Part 34

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Tae is showing how far their investigation has gone to Anne, Anne look at it seriously and she already knows how to drag all the suspects to the judgement.

"You have all the proofs already" said Anne to Tae.

Tae looks at Ben before he sighs. Now he is contemplating in saying the truth to Anne because he js afraid he will hurt Anne so bad. He needs Anne to talk to his father to expose the syndicate.

"It involves higher ups, it will not be easy to drag all of them. We need a man from their side to support us"

"You have anyone in your mind?" ask Anne this time. She starts to feel uneasy too.

Tae looks at Ben and ask Ben to show the video the recorded from Van's car. The video of Van hitting a group of kids who tried to escape. It's the newest video they got.

Anne watch it, she is angry because of the  beating but she only the back of the beater. Not until everything becomes more clearer.

Anne's heart beating real fast, her tears fall down without she realize it. She knows very well who is in the video.

"no! No way!" Anne covers her eyes, she can't see this anymore, she doesn't want to admit it

"I'm sorry Anne" Tae rush to Anne's side and pull the weak Anne into his arms.

Tae regretted his actions, he regret planning this plan.

"Why? Why him Tae?"

"I'm sorry Anne. I'm selfish for using you but I have no other ways" Tae still trying to calm Anne down.

"let me think. Give me some time" Anne gets up and leave the meeting room. Everyone look at her walking away.

Tae and the others look among themselves, they feel like they betrayed Anne's trust and just using them selfishly.

Anne cries her heart out, she loves her father so much even though they rarely meet. She never thought her father can become a ruthless person like this. She thought her father is doing his best to pay for her studies and everything else.

"All the money you use for me, it's not a dirty money right?"

"the crime you committed is too cruel. How could you sell innocent kid's organs" 

Tee didn't know the main reason why Tae  want to use Anne help but he thought it's because they are best friends. Tee didn't interfere much with Tae investigation because he is not sure if he can see their faces.

Tee knocks on Anne's door, he saw Anne running into her rooms. He wants to ask if Anne is okay, he is worried to see Anne crying like that.

Anne open the door,she is already done crying but her eyes are red. She smiles a sad smile to Tee and Tee smiles back.

"Did Phi Tae make you cry?" ask Tee concern. Anne chuckles a little.

"No. It's not him but the truth. Truth can make people miserable"

"True. It's hurt so much" Tee agrees with it.

Anne pulls Tee and close the door. He wants to talk to Tee more because she feels better when she is talking to Tee.

Anne shares her childhood without her father at her side but she knows her father loves her very much.

From one story to another till Tee open up about his trauma and past events. Anne is shocked to hear that not until Tee said this sentence.

"I was a victim of the syndicate too, this is the scar from a man hitting me with his stick" Tee's tears roll down his cheek. When he remembers the pain, it's still hurt till today

"something happened one night, the situation in the old house became chaotic because a part was burning. 7 of us able to escape, thankfully we met with Uncle Jod, he treated us and keep us away from the dark world. I was weak, I force my own brain to forget the bad memories, I was alived as a different Tee till I met Phi Tae again. It's a fate that open back everything from the past, with everyone help abd therapies I able to remember everything back and becomes more braver. It's a fate that I met Phi Tae again"

Tee wipes his tears and smiles to Anne. He also wipes Anne's tears, even though he didn't know what make Anne sad, he doesn't want to see the girl cry.

"I'm sorry Tee, I'm sorry" Anne pulls Tee into her arms, she feels guilty toward Tee and other kids.

Now she can think more clearly, why Tae asked her help, why she met Tee. It's a fate, it's a hurtful hate but as a daughter she wants her father to change and pay for his crimes. She needs to do something to help other kids too. She is a lawyer and her father pay her studies too, maybe her father want to change but he already too deep in this crime that he wasn't able to turn back.

"we will help to safe other kids and we will fight them together Tee. We will make sure the truth and justice win"

Anne holds Tee's shoulder, she needs to be strong because the one she is fighting is her own father.

Tee still can't grasp what make Anne become energetic and enthusiastic so suddenly but he is happy to see Anne is better now.

Anne told Tee to come with her to the meeting room. Everyone is surprised to see Anne and Tee together.

"I'm ready. We need to use Tee and six other victims too. Tae, send all of this to the police and make sure they start their operation without the higher up knows. I'm sure you can arrange that. We need to start now because we need to safe the kids"

Everyone is shocked with the come back, Anne looks really strong and determined. She orders everyone to do their jobs fast.

"This time, no one can help them"

"start moving!" everyone rush to do their jobs. Tae looks at Tee but Tee just raise his shoulder, he doesn't understand and know anything too.

"I'm sorry Anne" Tae still feels guilty but Anne pats his shoulder.

"You are not wrong. You find a right person. I love him and I don't want him to continue his crime anymore. I need to stop him"

"thanks. You are the best"

"Yes I am!" Anne admits happily. She looks okay but Tae knows she was hurt.

"thanks a lot"

"Fine! Go make a call, make sure they catch them today. Attack their base first, and then we will drag one by one to the court. We will finish them"

"Tee, I have to ask you to join us. Call your friends to the court. Tell them we need to make sure Justice is hold!" Tae and Tee can see fire inside Anne's eyes and it's a little bit scary. Afraid they will burn they rush to make the calls.

When she was left alone in the room she takes a seat. She smiles while watching his father's old picture. The only picture she has of him.

"Dad, I will take you to a right path. I want you to be a good person and it's never too late to change. I will be by your side forever. I know you are a good father and I'm sure you can change to be a better person" Anne caress the photo softly.

"Dad, I will see you soon"

Anne is determined to settle this case. She will make sure to take down everyone in this case.

"I'm ready"

She is ready.

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