Part 23

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Tee is doing his treatment twice a week,  he did remember a few from his past and he started to remember Saint when they were young too. So many tears shed when Tee call his favorite phi like old days. Saint and Win cry too.

Tee did has nightmares but it's getting better day by day. Aftwr the first treatment he can't sleep for three days because he was scared and that caused him to faint and warded.

Tee was treated with two different doctors and his condition is getting better everyday. The nightmares, Tee ignore it because he can remember some of his last already, the visions appeared is just his brain playing tricks with his mind.

He did face a traumatic experience but when he remembers it correctly it's bot very bad but since he was just a kid at that time, he can't think rationally and all he knows that he was jn danger and everyone are monsters.

Tee still can't remember clearly their faces or maybe he will never remember them because it was a long time ago. Tee now face his past trauma with his adult mind and he can control his feelings a little bit.

"You should sleep" Tee a little bit startle when Tae told him that. He was enjoying the night view,the moon is shining brightly tonight.

"I just want to stare at the moon" Tee smiles at Tae. Tae take a seat and stare at Tee's face. Tee look more gorgeous than the moon.

"Can't sleep or don't want to sleep yet?" Tae is worried about Tee all the time. He make sure Tee eat enough food, get enough nutrients in his body, also get enough sleep. He ks strict with Tee's health.

Saint and Win live together at different house now, leaving just Tae and Tee at the big house. Tee lost count of how many times he spend the night in Tae's room. He fall asleep easily when he lays on Tae's bed.

Tee can't understand himself too, why he was so depending on Tae. He still can't remember Tae from his past but he feels safe and comfortable with Tae's presence.

"Not yet. It's still early" replies Tee late.

"it's midnight, it's late" Tae is not taking Tee's answer well. He wants Tee to get enough rest because today was his treatment session. He wants Tee to get a good and proper rest.

"Just 15 minutes more. Please" plead Tee with his beautiful glistening eyes.

Tae take a deep breath and release a deep sigh. Tee knows how to play his card.

"I will be here with you" Tae replies and Tee happily smile. His stares return to the moon. He is jealous of the moon,it looks so beautiful and calm up there. No one can hurt it, but it must be lonely since it is alone all the time.

Tae stares at Tee, his mind wander to thw talk he has with Tee's doctor. The doctor said that Tee probably can't remember Tae at all because when they two knew each other, Tee is not in normal state. He was in a blank space that his memories just a passerby.

Tae was disappointed at first but he accept it now. As long as it was the same Tee as before. They didn't share a lot of talk, they just be there at each other side. Tee lost his soul and Tae was betrayed by his own family. They both need the silence and the space, they both share the silence healing.

"Phi Tae!" Tee has to tap Tae's hand because he already call Tae for a few times. 15 minutes already passed and Tee is ready to go to bed

"I'm going to my room now" said Tee and ready to get up.

Tae grabs Tee's hand and look into Tee's confuse eyes.

"sleep with me"

"huh?!" Tee is shocked.

"that sounds so dirty Phi Tae!" scolds Tee, he even blush so hard. How come a question like that come out from Tae's mouth easily.

"it won't be dirty Tee. What are you talking about?" Tae has a teasing smirk on his face.

Tee pulls away his hand and walk into the  house first. Tae happily follows and he pulls Tee by waist to enter his room. They has slept on the same bed together a lot. Tee shouldn't feel shy anymore.

"Get on the bed" Tae ushers Tee to the bed like usual. Tee climbs the bed and hide himself under the thick blanket.

Tae adjust the air conditioner, he walk to his small table in the room. He always pretending to do his job in the laptop while waiting for Tee to fall asleep.

He doesn't know either, did he do it for Tee or because of himself. He just play any games in the laptop, just rarely he did his job.

Tee smiles a little when he looks at Tae, he turn around to sleep on his right side, showing his back to Tae. Slowly he take a deep breath and take in the comfortable scent before falling asleep slowly.

'even his back is beautiful' comments Tae in his head. He stares at Tee and decided to turn of his laptop. He is not winning the game at all.

Tae wait a few more minutes, he wants to make sure Tee is totally sleeping before he go to the bed. He went to the toilet and then walk to the bed.

Tae slowly climb the bed and go under the cover. He moves closer to Tee and wish a good night before he close his eyes. 

Tomorrow morning Tee wakes upater than Tae because he had a nightmare again last night. It didn't severe like the past but still make him can't fall asleep easily after that. Tae accompanies Tee till he fall asleep again anf 4am.

Tae already done with his suit, he looks at Tee for a long time. If he can take the pain away from Tee he will, he wants to bear the pain Tee has.

Tae walks to the bed, sit at the side and plays with Tee's soft hair. He leans down to kiss the forehead and smiles a little. Tee ia recovering and that's all matters now.

"uhm, phi" Tee arise from his sleep.

"sleep more" Tae continue playing with Tee's head. Tee smiles and leans to the touch. It feels comfortable and his eyes start to close again. Soon, he was go back to his sleep.

"nightmares, go away" prays Tae.

After a few more minutes Tae decided to let Tee rest. He has a lot of work to do in his office. The investigation about the institution still in blur, they did has a little bit clue but not a proof yet.

The case that happened in his institution and the case happened to Tee, they somewhat related and it make it becomes more complicated because they need to have to open a new sheet. They need to start over from the deepest bottom again.

Tae did sigh because of it but he will never back down. He will not stop till the justice. He did all of this for Tee and everyone around him.

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