Part 3

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"Khun Tae, you have early schedule tomorrow. I've already prepared your clothes for tomorrow morning. We will move around 7 am" inform the assistant named Ben.

"okay Ben. Please take this food away and told them to prepare light breakfast for me tomorrow" orders Tae and he is changing his suit to take shower.

"Alright khun. I will leave now, good night"

"yes. Night" replies Tae without looking at Ben and go directly to the bathroom.

Ben push the trolley away, he feels weird because Tae told him that he didn't like the lunch but the plates were clean. Ben shakes his head, he doesn't want to think about it because he wants to get his rest too. They will have an early job tomorrow.

Tae already done with his shower, he only wear the robe with his boxer. He enjoys sleeping shirtless because it's more comfortable for him. He sits on the chair near the glass window and stares to the night view, a glass of cold water in his hand. He looks like a wine guy but he can't drink any alcoholic drink at all, so he enjoys drinking mineral water.

He stares into the night sky, he is lonely but he can't find anyone to fill his loneliness besides he doesn't has time for any relationship either. In his business life,he knows why people get closer to him, because of what he has now. He still remember when he was at the bottom, no one spare him any glance excetp his bestfirends, that's why he has issues in trusting people.


Second morning came, Tee still doesn't has a chance to face the owner of this suite and he is comfortable with his situation already which is illegal and dangerous. He doesn't even know this person and he can go to jail for doing this.

Tee always eat the leftover breakfast and he is full enough to survive with that. Tee sometimes enjoy the suite like he owns the space but he never enter the main room since he doesn't want to cause more harm even though he is already in a bad state.

Tee wants to go out and enjoy the beach he can see from the glass wall. He only can imagine himself running around the beautiful beach but he can't take the chance to go out in case he has no chance to enter the suite again and he might lost a chance to ask for help.

"I can't be comfortable like this. I should find a way to go back to Bangkok soober than this date" Tee did think it almost impossible for him to talk to this man because he left early and return late at night.

"I should leave this room tomorrow and go to the airport. Maybe I can exchange the ticket with someone else" Tee sighs dejected with himself.

Tee decided to leave tomorrow and spend the day in the room alone. He did everything he can in there to spend the day, the time is moving really slow and it's torturing him but he has nothing else to do.

He watch TV, flipping every channel the tv has. Sing, dance, sleep and eat whatever food in the fridge. Even in this situation he feels a little bit happy because he is away from the bad people he met everyday at work.

Tee did the worst step when he fall asleep on the couch in front of tv, to make it worst someone is opening the door from the outside. The suite has a few rooms in there including the small theatre room where Tee was watching tv. The room is a little hidden and can't be seen from the main door.

Tae opens the door to his room, he needs to change to a new suit for the dinner tonight. He really doesn't want to go but he didn't has any good excuse to give to his important client.

When he opens the door and enter it, he doesn't feel anything weird because it looks exactly the same as before. He took shower and wear a robe because it's still early for the dinner

He looks around and see the food tray of his breakfast is still here, he decided to call the room service to take it away but his movements halt in a second. He puts down the phone and move closer to the tray. The plates were empty.

He starts to feel something is wrong, he didn't even touch the breakfast so how come the food is gone. If someone eat it, while the tray is still here unless the one who ate it is not the staff here.

Tae takes his phone to call his PA to ask if maybe he was the one who eat it. Then his ears catch soft sound of music from the thetre room.

Tae took something as a weapon in case he met with a robber or anything like that, he opens the small door and almost drops the vase in his hand when he see a man curling on the couch sleeping.

Tae is furious! How this things can happen, how this stranger can get an access to his private room. This hotel will be facing a huge problem after this.

Tae left the room and make a call to Ben, he doesn't care anymore but he will make sure the one who enter his room will be punished. He takes time to check if his valuable things were missing but he found everything in the same place like before

"come to my room now. Take Fern and Saint with you now!" Tae is furious and Ben hears it he knows there is a big problem happened.

Ben, Fern and Saint the bodyguards or also known as Tae's right hand men come running to the room. They can see Tae is super angry right now but why? They didn't know the answer to that yet.

"Saint, go to the theatre room bring him here" orders Tae sternly.

Three of them don't know who Tae is talking about but Saint obeys and go to the theatre room. He is shocked to see a stranger is sleeping soundly on the couch.

Ben who can't hide his curiosity follows Saint and got surprised too. He even make a sound and that awakes the stranger from his deep sleep.

"who are you?!" ask Ben hard. When he moves to confront the stranger Saint stop him because Saint don't knows whether the stranger is dangerous or not.

"hold him!" Ben told Saint to catch the stranger first. Of course the stranger screams hysterically and try to get away but failed. Saint is twice of his body and energy.

Saint holds The stranger like a kid and lift the struggling man to the main area. Saint hold Tee on the floor and lock the man's movements. He can't even speak properly because of the pain.

"let me go!!!" the screams fill the room like a thunder, Tae almost lost his patience and want to shut that mouth so bad, thankfully Fern take the initiative to cover the trespasser mouth.

"I paid a lot for this room and then this happened? What is wrong Ben?" ask Tae with a glare making Ben scared a little. Tae always make sure his privacy keep safe and today someone trespass his area easily.

"I will investigate how this happened khun. I will ask the manager to come here"

"No. Don't have to and don't waste their time. We will hand this man over to police" Tae doesn't want to talk to the management because he can't believe things like this happen to the customer staying here.

What if the man is a murderer or something, he wants the police to handle it directly because he knows the hotel will talk to him and make him didn't make a report. The report will ruin the hotel's name. Tae doesn't want to sound like an evil but safety is important while staying in the hotel. This hotel can't provide that and that makes him angry.

"No!!! Don't call police! I'm from Thailand too, please listen to me" the man pleads while begging on his knees.

Tae look at the man's face for the first time when he heard the man talking the same language like him. Now, he even feels angrier, he needs to know why a Thai man in his room, what if someone send him to spy on him? He has enemies because he is a businessman.

"Saint, you stay with him and make sure he can't escape. I will handle him later." orders Tae and Saint nods his head.

"Let's go to the dinner first. Fern, find out everything about this man before I return tonight. Everything!"

Tae left to get ready and Ben follows after him. Saint just watch the man crying while trying to explain himself.

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