Part 29

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Tee went out with Win and Saint since Tae told him he has something to do tonight. He and Tae live alone in the big house and Tee doesn't like the loneliness and quietness. He eat dinners with Tae all  the time, he can't imagine eating alone in the big house anymore

Tee knows how Tae feels about him and he also know Tae has a very special place in his heart, they basically a couple already but none of them declare it. Tee wants to ask but he is afraid if he misunderstand everything Tae did to him.  He will be very embarrassed if Tae didn't think of him in the same way.

"This restaurant is beautiful" praise Tee when they walk beside a restaurant that look very romantic. It's not big but it's glass wall and he can see everything inside. Only with the look he can know even the mineral water in there will be super expensive.

"You need to book it a month earlier to get a table" replies Saint,he remembers hos coworker talk about taking their lover to eat here one day.

"really? It will be very expensive the food here"

"kind of. It's really expensive, a plate of the steak worth a week of our food"

Win and Tee is speechless when they heard that, they will never spend that much for a plate of steak, they didn't need to eat something expensive to eat at all.

"I will take you both here one day" Saint want to take them when he see how excited Tee and Win look at the restaurant.

"no!" Tee and Win reject the proposition strictly. They don't want to waste money here.

"why? I can afford it"

"I know you can afford it but we can use that money to buy something more delicious. We can even treat someone else in need to." Rejects Tee some more and Win agree with it. Saint just chuckles and agree with them.

They walk some more alongside the restaurant to go to their car. Tee already ate a lot, Saint treat him and Win to a heart full dinner.

Win and Saint chatter at the back while Tee walk alone looking around, he smiles when he see couples eating in there, he imagines he and Tae eating in there. He chuckles a little because of his own imagination.

"Phi Tae?"

Win and Saint stop talking and look at Tee who is glued to the glass wall. Tee feels his knees become weak but he still stand stil, his hand is shaking.

"Phi Tae and Dr Mai?" Win is as speechless as Tee when he utters that.

"Tee" Saint hold Tee to stand, he can see Tee started to become weak, he is still surprised.

"I, I, is that Phi Tae?" ask Tee losing focus.

"Let's go home" Saint pulls Tee to leave the place, Win is furious but he is worried about Tee. He holds Tee's hand and walk to the car.

Saint doesn't know about this plan, but he believes in Tae and he believes Tae has a plan and not trying to cheat on Tee.

Tew is quiet on the road and he doesn't want to go back to Tae's house. Saint has to take Tee home with him and Win. And now Tee is sleeping in Win's room hugging his knees without moving at all.

"I don't think he is sleeping" mutters Win to Saint, they can't see Tee moving at all but they guess Tee is not sleeping yet.

"let him rest" Saint pulls Win to go with him away from Tee to give Tee some space and time.

Win is anry and he become furious when he sees how weak and sad Tee is just now. He wants to confront Tae and make Tae apologise to Tee so bad.

"I thought Phi Tae is a good man" Win can't hide his anger anymore, he wants to lash out so bad.

"we don't know what actually happened yet, we can't assume anything"

Win glares when Saint take side on Tae's because they clearly see Tae is having a romantic dinner with Mai.

"of course you will take his side, he is your boss" Win hits the table and leaves Saint alone after that. He walks to his roon to be with Tee, it's better than staying with Saint.

Saint sighs, he leans on the chair. He trust Tae won't betray Tee because he knows Tae for years already. Tae never involve with any woman or man, Tae never likes human too. It's impossible for Tae to suddenly has a relationship with Mai.


Tae is really tired during the dinner, he wants to go back to Tee so bad, he doesn't want to spend any second with Mai at all.  He knows he is playing dirty but he did tell Mai he is not trying to be in a relationship with her.

Mai was happy because Tee spent some time to her even though she knows Tae will not reciprocate with her feelings.

"Thanks Fern" said Tae when Fern sent him home. Tae feels energetic when he see his house where Tee is in there.

Tae opens the door and walk to the empty and dark house. Not even a lamp is on and it makes hin feel a little weird. He switch on the lamps and walk to the stairs.

"it's 11pm, Tee is asleep?" Tae climbs the stairs happily and look for Tee in his room which is clearly empty. Tae go to Tee's room, it's also empty. Now Tae start to feel worried.

He takes out his phone and call Saint directly to ask about Tee whereabouts.

"Saint! Tee is not at home, where is he? Send everyone to look for him now!" Tae runs down the stairs, his heart doesn't feel good about Tee's disappearance.


"Tee is not here! I can't find him! We need to find him" Tae already get his car keys, he doesn't want to listen anything else because in his mind is all Tee.

"Tee is here khun, at my place"

Tae's hand stop when he try to open the car door. He released a very loud sigh and leans to the car trying to steady his breathing

"he spend the night there? He didn't tell me"

"He saw you"

"huh?" Tae is confused now.

"We went to dinner and then he saw you having dinner with Dr Mai. He didn't want to go back to your place" Saint decided to be honest with Tae, he can't hide Tee and he is also angry with what Tae did to Tee, he try to be optimistic and put his trust in Tae like before.

"oh my god!" Tae wipes his face harsh, he wants to swear so bad because of his stupidity that lead to this problem.

"he misunderstood the situation. It's not what he think"

"I think you should explain to him, he clearly heartbroken when he saw that"

"I'm coming, wait for me"

"no! He is sleeping and resting now. Come tomorrow. Bye khun" Saint hung up on Tae.

Tae won't listen to Saint so she drive there, he doesn't care even though Tee is sleeping, he will wait till Tee wake up and explain everything to Tee first thing when he Tee open his eyes.

Tae arrived and knock on the door, it didn't take a minute for Saint to open the door. He knows Tae will come so he shows where Tee is sleeping.

Saint checked on Tee and Win, they both already in the deep sleep and since he thinks Tae will come he moves Win to his bed.

Tae thanks Saint with a nod and enter the room. Tae wants to punch himself on the face when he sees Tee's calm sleeping face.

"I'm sorry for hurting you" Tae strokes Tee's soft hair, he really regrets using Mai in his plan.

Tae takes a side and leans his body on the  headrest of the bed. He holds Tee's hand and keep staring at Tee's sleeping face. He wants to explain everything to Tee sooner.

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