Part 28

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Tae got through the documents and pictures he got from his investigator, he js beyond than shocked with what he found put about Phanit. Now only Phanit can help him to take down the syndicate, they need to start from Phanit.

"Ben, call Phanit and tell him I've something to discuss about the share of the institution and farm" orders Tae.

Tae can't wait anymore and he will do anything hoping Phanit will open his mouth and expose everything about the syndicate.

Tae gathers everything he can use against  Phanit but he knows it won't be enough so Tae has to use his daughter, Mai. He knows it's a dirty way but he can't find any other way anymore. Phanit loves his daughter since Mai is all he has now.

"Jay, follow his daughter all the time. Take some pictures to threaten Phanit too. Do it secretly" orders Tae.

"khrub Khun. I'm going first" Jay bows and leave the office.

Tae leans on his chair, he is thinking about his plan. He doesn't want to involve Tee in this matter because he doesn't want to put Tee in danger. The syndicate is dangerous and they will do anything to fight back, that's why Tae need to be faster than them.

While he is thinking about that Ben enters his room to inform him Phanit is here. Tae is ready with the hidden camera and mic, they need to get as much information needed from Phanit.

"what's the matter Khun Tae, you are asking for me so suddenly" ask Phanit with a cheerful greetings.

Tae try hard to cover his anger because it's not the time to dig secrets from Phanit and he knows it will not be easy.

"Have a seat, well I'm sure my PA already informed you about why I called you here" Tae replies with a business smile and Phanit sit comfortably on the sofa. Tae takes another side of the sofa.

"anything to drink?" ask Tae as a good host.

"it's hot today so any juice will be great" Tae just need to look at Ben and Ben already understand so he left to take drinks for his boss and the guest.

Tae and Phanit have small talk about their life and a little bit about the business. Tae already prepared a fake documents to show Phanit today, he needs to be able to bait Phanit into talking about everything today.

Ben serves them fresh oranges and light foods on the table. Tae thanks Ben and ask Ben to leave both of them in the office.

"what happened?" ask Phnit about the report, he looks unhappy with it.

"well, we did stop the operation for two weeks. It affected the farm and the institution and the lost is bad this two months."

"I thought you know how to recover this. I spent a lot of many on my shares" Phanit ia angry now and Tae want to laugh at the reaction, why he needs to be angry when he is the one he caused the incident. It's so fishy.

"well I thought I will be able to handle it but when I look at it, it won't. I have to use my own money to help this business. I have my other business but I don't want to involve in it" explains Tae. Tae wait for Phanit reaction a little bit.

"so, I'm thinking of selling the institution and farm" informs Tae and Phanit quiet surprised with it but he does look happy with the news.

"Don't worry khun, I will pay back every cent for your share and I will add more if I found a good buyer" Tae is suspicious about why Phanit want to sabotage his own money and he thinks a few possibilities on that.

"maybe you have anyone we can sell this place? You know this place is quiet and far from others,maybe no obe interested in this place except me" Tae laughs a little  he is trying to make Phanit reveal himself little by little.

"I can find you a good buyer. I've brought a man here before and he is really interested in this land. He wants to make a big villa for his family" Tae smirk a little, now he knows why Phanit sabotaged their business, he wants to make Tae sell this place. But, to whom? For what reason a man want to buy this place?

"really? Great! You can take him to the game next week. I can see him and discuss about it myself if he is still interested. I think it's the best we sell it sooner since it's drpopping real bad" Tae try to convince Phanit to bring him to the buyer. They must want to have the placw for their dirty and illegal operation

Phanit has a deep thought by himself and Tae let Phanit decides,he knows Phanit will not bring him directly to his big boss but Tae wants to see a new face so that he can investigate more.

"I will talk to him and see what I can do" Phanit replies after a long silence.

"sure. If you think he is interested I will not try to find a buyer in the meantime. I mean, I don't want to lose more than i already have" Tae try to push Phanit to make a fast decision.

"I will inform ypu as fast as I can"

"great! I hope I will be listening to good news soon" Tae smiles to Phanit showing he is really hopeful for Phanit to help him.

"How about a dinner with my daughter and I will arrange the deal so that you can see the buyer at the game?" Phanit gives an offer Tae never think of.

Tae knows Mai, Phanit's daughter has feelings for him but he didn't know Phanit also know about it.

Tae doesn't want to play with Mai's feelings but he knows it will be the fast way for him. His mind wanders to Tee's face and he doesn't want to cheat on Tee to a fake dinner with Mai.

"I know my daughter and I can see how much she likes you. If you can spend some time to her it will be great" said Phanit. He loves his daughter and he knows his daughter likes Tae a lot.

"I'm fine with a dinner with her, but I don't want to give her a fake hope. You know some things can't be force to happen"

"I know and I understand. A dinner won't harm you right? Or maybe you already has someone important in your life?"

Tae won't expose Tee to his enemies because it will be bad to Tee.

"I'm free tomorrow night. I will fetch Mai from her house" Tae doesn't want to move this low and he doesn't want to hurt Tee's feeling too but only this time, till he meet the buyer.

Phanit is satisfied with what Tae offers so he agree with it. He might be not the best person but he wants to be a good father to his daughter even though he knows he can't make Tae to love his daughter.

Phanit leave after that, Tae sighs tiredly. He wants to force Phanit to spill everything with the proof he has but he needs to take a safe step, Phanit can warn the syndicate before he can catch them.

"everything is good? He leaves your office with a big smile?" Ben is weird to see Phanit's reaction, that's not what he has in his mind, he thought Phanit will be miserable.

"I don't think he will expose the syndicate easily. I know why he sabotaged our farm, he wants to make us lost and sell the place. He said a buyer is willing to buy the farm and institutions." explains Tae and Ben is dumbfounded, The syndicate try to open a new place, far from people.

"I will meet the buyer myself, we will investigate more and I want to see their faces" Tae wants to know every of them, he will take of them down to the ground.

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