Part 19

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Win stays at Tee's side since he was home from work, he is worried when he heard Tee is sick again and now he doesn't want to leave Tee's side at all.

Tee sighs, he was tired and dizzy before but he is already feeling a lot better. Win is the one whose giving him headache at the moment. Win forbid him from leaving the bed, he even eat his dinner on the bed with Win's help.

Tee sighs for millionth times when he awake in the middle of the night and Win still laying beside him. Tee laughs a little and caress Win's soft hair.

"I'm sorry for making you worry about me" whispers Tee softly. He is thankful that Win really took care of him to this extent.

Tee feels hungry so he decided to go downstairs and find anything he can eat to feed his hunger.

Tee enter the empty and dark kitchen, he only turn on a small lamp for him to see around the kitchen. He make a glass of hot chocolate and pick a loaf of bread on the counter. It's enough to feed him for tonight.

Tee just sit there with a blank mind, he has nothing to think of and he is also doesn't has anything to do too. He dips the bread into the drink and eat it slowly since the drink is still hot.

"what are you doing?"

That voice startles Tee to the core, he almost fall from the chair and get a heart attack.

"Khun!" Tee's voice trembles ans shaky because he is really shocked and scared.

"I almost die just now!" scold Tee holding his chest, he really angry with Tae's sudden appearance in the kitchen.

Tae act like nothing happen and take a glass of cold water for himself. He sit in front of angry Tee like he did nothing wrong for scaring Tee just now.

"What are you doing?" ask Tae once again, he has no intention to apologise at all. Tee huffs but still give an answer to Tae.

"I'm hungry" the replies sounds angry too.

"You skipped dinner, that's why you are hungry" Tae is stating the obvious. Tee just nods his head, he wants to finish eating faster so that he can go back to his room soon.

"It's enough for you to eat just that?" ask Tae referring to the bread and a glass kf hot chocolate.

"it's enough khrub" answer Tee and eat as fast as he can.

Tae stares at Tee finishing his bread and drink. Tee was the glass and wai to Tae before leaving the kitchen.

Tae just look at Tee's disappearing back, he smirks a little and take out his phone.

'please cook a healthy breakfast for a few people tomorrow morning. Thank you'

Tae sends a text to his cook or maid that come to clean and cook a few times a week. After that he return to his bedroom to get some sleep before morning come.


Tee is surprised to see a woman in her 40's is cooking in the kitchen, he saw her before but never this early. Tee wai and smile politely to the woman.

"Aunty, do you need help with anything?" ask Tee with a polite smile. The said aunty smile back and shake her head.

"it's almost done khun, please take a seat"

Tee's eyes travel to the dining table, a lot of breakfast on the table. He is salivating watching everything in the plates. He start to feel hungry again.

"just call me Tee, I'm just a worker too" said Tee and take the plates from the aunty to arrange it on the table, he even help with the cups too.

"then you can call me Aunty Bella. I'm a maid hired by Khun Tae, I just cook when he asked me to. He wants a healthy breakfast today" explains Bella happy with Tee's presence. She saw Tee before but they didn't has a chance to talk since she obly work for three hours only.

"He has guest coming over?" ask Tee because the amount of the food is too much for four people.

"I don't know Tee. I'm done here and it's time for me to leave too. Please enjoy the breakfast" said Bella but Tee frowns a little.

"let's have breakfast first before you leave"

"it's okay Tee, aunty already ate and now I have another house to clean" Bella pack her stuff and walk to the main door.

Tee follows Bella to the door, sending her away. He thanks Bella one last time before he returns to the kitchen.

Tae and Win already seated at the table.

"Good morning" wish Tee and ruffles Win's bed hair a little, he laughs at the cuteness of the younger boy.

Tae stares at their interaction before he clears his throat. Tee looks at Tae for a second and wai before he took a seat beside Win.

Fern, Ben and Saint join them on the table to have breakfast together. The breakfast is lively with chatters between them, only Tae is quiet all the time.

"Phi Ben and Phi Fern should try this one" Tee puts something in the plate for the couple.

Tae realize something, Tee called Saint, Fern and Ben informally already and they are closer than before. How come he missed this situation?

Even Win already close to three of them. They talk and joke around like they have known each other for a long time. Tae feels left out.

"Khun, you have a meeting today. I think we should be ready now" said Ben when he realized their breakfast drag for too long.

Tae looks at his watch and nods his head. He leave the table to go get ready. Everyone start moving too when Tae left.

Tee tidies the table with Saint and Win's help. Tee wants to wash the dishes but Saint forbid him and told him to just sit on the chair. Saint and Win together wash the dishes.

Tee smiles happily, he doesn't want to admit it but his decision to come work for Tae is a good one. Everyone here looked scary but they all are nice people.

Tee turns around when he hears footsteps on the stairs. Tee saw Tae already in his suit with his briefcase ready to go to work. Tee runs to Tae's side and walk behind Tae to the door.

"Khun" calls Tee when Tae is wearing his shoes.

"can I go..."

"stay at home. Don't do anything heavy just rest at home. The doctor warned you about your condition so please get some rest" Tae is stern this time leaving Tee with no choice but to nod his head. Tee just want to ask if he can enter the mini library in this house.

"Can I enter..."

"If you don't want to make anyone worry about you again please listen to the doctor."

"Yeah. I will not do anything heavy and I will rest a lot. I just want to ask your permission of I can enter the mini library?" ask Tee softly.

Tae looks at Tee's sad face and sighs. He nods his head this time.

"you can enter the library. Just rest more today" Tae ruffles Tee's hair before he leaves to the car.

Tee can't move! Why Tae act so sweet to him just now? Tee is totally speechless with Tae's actions these past weeks.

It's not just Tae, everyone are curious and feel weird about Tae's action nowadays.

Tae get into the car and wear the seat belt. He stares at his right hand that he used to ruffles Tee's hair.

"it's so soft" whispers Tae to himself, he has a really wide smile on his face.

"Ben, do I have any important matters after lunch today?" ask Tae about his schedule for today.

"you are free after 3 in the evening. Why? "

"Good. I'm coming home early then. Thank you" Tae leans his body on the seat and look outside the window.

Ben has a surprised look on his face, he looks at Fern asking what is happening at the moment. Fern smiles and holds Ben's hand in his.

One day, they all will understand what happened to Tae and why Tae act like this.

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