Part 5

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Tee wakes up early this morning and he is surprised to see he is sleeping on the bed untied. He saw the big man from yesterday still sleeping soundly on the couch. He looks around and see it's still early and everyone is sleeping.

This means, a perfect chance for him to run away from here. Tee moves slowly avoid making any sound and get off from the bed. He found his bag and take it, he left his bag pack because he can't find it, just bring the sling bag with him. Clothes he can buy but not his freedom.

Tee put all his stake and fate in this escape. He get out from the room and saw a clock by accident, it's only 5 am. Tee rushes to the door, unlock it easily and make a run to the lift.

He able to reach the lobby, ask help from the staff there to call a taxi to take him to the airport. With the help he able to get on the taxi and on the way to the airport.

He feels nervous but happy that he can escape now. Only when he reached the airport he will know if he can go back to Thailand.

The drives is quiet and all he has in his mind right now is to find a way to go back to Thailand.

When he reached the airport, he walks to the ticket counter and tell them about his problem. They said they can try to help and Tee just need to wait.

Time is moving, it's almost 7 am now, the earliest flight to Bangkok is at 8.30 am, he needs to has a ticket soon.

"sir, we able to change your ticket but the seat are different and might be a little bit uncomfortable compared to your previous seat"

"I will take it. Can I board in now?" ask Tee fast, even he has to sit on the floor he will be willing too.

After the normal process he able to get on the plane. The last thing is for the plane to take off and he will be arrived at Bangkok.


Saint wakes up to see the missing Tee, he try to look around because the bag is still here. Tee is nowhere in the room,Saint is panicking but he still needs to inform Tae about Tee disappearance.

"Khun! Tee is gone"

"what?!" Tae who enjoyed his morning coffee rushed to the room, indeed, Tee is nowhere in sight now.

"You!" Tae looks at Saint deadly, Saint knows he screw up now.

"I will try to look for him outside the hotel"

Tae shut his eyes tight and try to calm himself. Tee is gone and he knows Tee is already far away from them.

"let him be. We still has work in Bali but, once we return to Thailand I want him in front of me, I also want to know everything about him. Go find out if he already left Bali" orders Tae. Saint bows his head and run to do his job.

Tae brush his hair angrily, now he is more sure about his suspicion, Tee is not here by coincidence. That's what he it thinking. He thinks someone send Tee to be here abd he will find out who and why. 

Tae decided he won't care wether Tee is someone dear to Saint or not, he will never let go anyone who try to harm him.


Tee arrived at Bangkok and he directly went home. He hopes the men he met in Bali won't be able to find him here, he really has no idea who is he messing right now.

"Phi Tee?!" Win is shocked to see Tee enter the clinic panicking.

Tee pulls Win's hand to come with him to his room. He wants to know if Win knows about the scammer, all of the mess happened because of the damn scam.

"Phi Tee, why are you home early? Something bad happened?" Now Win is worry about Tee.

Tee can't sit calmly, he looks around from the window to see if anyone follow him here.

"Phi Tee" calls Win again, he is really worried about Tee now because Tee looks like he is tired and in a big problem.

"Win, the vacation, it was a scam" said Tee after taking a deep breath.

"what?! No way phi, I even met the agent at the office."

"you can check if their company exist or not"

Win takes out his phone and search for the company's name. He found it because people are searching for it too and then he read a few comments. They were a scammer and he was scammed by them.

"Phi Tee, I really don't know. I'm sorry" Win sits on his knees in frotn of Tee, he really feel guilty for causing the trouble to  Tee

"it's okay Win. I able to come back now. I don't want to talk about Bali anymore and if possible let's stop talking about this matter" Tee doesn't want to drag Win into his problems thst he created himself.

"But phi, It's my fault for trusting them" Win can't let it go just like that. He is glad thst Tee able to return now but for 3 days Tee was there, what happen to Tee?

"you should make a police report. They took your money"

"I don't care about it phi, as long as you are okay. Please forgive me phi" Win clings to Tee cutely.

"I forgive you. I still have 4 days of leave so I'm going to get a proper vacation in Thailand. If anyone find me just tell them you don't know where am I. Don't tell anyone I'm here today too, because I don't want to answer them later. I'm taking my clothes and will be leaving soon, go take care of clinic" Tee sends Win away fast before other staffs realised he is here.

Tee is running away, he has no time to a vacation now. He can call Win if he wants to know if someone is looking for him. Tee tidies his bag, take some money he kept under the bed and run away using the back door.

Tee didn't go far he just hide at an old chalet he always come when he wants an alone time. He knows the old owner and he likes spending time here because it's just a small area and just regular customers come here

"Uncle Ton" calls Tee while they are eating dinner together.

"What nong Tee? What trouble you did this time?" Ton knows Tee for years already and he can see Tee has a problem and he is running away from the problem.

"nothing like that uncle. I just want to be away from the city." Tee doesn't want to talk about his problem, this kind old man will worry about him if he told him what he had done.

Ton respect Tee decision to keep it so he didn't push Tee to say more. They talk about the old time and spend the night early since Tee already tired.

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