Part 25

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Tee happily eating the food while Tae enjoy staring at Tee enjoying his food. Tee is easily to satisfy and he is willing to give anything to Tee.

"you have anywhere else to go today?" ask Tae to Tee. Tee almost done with his food, he finished everything he orders on the table. He is enjoying ice cream right now.

"I saw an ads of a new film. Do you want to watch it with me?" ask Tee hopeful, he really want to watch it. Since Tae bought him a latest smartphone he learnt how to use it from Win. He now knows it's easier to have smartphone nowadays.

"Sure. Have you bought the ticket? Should we go now?" Tae never went to a cinema before, he didn't enjoy being in crowd and he prefer watching it alone in his own place.

"I already look at it online. I will book now" Tee take out his phone and Tae smiles widely, Tee even use a very cute phone case.

"You are using the phone well" tease Tae. Tee chuckles and nods his head.

"I use it because you bought it for me. I still love my old phone" of course Tee doesn't want to back off.

Tae just laugh at it,he calls the waiter and pay for their meal. Tee already done booking two tickets for them but they still have an hour before the time.

"Should we walk around while waiting. I want to buy a boot for us"

"boots? But I don't need it phi"

"I'm buying it for us. You will need it later" Tae pulls Tee's hand to make Tee follow him. Tee just sighs and follows along,nothing he say will stop Tae too.

While they are looking at boots, Tae make Tee try a few but he is not satisfied making Tee confused. He thinks everything look the same and he is okay with any.

"This one, how it feels?" Tae finally find the one he likes the most and Tee hurriedly agree with the choice. To be honest, shopping with Tae is tiring for him.

"I like this one. Let's buy this" Tae ask the seller to take both of their size and pay for it. Tee is ready to pay for his but Tae didn't give him a chance at all.

They are walking around the mall while waiting and Tee decided to enter a shop that sells cameras, he wants to buy a new lens for his camera. He wants to take a good photo for the polo game in another two weeks.

This time Tee pulls Tae to enter with him, Tae has no idea or knowledge about cameras so he just sit on the sofa and watch Tee excited shopping around. Tee always check the price and it makes Tae want to buy everything Tee touch in the shop.

Tee finally found the one he likes and he purchase it, with his own money even though Tae is ready to pay for him again.

"I want to buy it for myself" Tee pleads and Tae just allow it this time.

When they are on the way to the cinema, Tae got a call, he already reject it once when theu were in the shop, he doesn't want anyone to disturb their time together.

His phone keeps ringing and Tee told Tae to answer it, the caller is really persistent so maybe it's an important call.

"I'm sorry" Tae apologise and answer the call, he is ready to scold the one who is calling.

Tee wants to walk away and give some space for Tae to talk but Tae hold Tee's hand tightly, he doesn't want Tee to go so Tee stay there.

"Yes Ben?" ask Tae sounds angry.

"I'm sorry for disturbing your time khun but I need you to be here. Our men already captured the one who change the meds in the farm. We need to interrogate him now because police is looking for him too. We just have tonight, tomorrow we need to send him to the police" Ben feels bad for disturbing Tae and Tee time but this is also important.

Tae looks at the watch on his wrist and it's already 9pm, they don't have time to lose right now.

Tee can see Tae is battling with himself and he knows it's urgent and Tae has to leave right now.

"Ok, wait for me" Tae ends the call with a sigh. He wants to stay and be with Tee so bad.

"Phi, we can watch it another time. We can go home now" Said Tee but Tae shakes his head.

"I will ask Win and Saint to come here. You should go and watch the movie" Tae already sent a text to Saint to come here in 20 minutes, the sooner the better.

"But, we can cancel it. I'm okay with not watching it today" Tee doesn't want to trouble anyone. He doesn't mind not watching it today.

"No. Let's enter now, it's almost the showtime" Tae pulls Tee to the stairs. Tee feels bad but he just follow Tae. They enter once Tee show the ticket to the worker.

They sit on their seat, the movie is not started yet and people still entering the room. Everything is dark and cold too.

"You need my jacket" Tae take off his jacket and put it on Tee's laps.

"don't have to phi, what about you?"

"I'm leaving soon, I'm sorry I can't accompany you till the end" both of them feel guilty for their situation.

Tee smiles a little, no one is wrong but they keep apologizing to each other.

"I will watch it with you again next time" promise Tee .

"only if the story is good" Tee laughs a little making Tae smiles. At least he feels less guilty now.

Tae text Saint to buy popcorn and drinks since they didn't have time to buy any just now.

The movie starts abd Tae only able to watch it for 10 minutes. Win already enter and looking for their seat.

Tae and Tee look at each other, Tae leans down to kiss Tee's head and leave after that. He already being a hindrance to other by standing, blocking their sight

Tee blush and stun at the kiss, Win smirks teasingly. He is so ready to tease his senior.

"So sweet naa" tease Win happily,Tee shoves Win softly and grabs the popcorn Win brought with him.

"where is your boyfriend?" ask Tee, he can't see Saint anywhere.

"I'm not dating the giant" whispers Win with a pout, he is not dating with Saint! Hmph!

Tee smiles, they are so funny. They clearly like each other but still playing hard to get. Tee just want to see how far they can play like that.

"you like him right?" tease Tee this time.

"No!" object Win hard.

"shhh!!!" a man warn them for being noisy.

They both apologise and try to hide their laugh. They start to focus on the screen, need to watch it since they already paid for the tickets.

Tae met Saint outside the cinema.

"Please make sure Tee go home safely and ask him if he wants to buy any food. Inform me when he is home"

"Yes khun, don't worry" Saint smiles a little.

"stop with the khun, Fern, Ben and you. Tee don't like it" Tae shakes his head and leave after that.

Tee never said he doesn't like it but he said it's weird because they mostly from the same school. Why they are so formal with Tae? Since then Tae ask them to call him Tae when they are off work.

Everything takes time to happen, they all already used to call him boss too.

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