Part 6

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A week passed and Tee still didn't return to work, the staffs called for him numerously bht he ignore everyone including Win. He needs a little bit more time to think and he even think to resign but when he thinks more, he should face the problem. He can't hide forever, he did make mistake by staying in the hotel illegally but he didn't take anything else.

At the clinic turn to a hectic mess, their clients asking for Tee's aid because Tee always a good doctor to their pet and Tee knows how to handle their pet very well. The clinic can't run very well since the first day Tee went off to Bali.

Tee got a call from his senior this time, Aron. Aron asked Tee to come back to the clinic leaving Tee with no choice but to return. He already write a resign letter in case he needs to submit it.

The clinic has to limit the number of customers because they can't accept all of them since the doctor was absent. Everyone are tired since they never has to work this hard when they have Tee, they should understand how hard Tee work all this time, they always put the burdens on Tee's shoulder.

The sounds of the door opened make they all sigh simultoniusly. Kihn, Moon, Yan leave fast and leave Win alone to handle this customer. They already put the closed sign but still people come in without reading the sign.

"I'm sorry khun, we are closed for today" Win ia tired and he wants to yell to the big and tall customer in front of him to go now.

The big and tall man look down on his shorter body with a death glare, Win gulps scared. This man can break him into two pieces with just his hands.

"I'm looking for the doctor who work here" Said The man with a deep voice making Win shivers.

'is he a gangster?' Win ask himself. This man does look like a gangster too.

"uhm, Dr. Gwen is not here today. You can make an appointment if you want to see her" informs Win. He wants to run away from here so bad, he wants to swears ot other who left him alone to handle this giant. Win decided to call this man as a gaint.

"Dr. Thanapon" Win frowns hard, how come a giant like this know Tee?

Win then remembered Tee told him to lie his whereabouts if someone come looking for him.

'my god! Did the scam caused this problem? Phi Tee lent money from a loan shark and now he in danger?'

The man starts to feel annoyed for the delay answer he was looking for. This small man really trying to test his patience.

"where is he?" ask the giant harshly.

"he is in Indonesia. He took a leave and having a vacation in Bali!" answer Win fast and cowers in fears but he is proud he still can lie in this situation.

'I'm so smart' Win humbly compliments himself.

"Hm" with a short sigh the giant leave.

Win falls on the floor while holding his chest, he almost die just now, he even can see the grim reaper waving his hand at him.

"what happened Phi Tee?"Now Win is more worried than before.

"We are leaving first. Make sure you clean up everything" All the staffs already ready to go home.

Win can't even protest when they all leave through the main door. Win curse in his head because he is the youngest and the nost junior too, he can't argue with them if he wants to keep working here.

Win hurriedly lock the door in case another gangster enter the clinic. He takes the mop and start mopping the floor. He cleans up everything like he always do till it's a little late for him to go back.

Win wears his jacket and his helmet, he is ready to leave after satisfied with his cleaning.

This time, when he already hold the door handle, he heard something from behind. Win wants to cry so bad, he can't decide wether to go look at it or run for his life.

"God, what sins I've done in the past that you treat me like this?" Win is hopeless now.

"Nong Win?!" after Win heard Tee's voice calling for him he runs to hug Tee.

"Phi Tee! Where were you? Are you okay?  What happened? I'm really worried, I thought another giant come from the back door" babbles Win like rapping.

Tee try to understand everything Win said but he only listen a few words from that super fast rap.

"hey, calm down. I'm okay and what giant?"ask Tee confuse, all his life he never once met a giant.

"Phi Tee! I can't calm down. Today, a giant man came here, he was looking for you! He is really scary, his arm is even bigger than your head, he can break me easily" here Win start to ramble again but this time Tee heard everything clearly.

"what did you told the giant then?" ask Tee.

"I lied, I told him you are still in Indonesia. Who was he phi? You are not in debt with the loan shark right?"

"No! Nothing that ridiculous. I need you to help me, if he come looking for me again make sure you warn me" Tee is worried too but he thinks ot safer when people are around.

"okay phi. You are not in danger right?" Win just want to make sure Tee is okay.

"I'm not. Don't worry about me"

"good. You will start working tomorrow?" ask Win changing the subject, Tee nods his head and then Win start to rap about the problems happened at the clinic without Tee's around

Did Tee feel guilty he caused trouble to everyone else in the clinic? Not at all, he only feels guilty toward Win. Tee wants to resign but he knows it will take time before the clinic can find a replacement so he will stay for two weeks most.

"Win, I will send my resignation letter" said Tee.

"what? Why? I know they are bad person phi but you can't leave me alone here. Phi Tee, you got a better offer? Please take me with you" Win clings to Tee like a koala bear.

'I hope it was the reason too Win'

"I want to work with my uncle. He is not young anymore to manage the chalet alone." Tee obviously lied because he loves his work, he loves animals more than human?

"I will work with you phi." Win pouts again.

Tee laughs at Win's antic, he knows Win loves his job like him, Win is just scared to be here alone, he also feels guilty that he dragged Win into his problem.

"Win, you can try to work at other clinic because it's your passion. I don't want you to regret your decision later" Tee pats Win's shoulder hoping Win will think about his ridiculous decision again.

"so do you phi. Phi, you should tell me what's your problem and why they look for you. Maybe I can help"

"nothing Win, trust me. I will send my resignation letter but it will take at least two week to be processed. You too Win, if you don't like working here, talk to Phi Gwen, she will help you" advise Tee.

"No! I'm leaving with you!" Win close the discussion leaving Tee speechless.

Tee sighs but he note himself to call and talk to Gwen later. No matter what he told Win now will lead to nothing but stubbornness from Win.

Tee let it slide for today and told Win to go home.

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