Part 40

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Tae is excited when Tee told him they will go to Bali again and they have already packed everything. Tae lets Tee did all the work and all he didn't ask anything about Tee's plan. He will just do whatever Tee had planned for both of them.

They are on their way to the airport,Tee can't hide his excitement when he keeps telling Tae he wants to walk around the beach when they first reach there and Tae took a week's leave so that he can be with Tee.

Tae didn't realise that Win and Saint are coming with them because his focus is only on Tee and the couple also take a far seat from them too.

Tae is shocked to see Win and Saint pushing their trolleys of luggage beside him. He looks at Tee bewildered.

"What are you doing here?" Ask Tae to Saint, he thought it just him and Tee. Where is this couple come from? He is frustrated.

"I came to make sure your safety" answer Saint with oblivious answer since he is a bodyguard that take care of their security.

"Don't worry, I will not disturb your time with Tee"

"Tee knew you both will be here?" Ask Tae more

"Yeah. He book the hotel and tickets for us too"

The answer make Tae rajes his hair,he is shocked because as he remembered Tee didn't tell him anything about Saint and Win are coming with them.

He wants to be together with Tee, just two of them. He is really frustrated now.

Saint want to laugh so bad looking at disappointed look on Tae's face but he try to suppress it since he doesn't want Tae to be more angrier than he already has

"Phi Tae, let's go" Tee takes Tae's hand in his and they both walk to the hotel's car that came to fetch them from airport.

Tae is speechless that Tee didn't realise his situation but he let it be. He just response like usual when Tee talk to him and enjoy Tee's warmth palm in his

They arrived at the hotel and Tee took the key cards for them.

"Phi Saint, Win. Your room is level 4 room 404 and ours is level five 504. Both have sea views" Tee gives them their key.

Tae smiles a little, he thought Tae will book rooms close for them.

When they enter the room, it's not the same hotel Tae stayed before but it's still a good hotel. Tee took a normal room but comfortable and has sea views. Tee runs to the small balcony attached and let the wind from the sea blow on his face.

Tae chuckles but follow Tee to the balcony,he hugs Tee from behind and let his head rest on Tee's shoulder.

"I can't afford a luxury room phi" mutters Tee, he is sorry because he can't book a suite like Tae but he try to find the best hotel room for them.

"Have you here with me is already a luxury Tee. I don't need a big room to be comfortable,as long as you are here with me" Tae kiss Tee on the cheek making Tee smiles at the answer and kiss.

Tee turns around his body so that they are face to face. Tee took Tae's face in his hand

"I'm sorry I bring Phi Saint and Win with us. They will do their own stuff,I just want Phi Saint close to us so that it will be easier if we need help. I'm still scared about the past" Tae smiles and nods his head.

Tae kiss Tee on the forehead and hugs Tee tightly. He understands Tee's worry and he accepts Tee decision in taking Saint with them.

"I saw the look of people here when we were holding hands, I don't like it but I respect their opinion. This is their country so maybe we can control our intimacy a little?"

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