Part 12

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Tae sits alone in his office at the house, he  remembers what Jin and Saint reported about Tee and Win. They both work very well, attentive and never slack off. Nothing suspicious about them at all and Tae knows, the possibilities he mistaken Tee as a bad person is big but he doesn't want to admit it.

Tae leans on his chair with a sigh, everything is great in his life except he is lonely but he never wants to admit it. He usually release his stress by doing sports and playing legos, he doesn't has a lot of hobbies. His life is boring.

Tae saw a bagpack and another bag at the corner of his office. He remembered it belongs to Tee at Bali, he still didn't return it back. He takes the camera's bag and return to his chair.

"he has an old model of phone but the latest model of camera" Tae looks at the camera, now his suspicion is back.

He decided to take a look in it, he took the  SD card and connect it into the computer. He browse the pictures, in case he will find anything.

The photos mostly of animals, he continue browsing untill he found something different. He found photos of Win and some other men and a chalet. Tae transfer the chalet photo with an old man in it to his email. Then he send it to Fern to investigate about it.

Tae put everything back to it place and decided to go to sleep. He already has a long day today because of his meetings.

When he rest his bad on his soft mattress, his mind is still somewhere else, he is not a person to think when it's time to sleep. He never has any trouble to sleep before, not even his work can make his mind occupy during sleep.

After fighting with himself he finally able to sleep when he decided to talk to Tee tomorrow, just to follow up about his work. Well, whatever that can make his mind in peace to get a better sleep.


Tee already awake and ready to go to work when Ben come to take him to Tae's house. They are basically living in the same estate but different houses, they all live close to each other.

"Why Khun Tae want to see me?" Tee is worried because after a week of no contact with Tae now he is called to meet that scary man again, alone at that.

Ben smiles reassuring Tee, Tae didn't tell him either why he wants Tee this early in the morning.

"don't worry Tee, I think he has something important to tell you" Ben smiles to Tee at the passenger seat again.

Tee sighs, he really doesn't want to cross path with Tae again if he can but Tae own him now, he wants to go to work already to see Chan, the injured pony he is in charge of.

The drive only take 5 minutes, Ben ask Tee to come with him to the main house. Tee just pray that everything will be okay today.

Ben went to Tae directly to inform Tae that Tee is here. Tae already in his suit and sitting at the small table with coffee on the table.

Tae dismissed Ben after he asked Tee to sit in front of him. Tee fidgets nervously, he can't even look at Tae's face properly.

Tae can see Tee bring something in his bag.

"what's that?" ask Tae because he can see blue boxes in Tee's tote bag.

Tee looks inside his bag and smile a little bit.

"I packed breakfast for me and Win" Inform Tee, he prepared sandwiches for him and Win to eat later.

Tae raise his brow and nods his head, he keeps staring at it that makes Tee feels a little bit uncomfortable.

"it's just egg and tuna sandwiches, do you want some khun?" ask Tee just a polite gesture, he is sure Tae will not eat this type of food like him. He just use canned tuna too.

"sure" answer Tae short.

Tee is shocked, his small eyes almost leave the socket. He blinks a few times because he can't believe his ears.

"You offered" said Tae when Tee is not responding to him.

"oh! Okay! I will take a plate" Tee runs to the kitchen to get a plate and a glass of water, he likes to eat spicy food same goes to Win so their sandwiches might be a little bit spicy to someone else.

"Did he fell his head first" Tee mumbles alone while bringing the plate outside.

Tee put the sandwich on the plate together with a glass of water. Tae just look at him blankly before he touch the sandwich.

"uhm, it's a little bit spicy" warn Tee beforehand.

Tae stares at the sandwich in his hand. He looks at Tee after that.

"the breakfast and lunch at cafe at the institution is not enough?" ask Tae to Tee. Every workers of his at the farm able to eat free breakfast and lunch, they even serve snacks at the evening.

"Huh? Breakfast and lunch?" Tee knows nothing about it. He always pack something for him and Win to eat at work.

Tae frowns hard this time, how come Tee and Win didn't know the basic incentives given to every workers there. Tae take note to ask Saint about it later.

Tae take a bite of the sandwich, when it touch his taste buds, it taste heavenly, nothing like he has taste before. He try to cover his shocked face, he doesn't want to show he is enjoying the meal.

He really like the taste of it but the spiciness, he can't feat it. He can't eat spicy food at all.

Tee can see Tae's face turn red every munch Tae make. Even his ears are red now, sweats form on his forehead.

Tee blinks at Tae's redden face, he push the water to Tae and Tae didn't take it. He try to act cool by ignoring the water but he cough after that, the cough burn his throat.

"Khun! Drink this water, I will take milk for you!" Tee rushed to the kitchen again.

Tae continue coughing, he puts down the tasty sandwich because he can't fight the spiciness. Tee returns with a glass of milk this time.

Tae gulps it down fast, Tee rubs Tae's back without he realize it. He is worry for Tae now. Tae is red all over to his neck, he just put two chillies, it can't be that spicy for Tae to act this way.

Tae calm down after a few minutes but his face is still red and he sweats a lot. He loose the tie a little bit and open a button.

"I'm sorry khun, I don't know the chillies are extra spicy today" Tee feels sorry that he cause Tae to cough that bad.

Tae clears his throat and finish his bitter coffee. His morning is not going good at all and he even forgot what he wants to talk to Tee today.

"Do you have driving licence?" Ask Tae trying to cover himself.

"Yes, I have"

"Good. Saint will not send you guys to work anymore. There is a car park outside for both of you to use. Saint will explain everything. I'm going first" Tae leaves after that, Tee remains still on the chair because he is still surprised.

'is he okay?' Tee is still worried about Tae's condition

Tae get to Ben and ask Ben to do something before he enter the car. Of course everyone are curious why Tae is red all over.

Ben enter the house and he runs to Tee when Tee wants to clean the table.

"it's okay Tee! Leave it to me, you should go now because you are late" Ben is glad that he is fast enough to stop Tee from throwing away the sandwich on the plate.

"I will clean it and then leave khun" said Tee.

"No! It's okay, the maid will do it. Go now, Saint is waiting" Ben push Tee a little leaving Tee with no choice but to leave.

"phew" Ben sighs.

He took a container and put the left sandwich into it.

"I don't understand why my boss want to eat this again" Ben didn't know who made it but he just obey what Tae orders.

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