Part 16

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Tee wants to see Kao so bad but Tae didn't allow him to go to work yet, he is left alone in this big house doing nothing but sleep. The shivering didn't occur anymore and he feels so much better than before, he is confirm that he is fully healed already but Tae still orders him to stay at home.

Tee is moping around in the living room, he is really bored and want to do something so bad but he can't. He cooked for Tae and himself sometimes but that's all he is allowed to do. He sighs for thousandth times today and lay on the sofa, maybe he should sleep again.

Tae was home when Tee totally pass out on the sofa in the living room, for someone who already slept all day Tee sure can sleep more. Tae shakes his head watching Tee's sleeping pattern. The head is hang off the sofa, legs on the headrest, what a terrible posture.

Tae left Tee and went to his room, he is early today because he directly come home after his lunch meeting. After he refresh himself he go to the living room back, he brings with him Tee's camera. Maybe it's time for him to return it back.

"Khun Tae?" Tee just woke up a few minutes ago, he is still sleepy but he needs to get up now, his body hurt all over because of his sleeping pattern.

"Here, I forgot to give it back" Tae shows the camera and the bag.

Tee's eyes opens wide automatically, his sleepiness went away just like that. He jumps from the sofa and reach to get his camera. He hugs it tight in his embrace, kissing it a few times because he miss his camera very much.

Tae watch Tee's reactions with raised brows, Tee looks so happy to get his camera back. Tae ignores the short drama and sit on the single sofa and scrolls down his phone.

"Thank you for returning it back to me. This is my life!" Tee continue hugging the camera close to him.

Tae nods his head and continue playing with his phone.

"Do you want to eat something? I will cook for you as a thank you" Tee offers happily, he will make anything Tae wants to eat today.

Tae looks at Tee, he is very interested in that offer, besides he is also start to feel hungry too. Tae told Tee what he wants to eat and he waits for Tee cooking in the kitchen. He patiently wait for his food at the island table.

Tee serves a plate of spaghetti on the table, only one with cold ice coffee. He didn't make anything for himself, that makes Tae frown a little.

Tee feels nervous when he see Tae's reaction of his cooking, he thought he cook something wrong because Tae doesn't look happy with what he served on the plate. Tee slowly try to take the plate back, he decided to cook something more thai cuisine this time.

Tae catch Tee's hand making Tee startles a little, Tee blinks innocently because he is scared what Tae will do to him.

'he wants to cut my hand?' Tee's funny head scared himself a little, he only has two hands and he wants it to intact on his body forever.

"why just one plate?" ask Tae with the scary frown remain on his forehead.

"Huh?" Tee is dumbfounded with the question, did he cook a little to Tae? Did he doesn't make enough to feed Tae's hunger?

"I can make another plate for you khun" said Tee.

Tae looks at Tee for three seconds before he sighs. He now realise that Tee is scared of his actions.

'am I that scary?' Tae ask his inner self, even his inner voice doesn't dare to answer that question.

"Cook another plate for you, I don't enjoy eating alone" replies Tae without looking at Tee.

Tee's mouth open by itself a little, he thinks Tae is acting weird since the day he was injected with the drug.

"Tee!" Calls Tae this time, he even hit a table a little because Tee is lost in his own world in front of Tae.

Tee looks at Tae and rush to make another plate of spaghetti for himself, it's a trouble because he needs to start from the first stage again. He looks at the instant noodles on the cupboard and reach for that, it will be easier and faster to cook.

Tee is done within 5 minutes and Tae still didn't touch his food, he is waiting for Tee to eat together. Tee take a seat oh n front of Tae and stare at Tae blank face. They stare to each other for a few seconds without saying anything else.

Tee is actually waiting for Tae to eat first. Tae takes his spoon and twirl the spaghetti before he feed himself. Tee is watching his actions like a mom look at hia kid.

"it's good" compliments Tae and Tee's face  lit up with a bright smile. Tae can't help but to smile back when he see how bright Tee look just now.

He clears his throat and return his sight to the food back. Tee eat his noodles silently, he really want to finish it fast so that he can go back to his room but Tae is eating very slowly.

"Khun, can I ask you two questions?" Tee ask for permission before asking, he really doesn't know how to be casual with Tae, Tae is his boss and also the one who force him to be here, well it's because all of his stupid plan in Bali. He sighs blaming himself again.

"Hm" replies Tae short.

Tee leans forward a little.

"First question, when I can go back to the house you prepared for me and Win?" ask Tee after gathet all courage he has in himself. He wants to go back so bad

"anything wrong with staying here?" ask Tae back, his face doesn't look happy at all. Tee gulps and blinks nervously, he asked a wrong question.

"uhm, because, because I don't want to disturb your space khun. I'm okay and healthy now" replies Tee trying to explain himself, he doesn't want to sound rude to Tae.

"I forgot to inform you, you will be staying here from now on, Win too will stay here"

"huh?! Why?!" ask Tee shocked, why with the sudden decision?

"my new workers will stay there next week" answers Tae, Tee is gaping like a fish force out of water. He has so many questions to ask now, he doesn't want to stay under the same roof with Tae!

"then, I will rent..."

"next question?" Tae cut Tee off easily. Tee looks at Tae in disbelief, Tae just ignore him a minute ago.

Tee understands that he was left with no choice but to obey. Why his life take a u turn like this? He is pitying himself.

"Can I see Kao tomorrow? I will just see him a little bit and then go home. Please" pleads Tee begging for Tae permission.

Tae sighs, Tee is really stubborn and want to visit Kao so bad so Tae just nod his head once.

"tomorrow at 8 am. You will be going with me" Tae decided it himself.

Tee can't even say anything in return because Tae already done with his food, he took his plate to the sink and leave Tee alone in the kitchen.

"He is losing some screw in his head" mutters Tee alone. He huffs but still finish his noodle. He cleans the plates and go back to his room to rest, he feels so tired after talking with Tae.

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