Part 36

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It takes month to everything become calm again and most people stop talking about the case. The hatred throws to the family member's of the one involved is bad too.

It didn't affect Anne's life much since no one know she is the daughter of Van byt Mai face a different story. Her own family throw her away because of his father's crime.

She lost a place to stay, she didn't go to work at all because she is ashamed of what happened to her life.

Tae's company remain hidden as a helper in the case, no one except the cop know he and his team involved in the investigation.

"I think we should give Khun Mai a place to stay" Tee says what he has been thinking these few days.

Everyone at the table look at him, everyone there know Mai doesn't like Tee and even in this situation she still has the face to act like she is better than Tee. Mai came and beg Tae to ket her live in his house but Tae give her a hotel room instead.

"she is fine in the hotel. Once she is ready to work, she will has her own money to find a place to stay" replies Ben,he didn't support Tee's opinion this time.

"I agree with Phi Ben na, if she start working again she will be able to find a place to stay and able to live by her own" Win didn't hide his dislike toward Mai at all. Mai akways bullied him at work, asking him to do a lot of work but he never tell anyone.

"they are right Tee. If you pity her she should pity herself too. That's right, she was shocked with the news and she lost her family or maybe her family left her but it's been 3 months. She needs to man up" Anne also agree With Ben and Win.

"woman up" Jin correct the word making everyone speechless with his random bad joke.

"She will be fine Tee, I don't want to talk about it anymore. If she is not comfortable living in the hotel I will find a house for her to stay near the institution"

"Can she live alone, will she be fine?" ask Tee more.

Tae hold a sigh, he puts down his cutlery and look at Tee.

"she will be fine. I'm already full" Tae stands and leave the table, he barely touch his food and now he will leave without eating his food.

Everyone looks at Tee, they really can't think what Tee is thinking right now. Do they have to fight because of her?

Tee stand up too, he took both of their plates put it on the tray and follow Tae's step.

"I'm sorry but Tee is a little bit on dumb side" comments Jin.

"Just tiny little bit!" scold Win but still agree with Jin's statement.

"I know why he did that" said Fern and everyone look at him can't believe someone is supporting Tee's opinion on this matter.

"What do you mean?" ask Saint

"he saw how her family talk to her few days ago. Her relatives came to find her to make her sign a agreement to give everything belongs to his father's name that belongs to their hertital back. They mock her, hit her and pushed her when she didnt agree with it. Her relatives continue disturbing her life making her miserable, that's the reason why she didn't go out much. Yes, she is still arrogant even in this situation but she is a woman, a daughter who her father love so much. She was spoiled by her father, she needs someone to help her stand again"

Everyone is quiet now and start to pity Mai too. Mai is not wrong and she didn't involve herself in the crime but everyone treated her like one it's not fair to her.

"but still, that person doesn't has to be Tae right? Tae is angry because Tee is like pushing her to him" Anne still doesn't agree if Tee wants to take Mai to live with them.

"that's what I mean. Tee is thinking that Mai has no one else anymore and only Tae at her side. That's why I called him a little dummy"

"Don't worry! I will take her with me to UK. She needs to change environment and I will teach her how to be independent" Anne already get a plan.

"Huh, you just want to try her right?" tease Saint.

"well, she is hot, she just need to use her smart mouth smartly" Anne grins widely, everyone just sigh and continue eating.

Breaking news, Anne never like men because for her she can live without them and she enjoys being with beautiful girls more.

"If you able to tame her I will bow to you" challange Ben.

"Fine! I want you to bow while kneeling down when she is my girlfriend" Anne is ready to take the challenge.

Everyone cheers for the stupid challenge but Jin is not very happy with it.

"If you did it just for a challenge then don't" said Jin, he is serious. He doesn't like playing with people's feelings because it will hurt so bad.

Anne looks at Jin, she knows what she is doing but she salute Jin's way of thinking.  He is a good guy.

"I want to take her to live with me. I will not leave her, probably she will be leaving me"

"Good. I know you are a nice person but your rival is Tae. You think you can fight him?" ask Saint

"that's why I need to take her away from here. She needs to be away from Tae first!"

She looked determine so they just support her this time. Even they don't know when she fall for Mai.


Tee puts two plates on the table, Tae is now in his office trying or maybe acting to do his work.

"Phi Tae" calls Tee and walks to the big table.

"I'm busy now, you can talk to me later if it's not important"

Tee pouts when he got the reaction from Tae, he is stubborn and always trying to make things right without discussing it with Tae and this time he knows he is the one to blame.

"I'm talking no matter what. You can listen if you want"

"I'm busy and I don't have time for that"

Tee knows Tae is really angry at him now, he doesn't want to leave, not until he figure out things with Tae. He doesn't want them to have misunderstanding.

"I'm stupid for suggesting her to live with us, I admit it. I'm sorry for making a decision alone, I will let you decide this time but at least let someone live with her in a proper place. I don't want her relative to disturb her anymore" Tee soften his voice a little. Tae sighs, he knows he can't fight that tenderness.

"come here" Tae asks Tee to come to him and Tee happily walk and sit on Tae's laps.

"I'm sorry" pleads Tee with puppy eyes making Tae weak. Tee knows his weakness and he is using it as his weapon.

"fine. You don't have to worry about Mai, Anne will take care of it. She will be living with Mai"

"Anne will live with Mai?" it's so sudden for Tee. He never see them together.

"don't have to think about them. Time will make everything better slowly" Tae leans his face on Tee's chest, it feels very comfortable hugging Tee like that.

"you are not so thin anymore. You are huggable now"

Tee gains a lot of weight and now he is trying to control his diet but fails everytime. Tae loves to feed him delicious food.

"I'm chubby now, I have double chin"

"I love it. I love touching and biting it. You are not allowed to lose it" Tae leans up and kiss Tee under the chin.

"nope! I'm gonna diet and make my jawline sharp like you"

"No! I love it!!!"

They are fighting about the double chin, they look happy and anyone who see them know, they are soul mate. They will be together forever.

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