Part 11

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I've never like Monday much and I've never want my weekend to end early. But, because of Triage the series, I'm willing to have two Mondays in a week. Hahaha.

Please support Triage the series, let's watch it live on youtube. 11 pm thai time.

-not edited-

Saint drove Tee and Win to their work today, it takes around 20 minutes for them to reach it. Win is nervous and can't stop praying for their safety while Tee is curious. Their way are deep into a secluded area, far from everything else.

"we are here" Saint ask them to get off from the truck.

Win walks close to Tee, this place look like a big farm. The land is empty, and wide. A small forest beside the wide lawn.  They still can't guess where is this place and what type of work they will be doing.

"Dr Jin" Saint calls someone named Jin, a man wearing blue uniform greet Saint back and they have a friendly chat a little bit, they look like friends.

"Phi Tee, they want to sell our organ?" ask Win terrified, what else a doctor doing in this quiet place.

Tee wants to deny that but he is not sure himself, how could Tae lied him to sell his organ like this.

"Oh, they are the new staff?" ask Jin when he looks at Tee and Win.

Tee and Win are sweating buckets now, Jin has a scar on his right eyebrow makes him look like a scary person, especially when he smiles. Is he a psychopath like Win thinks?

"Yeah. This is Tee, he is a vet too and this is Win, the nurse" Saint introduce them to Jin.

Jin politely offer a handshake but Tee and Win flinch and stay away from the doctor. Of course Jin feels weird, is he that scary. He looks at Saint asking for answer, why his new staffs look terrified.

Saint shakes his head with a small smile on his face, he is amuse with the situation. Seems like they both still can't trust him and his boss.

"Boss must have said something to them" replies Saint and Jin laugh. Jin knows his friend very well so he can guess why this men are acting so scared

"Well, I'm Dr Jin, you can call me Phi Jin. I'm the leader around here so, if you have any problem you can ask me. I will show you around"

Saint leaves Tee and Win to the doctor. Saint intend to leave but Tee and Win run to him and hold both of his arms. They are not letting Saint go, leaving them alone like this.

"You are scary but he is scarier than you" mutters Win, he is so not letting Saint go away from him. He is willing to be with the giant more than the scary doctor.

"he won't eat you, two skinny men" Saint try to shake off their hands but can't, they are clinging to him even more.

Jin who watch everything is amusement laugh so hard. He admit his face look scary but no one act so scared of him like these two.

"I think you need to come with us Saint. I don't have a lot of time right now, I have a surgery to attend" said Jin after he is done laughing

"surgery?!" Win wants to run away from here,he loves his life, he loves his organs!

Saint has to pull both of them to follow Jin into the building.

Nothing shady inside the building, everything look normal and clean too. They pass a few rooms and a few staffs working the same uniform along the way. Win remain close to Saint, it almost he is attached to Saint's arm.

"Here" Jin opens a door to a small office room. Three of them enter it.

Jin keep his laugh and pull out common agreement to every workers, there stated about their leave, salaries and other matters. Win and Tee read it carefully, nothing suspicious and look safe too. The salary far higher than what they got before.

"If you agree with it please sign" Jin smiles to both of them.

Win looks at Tee, he waits for Tee to make a decision first. Tee just accept his fate and sign the contract. Win follows suit.

"I will explain a little bit about this place then" Jin starts and Tee nods his head for Jin to continue talking.

"This place is a secluded area because this is horse farm. More accurate we take care of Polo ponies here. We have around 30 ponies with different breeds, we use them in sport and we also sell them but we didn't focus on selling them much. We mostly taking care of them to play sport and we also take care the retired or injured ponies. In short we are ponies caretaker" explain Jin while showing a few documents and pictures from his laptop to Win and Tee.

Did Win and Tee surprised? They are totally shocked, their suspicion don't hit any mark at all.

Saint hold back his laugh when he sees the face of Tee and Win.

Jin explains more about the place, about their job and about the staffs here. Nothing suspicious at all and they are a group of people Tae hired to take care of the ponies.

"we are not the one who will take csre of their stables and feeding them, we are more on their health and diet. Their vaccinations, monthly examinations and recovery. We are their doctors"

"so, do you have any question to ask?" Jin ask to Tee and Win in case they didn't understand their work scope.

"We will be guided right? We know a lot about dogs,cat and other normal pet but not horse." Tee is a litte bit worry if he will harm the horses because of his lack of experience.

Jin smiles to Tee.

"don't worry, you will have a team leader and she will help you. We are not doing much especially when it's not in sport season. Let me call your leader" Jin make a call and then a gorgeous girl enter the room. She looks firm and serious.

"Mai, this is Tee and Win. They will work under you" Jin intorduce both of them. Tee and Win wai politely to Mai but she just glance at them for a second.

"I don't have time to teach new staffs khun"

"they are not really new, they have experiences." Jin looks at Mai with a firm eyes.

Mai sighs and ask for their files. She read it and put it back on the table with a sigh.

"Khun Tae wants them to work here?" ask Mai unsatisfied.

Tee and Win already can see their future working under this woman and it will be a hard one.

"Khun Tae directly send them here so I believe they have potentials." Saint can't accept Mai look at Tee so low like that.

Mai glares at Saint, they never click together because Saint always disagree with Mai.

"They will be under you for a month, after that Luca will take over. He has something important to do now because he needs to take of a group of ponies." Jin silently warn Mai to behave.

She glares at Tee and Win before she left the room.

"I will handle them tomorrow" said Mai before really leaving the room.

Jin sighs and massage his temple.

"Saint, can you please introduce Tee and Win to their group. I need to leave now" Jin look at his watch and tidy his stuff.

"welcome here and let be the best taker to the ponies" Jin shakes hand with them before leaving too.

Win looks at Tee before Saint ask them to go meet their new coworkers.

Everyone else in the group is nice and welcome them very well. Tee and Win feels a lot better when they talk to them. Saint left them after that.

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