Part 33

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When Tae said he wants to step up on his game he did exactly that. He already contacted Anne to discuss about a big case about illegal organ trafficking in Thailand. Anne has a strong feel for justice and she is willing to take a month leave from her work in UK to take care of this case.

Tae waits for Anne, Saint is the one who fetched Anne from the airport. When Anne arrived she jumps on Tae and hug Tae tightly.

Tee is shocked but he tries to stay calm. He doesn't know anything about this woman and no one tell him about someone is coming over. Tee's blood is boiling when they both talk sweetly toward each other.

Tee glares at them one last time before he walk away from the scene, it's hurting his eyes and heart. Win who stands beside Tee realize how Tee's emotion change follow Tee into the house.

"Phi Tee" calls Win and lies beside Tee on the bed, Tee enter his own room not the one he share with Tae.

"She is Phi Tae's best friend na, don't think so much" Win try to consoles Tee.

"I know. That's why I left. I can't see they acting like that. It's hard to be in love and relationship" Tee laughs sadly at himself for feeling this way.

Win laughs too, he understands what Tee is feeling because he sometimes want to cover Saint from everyone who stares at him.

While they are talking Saint knock the door, Tee suddenly become quiet and cover himself with the blanket. He wants to rest and stay in the room.

"Win, Tae ask for Tee"

"Phi Tee is resting now. He said his head hurt a little" informs  Win lying for Tee's side.

Win enters the room and look at Tee worriedly, now Win feels bad for lying.

"Phi Tee is okay. He just want to rest a little bit"

"but why he sleeps here?" Win feels something is not right for Tee to not rest in Tae's room.

"oh, uh, Phi Tee wanted to rest there but I asked him to stay here. In case he wants me to help him with anything, I don't feel comfortable accompany Phi Tee in Phi Tae's room" Win try hard to give a reasonable excuse and Tee wants to raise his thumbs up for Win superb excuse.

"okay then. I will bring your lunch later. Rest first" Saint ruffles Tee and Win's hair before he left the room.

Tee and Win laugh together after Saint left, they are so good in acting now.

Saint return to the table, everyone already sitting at the table except for Tee and Win. Even Win glads Tee didn't come down to eat together because there is another person sitting on Tee's chair.

"where is Tee?" ask Tae when Saint come down alone.

"Tee suddenly doesn't feel well. He is resting now"

"huh? Is he okay?" Tae already stands up and ready to go to see Tee but Saint stop him.

"He is okay, Win already there to take care of him." explains Saint.

"I will just check up on him" Tae still insist on going.

"who is Tee?" ask Anne when she keeps hearing Tee's name but still doesn't know who is this person. Tae has been looking for Tee since she arrived.

"enjoy your lunch Anne. I have to check on my boyfriend first" Tae just leaves after that making Anne become speechless. Everybody who heard Tae admitting Tee is his boyfriend can't hide their smiles.

Win hears the knock, he already can guess who is knocking so he open the door and let Tae enter the room.

"Phi Tar, I don't want to be rude but Phi Tee is fragile now. He is not the same strong Phi Tee like in the past. He has insecurity and loves you, a lot. All of this feelings are new to him and sometimes he is not ready to accept it at once. I know she is your friend or whatever but you should know not everyone can see it as just friendship"

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