know how he end up in his room. What is his intention?

"Khun, I talked to him and he told me how he end up here" says Saint and Tae look at Saint. Everyone feels weird because Saint is interested in someone's else business.

"tell me"

Saint told Tae everything Tee told him and he even show a cctv footage fo Tee in the hotel until Tee enter the room by hiding under a trolley.

The story is acceptable and believable, logic and has no suspicious at all but Tae still can't believe it just like that.

"He is smart, I read that he is the smartest in his class before. How come someone like him was scammed easily?" ask Ben this time, he can't believe the story easily.

"maybe because it from his friend" replies Saint like he is on Tee's side.

"Khun, I found something suspicious about him but I'm not sure wether he knows about it or not" Fern just get another info from his friend.

Tae told Fern to tell him.

"He is from the same orphanage with you,  Saint and me"

This time everyone are speechless, they have a reason to doubt Tee's presence now. How a coincidence like this happen just like that. They don't believe in coincidence but a plan

"He probably didn't know you because you just stay 2 years at the home. He was there since he was a baby. Saint, you might remember this picture" Fern shows a few old photos in his phone.

Saint was shocked to the core, he knows the pictures well. It was him when he was 10, he lost his parent at that time and was sent to the home. No one come close to him except a 5 years old little boy.

When he was sixteen he was sent away to the hostel. He got to know Tae and Fern there. He has to leave Tee at that time and it was the last time they met. Tee was adopted and they lost contact of each other because of their age. They didn't know how to contact each other yet.

"He, is he the angel? My angel?" Saint's eyes trun glassy and red. He searched for Tee for years and they met today, in this terrible coincidence.

"That's why we can't trust his story yet. He probably know you or any of us. I'm sorry Saint but we need to investigate more" Fern knows how hard Saint try to find Tee. He still has their photo together when they were 10 and 5.

Tae and Ben don't know hownto react on this shocking news but they also agree with Fern that they need to be careful now. The coincidences is too much to be just a coincidence.

Saint, you can take him to other room and stay with him. Just make sure he is safe and you be careful too"

Tae decided to get some rest and they will discuss about the problem tomorrow. Too many information can change their judgement.

Ben walks to Saint and pats Saint's back softly.

"I know you are can make a good judgement, I believe in you and I know you don't have any suspicion on him. We will find out more later, so for now get some rest first"

"thank you Ben" Saint says goodnight and hold Tee to put Tee on the bed. He unties the rope and the tape. Tee is an angel to him, that's why he feels so close to Tee.

Tae already move to his room leaving Ben and Fern looking at the closed door in front of them.

"all of this sounds like a drama, too much coincidences" said Fern.

Ben moves to Fern's side and get cozy in Fern's arms. They are boyfriends for four years already.

"maybe it's not coincidences but fate" Ben looks up to see Fern. Fern sighs but he agree with it a little bit. He just hope nothing went bad after this.

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