Part 8

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Triage ep 6 is tonight!!! Can't wait for it. Let's watch together and support Tae and Tee at youtube, 11pm thai time.

-not edited-

Saint looks at the locked door from the outside, inside the door there is Tee and Win sleeping. Saint wonder if Win fainted but the doctor said he just fall asleep.

"Khun" Saint immediately stand up when he see Tae walk into the living room.

"khun, can I see Tee for awhile, I just want to check up on him" Saint heart is soft to Tee, he wants to protect Tee and he hates himself to kidnap Tee like this.

Tae grits his teeth tight, he already told Saint that as long as they don't know that Tee is clean, not a man send from their enemies they will let Tee go. Tee's information is not complete, something is missing and mysterious too.

"The doctor just checked on him" answer Tae angry bht try to contain himself.

"Saint, if you are going to get soft on him you shouldn't involve with this. I can send you to work somewhere else" it sounds like a suggestion but it's actually a threat to Saint if he continues to treat Tee kindly, at least not until they expose who Tee is

Tae always has trust issues and for him he needs to be careful because he has a lot of enemies in his line of business. Some enemies use nasty ways to compete in business, some even try to trap him into a crime. He learns the hard way growing up so he won't be easy to trust anyone.

"If someone call police police about their disappearance, what should we do?" ask Saint more.

Tae sighs and put off his cig, Saint is not helping his situation.

"that's Fern's problem. You should leave for today" orders Tae sternly before he left the quiet Saint alone at the living room.

At the same time Win and Tee wake up, they look at each other before they both startle to see their face.

"Phi Tee! You are alive! I'm alive too!" Win cheers and launch to hug Tee.

Tee grunts in pain when they both fall on the bed again, thankfully the mattress is soft enough to safe their head.

"wait! Are we in heaven now? We died and went to heaven?" ask Win start to panic again, this time Win bawling his eyes out again, Tee pats Win's back softly and his eyes look around the room.

"I don't know if there is tv in heaven" comments Tee when he saw a tv on the wall.

He is sure now he is in a room, maybe locked from outside. How he can remain calm in this situation it's all thanks to Win who do the panicking for both of them.

"tv?!" Win looks around too, he get off from the bed and walk around the room. The room look normal for him, so he is sure that they are not dead yet.

"thank you God for letting me live another day" Win is being dramatic and Tee just can shakes his head.

Tee get off from the bed and went to check on the door, like he guess, the door is locked. He checks the windows and they were locked too.

"were we kidnapped Phi Tee? By the giant monster?" ask Win in the verge of crying again, how many tears he store in his body?

"probably" Tee wipes his face with dejected sigh. He dragged Win into his problem now.

"Win, I'm sorry, you were involved with my problems" Tee sits on the floor feeling bad for Win.

Win looks at sad Tee and smiles a little, he is scared about their safety now but he didn't regret it at all. At least he knows Tee is with him, Tee didn't went missing without he know why.

Win walks to Tee, he is limping a little bit. Even he himself forgot he hurt his knees when he fell on the stairs.  

Tee rushes to Win and help Win to sit on the bed, the blood already dried but Tee knows the wound wasn't treated yet. Tee bangs on the door, demanding anyone to send him first aid kit. It took around 2 minutes before the door was opened wide.

"another giant" comments Win when he see another man from before.

"what do you want?" ask the man ignoring the name Win called him.

"he hurt his knee. I need to clean the wound before it get infection. Can I get the first aid kit?" ask Tee trying to put a brave face but his eyes is shaking all the time.

"wait here" the man reply and close the door back. Then he return with the kit im his hand.

The man give Tee his bag back. Tee glares to the man but went to Win's side to help Win.

After he is done treating the wound he suggest Win to take a shower first. He has clothes that Win can change into. Both of them get their bags back but not the phone so they didn't know how to ask help from outside.

They both already done with shower, they also ate dinner prepared by the men. If they were kidnapped why they get to sleep in a comfortable room, the room even has aircond in it. They get to eat good and hot food too.

Tee check Win's wound before the went to bed. Tee wants to talk to the men to let Win go because Win has nothing to do with their problems but none of them come to see him after leaving the dinner.

Tee caress Win's hair to make Win sleep early, Win faced a lot kf traumatic event today. Win told him that he is okay but he knows, Win also scared now because he also scared with their future fate. Tee regrets his decision to sleep in that hotel, he regrets a lot of things.

Tee finally fall asleep after a few hours, he has a good sleep which terrify himself. Are they psychotic because they can sleep well while been kidnapped.

They eat the breakfast and Tee tend to Win's wound after that. The wounds is not bad and didn't get infection so it's good news for them.

The door opens showing the first giant that Win hates the most.

"come with me" orders Saint.

"not you, twig!" Saint stop Win from going with Tee. He even dare to call Win such humiliated names.

"how dare you giant monster! Just because I'm smaller than you doesn't mean I'm a twig!" Win is angry he is boiling with anger right now but the giant  just laugh at it.

"Win, don't work up too much. Your knees are still healing" advise Tee when he see Win is ready to jump Saint. Win huffs and sit back on the bed.

"I will take him" Fern come to take Tee. Win was left alone with Saint now.

Win looks at Saint with hatred and burning eyes but Siant didn't even care. He enter the room, lock the door and sit on the chair near the door.

Win turns his head away and continue watching cartoon he found in tv channel. He enjoys watching dramatic dramas and cartoon, he is not into horror abd action movies.

"how old are you to watch cartoon?" Saint scoff at Win's childish preferences. Win ignores that insult because he knows he will gain nothing from their fight.

Saint accept that Win ignores him, he opens the phone and read the information he got about Win. Win is now involve in this problem so he needs to know about this person too.

Win is a 23 years old,he just graduated from university. Now he work with Tee at the clinic. Unlike Tee, Win still has both of his parent and he is the eldest son in the family. He is the one who sends money to his family now.

More he read about Win more he thinks Win is a good son. He sacrifices his life for his family, Saint feels a little bad for Win to get involved this time.

Win's eyes are watching the screen but his mind are elsewhere. He is thinking about his family. After everything calm down a little, his mind return to normal back. Thinking about his fate that will affect his family's fate, how he can go through all of this.

"por, mae Win is sorry na" Win hugs his knees together and cover his face with it.

Saint just stare at Win all the time and once again, he feels the need to comfort another person besides Tee.

'did I become soft?' Saint ask himself and decided to leave the room. His head is in a mess now.

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