Part 30

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Tee awake because he wants to release his bladder so bad, he went to sleep just like that because he was so upset with what he saw. He still remember when he wake up and he wants to sleep again but his bladder won't give him a cooperation.

Tee sighs and lazily walk to the bathroom, didn't even bother to turn on any lamp because the light from the bathroom is already enough. Win always make sure the light in the bathroom is on at night because he hates sleeping in darkness and he didn't like the bedside lamp

Tee finished his business and walk to the sink to wash his hand. He looks into the mirror, his eyes are a little bit red and swollen, he did cry himself to sleep because his heart hurt.

"that's because you play hard to get and take a long time to tell him how you feel" Tee lectures himself, he doesn't has anyone else to blame except himself.

Tee washes his face and take a deep breath. He plans how to confront Tae tomorrow, he wants to get out from that house because he knows he won't be able to hide his feelings when he see Tae.

Tee wipes his face with the towel hang at the wall, he gets out from the toilet and walk to the bed. He takes his phone and see he got so many calls from Tae.

Tee leans on the headrest and scroll his phone, he reads texts from Tae asking him where were him because he is really worried.

"god!" Tee is shocked when he looks around the room and saw someone sleeping on the sofa while sitting. He can't see the face clearly so he thought it was Win.

Tee sighs and gets up from the bed, he is curious why Win is sleeping on the sofa.

"Phi Tae?" Tee is shocked once again when he can see more clearly the person who is sleeping on the sofa.

Tae is awakes when he heard Tee's voice and he stands up abruptly making he feels dizzy and fall to the sofa back.

"Phi Tae, careful" Tee holds Tae's arm abd sit at Tae's side. He rubs Tae's arm softly to make Tae calm down.

"Tee!" Tae pulls into his arms making Tee a little bit move on top of Tae because of the force, Tee just let Tae hug him like that.

"what you saw mean nothing. I have to has dinner with her" explains Tae while hugging Tee tightly.

"Phi Tae, I can't talk, you hug me too tight"

Tae release Tee a little, he makes Tee to look at him in the eye. They barely can see each other but they can see the shape of each others face.

"I don't have any feelings to her. I have to do that because I want to get something from her father. I know I sound so low for playing dirty trick like this but I have no choice" Tae is really desperate for Tee to understand what happened between him and Mai.

Tee knows and trusts Tae but it's still hurt to see someone you have feelings for take other person to a special place like that.

"You took her to a special place" mutters Tee, Tee is sulking.

"I didn't book or reserve the table. Her father did that. Tee, please believe me" begs Tae while holding Tee's hand tightly 

Tee can feel that Tae is worried about him misunderstand the situation and he feels very happy to know that.

"it's hurt to see someone you love have a date with someone else"

Tae is speechless when he heard indirect confession from Tee

"what, what do you, mean Tee?" ask Tae desperate.

"I know I shouldn't jealous and I know I have no right to be jealous but I can't hide it anymore. I don't like what I saw Phi Tae and I'm sorry for that but I'm not sorry for loving you!" Tee can't hide his feelings anymore, he wants to let out everything he keep in his heart.

"I love you Tee!" confess Tae while Tee is still rambling with his words. Now is Tee turn to become speechless.

"really?" ask Tee scared if he put too much hopes in that confession. Tae can love him in many ways, as What? It's not clear.

"I've fallen in love with you since day one I met you years ago"

"huh? But I can't even remember you that time"

"It's doesn't matter as long as I still remember you. I love you Tee, so much" Tae puts their foreheads together. His heart is beating real fast to Tee.

"when I return from the dinner, I'm so happy I can meet you soon. I searched for you everywhere in that house, ny heart drop and stop beating when I can't see you anywhere. I can't lose you Tee, I won't survive"

Tee is surprised when he feels something drop on his chin, it's Tae's tears rolling on his face. Tae must be really scared when he can't see Tee anywhere.

"when you are angry with me you can scold me or hit me but please, please never leave me" begs Tae still crying and it makes Tee cry too.

"don't cry Phi Tae. I promise, I will never leave you because I love you so much too. I don't want to lose you too"

Tae pulls away their foreheads together abd caress Tew's soft cheeks. Tee wipes Tae's tears with his fingers and they stay like that for a minute before Tae start to lean in first.

"Push me away if you are not ready" whispers Tae making Tee's heart beating real fast. They both are not calm right now.

Tae leans in some more making their lips become closer and closer, Tee glances to Tae's lips and can't wait anymore. He doesn't know how to kiss since this is his first kiss so he just bravely lean in and put their lips together.

Tae is surprised at first but he starts to move his lips slowly and tenderly, he showers Tee's lips with soft pull and grace. It takes Tee a minute to copy what Tae is doing to him.

Tee is a little bit sloppy but Tae enjoy the inexperience but soft and sweet lips on his. He is confirmed that he is addicted to Tee's lips now.

Tae's move become braver and Tee almost drown in the sweetness and pleasure that he doesn't realize he already on top of Tae, straddling Tae's laps.

They continue sharing the romantic feelings they have toward each other. Tae wants to get more because Tee's lips alone is not enough for him to savor anymore.

Tae using his tongue this time and Tee opens his mouth to give access to Tae to conquer his mouth. Without he knows, he moans and that sound make Tae become more excited.

"Phi" Tee is totally lost in the pleasure when Tae's hand move on his back and neck.

"ugh! Phi!" Tee is startles when their lower body accidently rubs into each other.

Tee is breathing real hard and his face is super red right now. Tee pulls away and see down to see something is standing proudly.

"Phi Tae!" Tee becomes embarrassed, he hits Tae's shoulder and hides his face on the crook of Tae's neck. He even put a small cushion between them.

Tae's breathing is still ragged but he can't stop laughing. They are moving too fast for Tee to handle.

"I'm sorry babe" Tae apologise but can't stop laughing yet. Tee also start to laugh like him.

"I'm sorry, I'm not ready to go that far yet" Tee looks at Tae and Tae pulls him to kiss on the chin.

"we have all the time on the world babe"

"I love you phi Tae. Don't make me jealous anymore because it's hurt" grumbles Tee and Tae chuckles at how cute Tee is right now.

"I promise" the promise make Tee feels at ease.

They go back to sleep after that, Tae even need to calm himself with thinking about work. Tee is irressistable for him to handle.

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