Part 10

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Ben tell Tee and Win about their new job and new place to stay, Win disagree with Tee's decision to work for these men but Tee really has no other choice. He wants Win to have a freedom, so that he csn go to see his family and go out like normal person. Tee didn't mind losing all that as long as Win can.

Tee and Win were brought to a house, it's not big but the house has two bedrooms, one bathroom, kitchen and small living room. Both of them are surprised when they see that, it a lot bigger than their previous place.

They should feel glad but the opposite happened to them, if they were given a nice place to stay, what is their work gonna be? Is it really a legal work because now Tee regret signing the contract.

"Khun, We need to work at our previous clinic for two weeks before we quit. We already send our resignation letter" said Tee.

"don't worry khun, I already settle that problem for both of you. This evening, our man will take you both home to pack your things. Please enjoy the stay" Ben leaves both of them after that.

Win looks at Tee sadly, never once they are thinking positively because at the end they will find a negative answer for all their questions.

They flop down on the sofa dejected.

"Did I make a wrong decision Win?" ask Tee feels helpless, he wants what is best for Win, he even willing to be here forever if they can let Win go.

What is their secret for keeping them here? What are they so scared about if they tell people about them?

"I don't know phi but you told me we can go wherever we want in this city. We only need to inform them if we gonna go out of the city. Did they install gps in our body?" ask Win terrified, he watched a lot of movies like that before.

"nothing like that Win. Let's see for a few days, if they indeed want us to do illegal work, we will find a way to get out of here. I promise you" Tee grip Win's shoulder tight.

Tee has no plan of escaping but he will create one if they need it. He will fight for Win, no matter what happened he will make sure Win and his family is safe. He even willing to give all of his saving to Win's family.

At the evening, Saint come with Tee and Win to get their things. They went to Tee's place first, Tee pack his stuff and say good bye to the staff. They look happy that he is  leaving, except Gwen. Tee and Win hug Gwen and leave the clinic.

They went to Win's rental room after that, Win has more things compared to Tee but they still able to fit it in the car. Win hugs the door before saying goodbye for the last time, he values sentimental things.

The drive are quiet, Win sit at the back looking lost and sad, Tee still feel guilty for what happened to them. Tee sighs and look outside the window, he go through a lot in his life before, he always be patient till today, why bad luck keep following him? What mistake he did in the past?

The car stop at a supermarket, Tee looks at Saint and then Win who is already fall asleep.

"we will shop here, buy whatever you may need in the house and for yourself" Saint get off from the car and Tee follow, even through he is still confused. Tee wakes Win up and then they follow Saint into the supermarket.

Every eyes are on Saint, because he is a little bit bigger than normal man. Win mutters a few curse for Saint the giant, he still can't accept Saint presence.

Saint took a trolley and walk together with Win and Tee. Tee told Win to take basic essentials like soap, shampoo, tooth brush and so on. Win takes everything they need on the shelf.

Tee told Saint he will look for other things  and will come to them later. Saint nods his head and accompany Win buying stuff silently. Win bought things he can eat, most of it are fast food. Saint frowns looking at the unhealthy food.

"this should be enough for two weeks, this one can last a week" Win is buying while counting how much he will spend today, Saint just watch and didn't say anything else.

40 minutes buying they are ready to pay, Tee already prepared with cash but Saint swipe his card paying for everything. Win and Ree are speechless.

"The giant want to make us owe them?" Win is so ready to fight but Tee shakes his head.

They silently walk to the car and load the things into the trunk. Tee take a passenger seat and count the money to pay Saint back.

"I use company's card" reject Saint calmly.

"well, we don't need it. We can pay for our own food!" Win is furious now that he even move forward to talk to Saint.

Saint ignores both of them and continue driving to the house.

"we won't need to pay it back right?" ask Tee when they arrived.

Saint look at Tee with unreadable eyes, it looks like pity but calm making Tee can't understand that brown eyes.

"No. It's late. Better get some rest because you will start working tomorrow" Saint leave after that.

Win and Tee looks at car suspiciously, they still can't understand how a bad person can be nice so suddenly. Weird!

"Phi, we should keep the receipt, in case they want to scam us with it" said Win and Tee agree with it before he laughs

"why are you laughing phi?" ask Win weird.

"we are too cautious about scammers now." Tee laugh again while bringing all the stuff into the house.

Win looks at Tee sadly, he blames himself because he was the one who trust the scammer and his fault lead to this problem

"Win" Tee comes to hug Win when he thinks he misspoke his joke. They are both still sensitive about the word.

"I'm sorry for bringing it back. Don't blame yourself and let face this hurdle togehter. I'm sorry okay?" Tee looks at Win guiltily. Win nods his head and smile a little.

They start arranging the stuff they bought, the kitchen sre full with basic foods, the refrigerator too.

They put stuff in the bathroom, they even bought towels but they wash it first. They just use the one they have before.

Almost everything look new in the house, their new house?

After shower they eat instant noodles to fill their stomach for the night. They just stare at the tv screen without saying anything. They went through a long days before they start a totally new one tomorrow. They want to pray for the better fate but the realise the core is still in bad situations.

"Go to sleep Win" Tee ruffles Win's hair. Win nods his head and walk to his room after washing the dishes.

Tee remains at the living room alone in the dark. He doesn't know how to feel but he just hope he is strong enough to face tomorrow and future days.

"when this harship will stop?" Tee ask himself, he blames himself for his hard life. He already has nothing but he still need to care for a lot of things.

"Why I can't be happy like people out there?" Tee wipes his tears. He pity himself, he never know how to be happy because all he knows is how to face the harsh world.

Will happiness come to him?

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