Part 39

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Day moving forward smoothly after that and everyone is happy with their own life. Win took Saint to meet his parents and introduced Saint as his lover. Win's parents are surprised at first because they know their son loves girls before and now he suddenly told them he has a boyfriend. They still accept and love nonetheless.

Tee is back to work like usual, Tae wants to fulfil Tee's dream to open a clinic by own but Tee rejects it saying he loves working with the ponies and he can do charity work when he has time to help the stray cats and dogs.

Tae respects Tee's decision because all he wants is for Tee to be happy. For Tae, Tee was sent by god to complete his life and also to make him become a better person. He was a selfish man and hates everything before but the incident at Bali brought them together till today.

Tae walks to where Tee is sitting with his laptop doing something he is curious to know about. Tee has been at the screen for an hour now, it's like Tee is doing a research of important matters.

"Tee" calls Tae and sits beside Tee, his eyes looking at the screen

"khrub phi?" Ask Tee with his happy smiles. That smile alone able to make Tae's life light up so brightly.

"What are you doing looking so serious?" Ask Tae since he can't really see anything on the screen now that showing empty browser.

"ah, I'm looking for a tour agencies" answers Tee truthfully. Tee doesn't want to be scammed again like before. He did feel grateful a little bit because he met Tae through it but he doesn't want to lose money like that again. It's better if the money goes to People in need.

"Where are you going?" Ask Tae with knotted brows. Tee didn't discuss anything with him about a tour.

"Bali, Indonesia" answers Tee happily.

The answer is too short for Tae to understand what is going on right now.

"I want to take you to Bali phi. The places are beautiful but I didn't get to enjoy the view last time we were there. I want to create another good memories together there" replies Tee this time making Tae understand why he is looking for tour agencies.

Tae chuckles a little and kiss Tee's cheek because he thinks Tee is being adorable right now.

"I'm sorry for that, you must think I'm a bad person before" Tae remembers how he made Tee's life miserable.

Tee laughs when Tae apologize, he did angry before and scared too but after he thinks rationally what he was doing is wrong and a crime too. He is trespassing into another's person room. He can go to jail because of that.

"I was the bad one phi. I should talk to you because I'm sane enough but I chose to stay quiet about it"

"Still, I shouldn't threaten you."

"Stop blaming yourself phi. Past is past and now we are together because of that encounter, it's a fate that brings us together" Tee hugs Tae side and cuddles in Tae's embrace. Tae pulls Tee tighter while his fingers rubs Tee's arm softly.

"You don't have to find any agencies Tee. We can go anywhere you want"

"No phi, this time I've already has enough saving so I'm taking you to a vacation. It will be me spending money and treating you" Tee is stubborn and Tae know it very well.

"Love, you can discuss it with Fern. All this time Fern is the one who arrange my trip in or out of country" suggest Tae because he doesn't want Tee to think about it this hard. He knows Tee has a bad memories of tour agencies before.

"Yes! How can I forget Phi Fern? Okey then,I will call him!" Tee rushes to make a call but Tae pulls him tighter in his embrace. Tee looks at Tae confused. Why Tae doesn't want to let him go?

"That's can wait but not my stomach"

"Huh?" Tee looks at the time in his phone and it's already past 2 p.m. it's above their lunch time

"You didn't eat lunch yet?" Ask Tee shocked. He has been looking at it since morning and now it's already past noon.

"I'm waiting for you" answers Tae with a pout.

"I'm sorry phi! Why you didn't call me? I need to cook first!"

"I can't wait anymore. Let's eat outside" Tae rubs his empty stomach making Tee feels more guiltier.

"Okay! Let me take short shower. You can get ready phi" said Tee and runs to the bathroom but before he can enter it Tae catch him first.

"I need a shower too. Let's take it together to save time" suggest Tae with innocent face and Tee almost agree with it because he is in rush.

"Nope! It will be me as your lunch then. Go take one in another room. You need to eat real food!" Tee emphasize the world real food to Tae, he pulls away Tae's hand and enter the bathroom. He even lock it from inside making Tae chuckles.

"What a stingy lover" comments Tae and walk away to take shower too. He knows Tee will be hungry once he finish with the shower

They are done and drive to a colsest  mall to eat and buys things for their house. They need to top up groceries and Tee also want to buy a new luggage for their trip later.

"You need to give me early date love, I'm afraid I can't make it" said Tae to Tee while they are looking at new luggage.

"I understand phi. I just want to find a hotel to stay, planes tickets first. I will discuss with you about the date later" answers Tee while looking at yellow luggages.

"Okey then, I don't want to spoil your plan since my schedule is a bit hectic"

"Thank you phi" said Tee sincerely.

"When you discuss it with Fern, ask him about my schedule and tell him to arrange it if he can"

"Alright phi."

"Khun, I want this 3 in 1 set please" Tee already find the one he wants to buy. He is buying a set of luggage.

They walk to the counter to pay for it and take out his card first but Tee snatch it and pays with his.


"I will pay for this one. I need to spend my money too or it will rot in my account"

Tae laughs hearing the nonsense but he ket Tee pay for it, nothing can stop Tee now. Even the cashier laugh because of Tee's silly reason.

Tae asks his man to send the luggage to the car because they need to do grocery shopping too. His kitchen is full with everything like his restaurant since Tee enjoys cooking and make food for them.

Tae takes the trolley and push it while Tee walk at his side hand in hand, they get look from a few people but they don't care at all. It's their choice to like and dislike something they see

Tee takes a few types of spices on the rack, mostly the one Fern suggested him to buy since they love buying groceries together. Tae knows a lot of ingredients too since he involve in planning for new menu at his restaurant.

"Which one do you prefer? Which brand?" Tee ask his opinion on osyter sauce. Tee said he wants to change the one they always use because it doesn't taste the same anymore.

"Let's try this one, this is the new product from this brand" suggest Tae and Tee agrees with it fast

Tee enjoys their time together and he bought everything in his list except one thing. He wants to buy a couple shirts like Saint and Win. They look cute wearing couples shirts and pajamas.

"Anything else you want to buy?" Ask Tae after putting their stuff in the car.

"i want to go to another shop. Can we?" Ask Tee hopeful.

"Of course love. Just type the address and let's go"

"Yay! Thank you phi" Tee enters the address Win told him where the shop is located.

Tae starts to drive with Tee's hand in his. Tee turns on the radio and they enjoy the trip with the local songs.

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