Part 38

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They are climbing to the top mountain, it's been 1 hour and they have an hour to go before they can arrive at their camping place.

Everyone still look okay since they are athletic except Tee and Win. Tee and Win is at the back, Tae and Saint walk behind them slowly as a company.

Win already give up his bag and let Saint bring it for him but Tee doesn't want to show he is weak so he has the heavy bag on his bag.

Tae asked to help Tee to hold the bag but Tee reject it saying he still can bring his own bag. Tae just wait patiently for Tee to let him help.

While others already far ahead, Win and Saint also pick up their step leaving only Tae and Tee at the back. Tae has his hand at Tee's bag pushing Tee a little to keep moving since he is afraid Tee will fall.

"Don't you think Bali is better than this?" ask Tae teasingly, Tee glares at Tae's question and ignores  it.

"let me bring your bag." insist Tae this time when he see Tee start to shaking a little bit and his steps become slower and unstable.

"I still can bring my own bag" Tee is being stubborn again. Tae just sighs and let Tee alone this time.

"Phi you can go first, I will rest a little bit then I will follow you" Tee decided to stop when he see a fallen log. He can't walk anymore but he doesn't want to show it to Tae. He is the one who wants to come here so he needs to be able to climb to the top.

Tae puts down his bag and sit with Tee, he will never leave Tee's side. He takes the water and a chocolate bar for Tee to eat while resting.

Tee is ashamed of himself but try to control it. He silently eat and drink the water given by Tae. Tae takes the chance to wipes Tee's sweat, he is worried because Tee is so red right now but he doesn't want to spoil Tee's excitement.

They share a good rest in silence. Tee looks better than before so Tae thinks Tee is ready to continue their way.

"you want to move now?" ask Tae softly and all Tee do is nodding his head. This time Tae bring both of their bags and Tee didn't even complain about it.

"I will take it back later" Tee is talking about his bag and Tae smiles at that.

When they are ready to continue their climb Tee hugs Tae so suddenly, he feels like a burden to Tae now.

"I'm sorry and thank you" Tae chuckles and turn around to hug Tee back. He kiss Tee's forehead lightly and touch Tee's face.

"Nothing to sorry about. Let's go!" Tae holds Tee's hand and they start walking again.

It actually less than 30 minutes till the top and the camping site. When they arrived everyone else already done resting and start to build their tent and arrange the campsite.

Tee runs to Ben and Win's side to help them arranging their stuff.

It's already 3 pm when they are done with everything and also done showering and changing their clothes. The site prepared a small bathroom there.

They are ready to cook their late lunch, by cooking means reheating the ready nade food they bought from the store. It takes less time and the food is good too.

After the lunch everyone do their own activities and most of them enter their tent to take some rest since tonight they will have a night walk to watch the stars if it's not too cloudy since the weather is good today.

Tae lays down first and make a place for Tee at his side, he even offers his arm for Tee to use as a pillow. Tee smiles happily and take the place.

It's cold up here, Tee leans closer to Tae's side and let Tae hugs him so that they can share their warmth.

"thank you for doing what I want phi"

"most welcome. I love being with you and it's precious to me out time together. I have no regrets at all"

"I promise I will excercise more so that I'm not weak like this. Maybe I can put some muscle like you too" replies Tee while touching Tae's chest and abs.

Tae's heart start beating fast when Tee's hand touching him like that, Tee is seducing him without he didn't realise it. Tae takes the hand to stop it become more naughtier and kiss it.

"let get some rest" Tae try to control his voice and Tee nods his head not knowing what he has done to Tae's body.

Tee puts his face on Tae's chest and start to doze off, he is really tired that he barely can feel his legs anymore.

Tae try to calm down himself by thinking his works at office and slowly he becomes calmer and Tee already sleeping. Tae close his eyes and start to rest too.

Tee is awake but he is alone in the tent, a blanket cover him from the cold since thei air become colder now. Tee looks at his phone and it's already 5 pm in the evening.

Tee leaves the tent to see everyone except Win are talking while enjoying hot coffee.  They are talking with the ranger that took them here too.

"hi" Tee greets all of them making they all smile at him. Tae offers a place beside him and Tee sit. They continue talking but Tae is attending Tee by giving hit drinks and biscuits for Tee.

"thank you phi" said Tee grateful. He is hungry but more than hungry he is cold and Tae catch it fast.

Tae leaves to their tent and return with a hoodie. He brings it for hin to wear later but for now Tee can use it. Tae helps Tee to wear the hoodie that look so big on Tee but it helps Tee to warm up.


Others just smile at their actions, they think Tae and Tee arr perfect for each other. They complete each other.

"it's not fair! You guys are hanging out without me!"  here comes the whining Win making all of them laugh at his cute antic.

Saint pulls Win to sit with him on the log and feeds his baby with some bread. They just enjoy their evening talking about their lives, it's been so long since they are relax like this.

"let's take pictures together" suggest Tee and runs to get his camera. They have a small photoshoot and Tee is happy he can do hi hobby here.

He takes a lot of photos of everyone, it will be their memories together. He also takes a lot of Tae's photos and he wants to make an album of it.

Someone might think that Tae falls for Tee first and Tae loves Tee so much but Tee loves Tae too. Tee might fall for Tae later but he is falling. He is falling in love and being in love with Tae for long.

"I love you" mutters Tee when he took a last shot of Tae's photo who is talking to Fern when they are making fire for their BBQ tonight.

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