Part 14

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Tae and Saint wait at the emergency room, Tee is still being treated in there. While they are waiting Win come with Jin to the hospital.

Win rush inside and want to see Tee but Saint hold him tight. Win try to fight back but he will never win against Saint's power.

"calm down! Doctor is treating him now"

Win starts to calm down a little after a moment. He looks at Saint and slumps into the arm. He was shocked to hear about Tee's accident. They just eat together minutes ago and now Tee is facing his death already.

A doctor come out after a while and Tae is ready to know what is Tee's condition. Saint and Win also wants to know how is Tee.

"thankfully you are fast Tae and it's a smart move to meet the medic halfway. If you are late a few minutes by waiting the ambulance to arrive, I'm not sure if he can survive it. He is stable now but it will take time for the drug to totally flush out from his system. He needs to be warded for a few days under observation" explains the doctor who is Tae's friend.

Win hugs Saint because he feels glad that Tee is safe now. Saint also feel very grateful his baby angel is okay.

Win and Saint visit Tee first , Win rush to Tee's side and hold Tee's pale hand. He wants to cry so bad but he put a strong face. He hopes Tee will be better soon.

Saint who just watching from sideways want to hold Tee and punish whoever caused the accident. Who dares to hurt his angel that make him hospitalized.

"Phi Tee will be okay right?" ask Win to Saint,his eyes already glossy with tears.

Saint move to Win's side and ruffles the smaller man hair. He put a smile a little bit and reassure Win that Tee will be okay

"He looks better when he smile" mutters Win just for himself, he always scared and annoyed of Saint presence all the time.

At the mean time the blood test result is out and Bun, the doctor asked for Tae to talk in his room. Tae just follows because he also wants to know the detail of Tee's condition.

"the blood test result is out" Bun said while sitting on front of Tae, only the table between them.

Tae take a seat too, he reads the result Bun put on the table. His calm face turn darker and darker every second, his frown are clear on his forehead now.

"I don't know much about this chemicals so I searched it in internet. I'm sure you know about this better than me, you own a pharmaceutical company after all"

"This chemicals..." Tae is in blank right now, he can't understand how this types of chemicals used in his farm.

Bun watch Tae's reaction keep changing but he knows for sure Tae is furious.

"The chemicals are to put down an elephant right?" ask Bun carefully, he doesn't want to slash out at him for saying unreliable information.

"how this chemicals enter my farm?" ask Tae with a scowl. He is super furious now.

"thankfully Tee was injected with small dosages"

"He almost die Bun, this is not a small problem. I will find who tried to sabotage my farm! This person hurt my staff and my pony!" Tae punch the table making it dent a little, Bun is shocked but didn't say anything.

Tae left the room, banging the door to the wall. Bun can fell the wall shake a little. Tae call Fern to wait for him in the car.

Tae told Fern and Ben everything he heard from Bun, they all are furious too. This matter almost take a life of a human. Whoever messing with Tae will not safe this time.

Tae make a call to Jin.

"Jin, forbid everyone from entering meds store room. I want everyone gather in the main hall and please collect Cctv tapes in the storeroom" Tae orders while they all are speeding to the institution.

Jin already informed about what happened and every staffs are waiting for Tae in the main hall, they all are curious because this never happened before.

When Tae arrived Jin rush to him to ask about Tee's condition. He tried to call Saint and Win but none of them pick his call.

"He is stable now. I'm not letting anyone go easily" Tae walks to the main hall with angry steps. Ben, Fern and Jin follows Tae from behind and they four enter the main hall together.

Tae went directly to the stage and hold the mic. He has around 150 staffs including the ponies caretakers and everyone worked in there.

"I think everyone heard about the accident happened to our staff. I'm disappointed because this dangerous accident shouldn't happen at all. He almost lost his life, I don't want this to happen again so make sure you all priorities you safety" Tae looks to all of his staffs seeing them nod their head understanding what he meant.

"Another shocking news today make my blood boil, I warn you. If any of you did involve with changing the meds please come forward right away or else it will be hell for you if I catch you later on. For now, I will close the institution for a week starting today, I will choose a few to take care of the ponies and the investigation will start soon. Anyone has any info can help me and the ponies, I hope none of us here involve because I know we all love the ponies. That's all from me and everyone is dismissed for today" Tae leave the hall after that.

Tae already order Ben to call his trusted workers to the meeting room. They will lack of power for a week so they need to have a proper preparation. He has to close it because they need to investigate and check every ingredients in the meds. This will cost fortune to him, the lost will be a lot but he is willing because he doesn't want to harm the ponies and his workers.

The meeting mostly discussing about the schedule and ways to care about the ponies. Everything settled after 2 hours meeting. Tae treated them dinner and he leave first to the hospital.

When he arrived, Win and Saint are with Tee in the ward.

"How is he?" ask Tae to Saint, Win remains on the chair beside Tee's bed fast asleep.

"He woke up an hour ago, he eat and took med. He fell asleep again" answer Saint. Tae can see how worry Saint is but he didn't comment anything about that.

"have you two eat dinner?" ask Tae more.

"not yet. Win won't leave Tee's side" Saint look at tired Win, Win even refuse to leave Tee for a minute. Their friendship are strong.

"wake him up and take him to dinner. I will stay here for awhile" Saint nods his head and wakes Win up.

After Tae told him to go he is willing to leave after that. Tae take the sofa and sit there comfortably. He leans his back to the soft sofa and release a deep sigh, today is a very tiring day.

"No! Don't hurt me! No!!!"

Tae almost fall asleep when he heard Tee is screaming. He runs to Tee's bed to see Tee is having a nightmare and he is sweating a lot.

Tae has no choice but to wake Tee up from his sleep. After trying for awhile Tee finally open his eyes, he is crying and breathing heavily.

"it's okay, you are safe. You are safe here" Tae consoles Tee softly.

Tee finally calm down a little after a few minutes, he is still sleepy and start to fall asleep again.

"don't hurt me" whispers Tee softly.

"don't hurt us" he is slowly become unconscious.

"don't hurt us"

"please" Tee begs again and again till sleep finally win over his tired body.

Tae is thinking hard about what happened to Tee that Tee has this type of nightmares like trauma. His investigation about Tee's life before is still a mystery.

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