Part 32

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Win stays at Tee's side in the hospital when Tae went to talk with the doctor. Tae insist in taking Tee to the hospital instead of just resting at the institution.

"phi..." Tee starts to wake up after he fainted for 3 hours. Win holds Tee's hand and grip it tightly. He is really worried.

"Phi Tee! How are you feeling? Everyone is very worry about you" Win wipes his tears abd still rambling about things that Tee can't interprete what.

"Phi Tae, where is Phi Tae?" ask Tee start to panic because he can't see Tae anywhere.

"Phi Tae is talking to the doctor"

"I want him, please. Please Win take me to Phi Tae!" pleads Tee and try to get down from the bed.

Win hold Tee to make Tee calm down first and he told Tee he will go and find Tae so Tee just has to rest and wait for Tae here.

Win runs to the doctor's room, looking for Tae everywhere.

"Phi Tae! Phi Tee..." Win didn't even finish his sentence when Tae stands up from the chair and push him away from the door.

Tae is running toward Tee's room causing commotion. Win and the doctor rush to Tee's ward too to check on Tee's condition.

"Tee! What are you doing?" Tae raise his voice a little bit when he see Tee trying to get up from the floor.

Tee didn't wait like Win asked, he wants to find Tae himself but his legs worn out and make him fall on the floor. He is still weak and unstable.

Tae lifts Tee and put Tee back on the bed, he is ready to lecture Tee for being stubborn but shut himself when Tee hugs him tightly like his life depend on it.

"don't involve with that man. He in dangerous. You can't involve with him" Tee is shaking, he can't stop begging Tae to stop seeing the man which Tae didn't know who.

"I think the man he saw before he fainted. The old man you sent to the car after the game end" Explains Win because he remembers correctly Tee fainted when they are looking at the man and Tae shake their hand.

"Van?" ask Tae to make sure.

"Yes! Van! Everyone called him Sir Van. He is dangerous and evil! He hit us, he tortured us. He hit me!" Tee automatically hold his wrist. He did has a scar and now Tae knows who caused the scar on Tee's body.

"it's hurt! He hit me with his stick. He stabbed it with his stick when I tried to eat. You can't involve with him. Please" Tee is a crying mess and he is unstable right now, he also can't control his emotions anymore

"I think we need to make him calm down"  says the doctor but Tae doesn't agree with it.

"everyone get out. I will make him calm down. Please leave us"

Everyone look among themselves and decided to just obey what Tae wants.

Tae hugs Tee and keep whispering loving words and calming tone. After a while Tee able to calm himself and return to his usual self. This time he is a lot more calmer than before, he also able to control his emotions and body.

"He is dangerous Phi Tae" Tee cries again but this time because he is really scared and doesn't want to see Tae in danger.

"I know. I will put an end to this. To his crime and syndicates. He hurt a lot of people already,someone need to stop him"

"How Phi Tae? It's been years"

"Tee, if no one stop him now, how many innocent kids will he kill and use?"

Tee becomes quiet when Tae said that.

"Don't worry. I know what to do and we will be able to take him to justice. Just give me some time"

"Promise me you will not get hurt." begs Tee and Tae nods his head.

Tee able to calm down and eat his dinner calmly with Tae at his side. Tae already sent his investigator to follow Van, he already installed secret camera to Van's car and and shirt. Nano camera barely can be seen with naked eyes.

Tee can go home tonight and he won't leave Tae side at all. He wants all of them to stay with him because he is scared the Evil Van harm any of them.

"Make your own bed guys" tell Tae and pick Tee up to their room.

Win, Saint, Ben, Fern and Jin look among themselves to decide where to sleep tonight.

"I will sleep in Phi Tee's room. Good night everyone" Win wai to all of them and leave to the room he shared with Tee before. Saint without any voice follow Win from behind making the others laugh at it.


All of them was forced to stay together because of Tee's request but they still need to do their job and that's making Tee restless. Tee is worry about Tee's health but he needs to settle everything sooner before Van catch their plan.

"so, anything else?" ask Tae when they barely has new information about Van. Van didn't go to their port while wearing the same shirt making their effort on putting the camera is fruitless.

"today he went to this secluded place and we believe it's his port but we can only access view from his car"

"it's okay. Just keep tracking them"

While they are discussing another way to make their investigation faster K, Tae's investigator visit them.

"Khun! This is bad. I bring bad news" K looks terrified right now 

"what happened? What's wrong?"

"Van is not a big hit because higher ups involved in this matter. The head of Police officer in Bangkok and, our Ministry of security" K put down the photos he took.

Everyone are speechless about this news.

"are you sure K?" ask Fern to confirm.

"you can listen to this recording. They were talking using secret words but it's clear they all are involved"

After listening to the recording Tae feels his stomach hurt, this is way bigger than what he thought. They are fighting the country right now, how to expose all of them?

"This is way too big for us to handle." said Saint.

"and one more thing khun. You uncle, Khun Pete also one of them. This is their pictures"

Tae knows his uncle is evil because he was the one who threw Tae to the orphanage and stole Tae's parent heritage but he can't believe his uncle also this evil. He is lost right now.

"we already halfway, we can't back off now. We will need to be extra careful but I know how to push them"

Everyone look at Tae when Tae said that.

"Khun Van, he has a daughter too. No one know this because he is afraid of her safety, I know her daughter because she was my friend at UK. We will push him through his daughter. Van and Phanit, we will step this low to push them down, we have to"

Tae remember he has seen Van somewhere when they met and then he remembers his old friend told him she has a father but her father doesn't want to live with her. She knows his father love her but her father doesn't want to be with her. She showed the picture once and Tae glad he still remember it.

Maybe the God finally showing the way out to punish all of this devils. Tae has to do this, he knows his friend will help because she is a lawyer. Fate is ridiculous and hurtful at the same time.

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