Part 7

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Win come to the clinic with a resignation letter like Tee. They both already submitted it to their manager and of course they can't do anything about that. They followed the rules to submit it two weeks earlier than the date.

Did the staff there happy Tee is leaving them? Of course not! Because they will have to do their job, they won't have anyone else they can order around. They will lost some customers too, Tee is very important in the clinic.

Few days past without any trouble and no one come to lool for Tee except his cutes customers. The animals of course.

Tee feels sad that his work here will end in less than 10 days. He works here because he loves his job, not because of the pay or because he was given a place to stay.

'I will work hard, save money and open my own clinic' Tee wakes up everyday with that goal in his life. He never used his salary unnecessarily, not even on expensive food, he wants to save enough money faster.

Win and Tee was left alone with Kihn during lunch hour. Other staff already go out for their lunch. Kihn didn't dare to pick on Tee this time because Tee's resignation letter is haunted him. How he gonna find a good doctor like Tee and a nurse like Win. Aron already told him to talk to Tee and stop Tee from quitting but he didn't do that, he didn't want to beg to Tee.

"we will close early today, the appointments already done for the day. Sanitation day is this evening, I hope you can handle it" Kihn tell Tee about the schedule today.

Tee and Win nod their head and cleans up for the closing. Kihn leave first and told them everyone can leave at 3.30 pm today.

Everyone already gone when Tee and Win are ready to get some rest too. Win lock the door and wear his helmet when he see the giant come to the clinic.

Win is panicking now.

Win runs to the back door, he hopes he can warn Tee this time and Tee will has some time to run away.

"Phi Tee! Phi Tee!" calls Win hysterically while climbing the stairs, he even fall down twice because of misstep but he ignores his pain and focus on warning Tee.

"Win! My god, what happened?" Tee gets down the stairs to help Win from fall.

"you need to run phi. The giant, the giant is here, in front of the clinic!" warns Win scared, scared Tee will get caught by the giant.

"what? But, you, oh god! You are bleeding!" Tee can see the white trousers Win is wearing a little soak wiht blood at the knee. He can't leave Win now.

"don't worry about me! Take your things phi, run! Go now!" Win try to push Tee away. It's about time the giant come to the back door because Win is sure the giant saw him running to this side.

"No. I can't leave you like this. I will face the giant, I don't care" Tee is stubborn too.

"No! Go now phi. I beg you. I will try to hold him as long as I can. Go now!" Win keep pushing Tee away, he wants to save Tee.

Tee has no choice but to leave. He feels bad for leaving like this but he promised to contact Win later. Tee was left with no choices.

Tee runs, he took his bag pack that already ready since he returned here. He is ready to leave any second now. He observes from the window and see everything is clear, he starts climbing down the window.

"where is he?!" ask the giant to Win, the giant able to reach Win's place.

The giant try to climb the stairs but Win block it with his small body. He try hard to stop the man from going upstairs.

The giant raise his hand to touch Win and Win whimpers because he is scared. With a blow from the giant can send him to the grave earlier. Again, he can see the death angel calling for him.

The giant scowls watching Win cowers in fears, shaking like a weak leaf but still remain on the stairs to block him. He compliments the bravery and loyalty Win has for Tee.

With a single arm he able to lift Win and put Win away from the stairs. Win is super shocked! This giant is a really strong one. The giant runs upstairs, Win with hurdle climb the stair to catch the giant feet which is failed miserably.

The giant enter the room to find it empty, he looks around and see the openend window. He curse before he made a call to his friend.

"He run away through the window"

The giant come to downstairs and see Win writhing in pain. He ignores Win and get out from there.

Win want to cry so bad but he hold himself and force himself to be stronger, he needs to make sure Tee is safe because he can leave

Win with hardships ride his bike, riding slowly to see in case he can found Tee anywhere, or maybe to help Tee if he was captured.

Tee after he able to get down from the second floor make a run to the small alleyss behind the buildings. He keeps running for more than 10 minutes, thinking he is away from the man.

When he was done climbing the window another man was watching him with a smirk.

'you think you can run away? I'm not letting you go this time' the man enter his car and follows Tee from the main road, he can see Tee running, passing the building, he admit, Tee is fast with his feets.

The end of the block he speeds towards Tee and brakes suddenly in front of Tee making Tee shocked to death. Only a few centimeters apart or he will be hit by the car.

Tee is trembling in fear, he looks at the driver who has a murderous look while watching him.

"Phi Tee!!!" Tee heard that but he can't respond. Before he can control his own body, blackness greet him first.

"He fainted!" comments the giant.

Win who saw everything thought the car hit Tee and Tee is dying. He left his scooter and runs to Tee's side..

"Phi Tee!!!" he is wailing like a kid who just got his candy stolen.

"they killed you! You are so young to die! They are murderer! I will make sure they get their punishment. Phi Tee!!!"

Four men watch the drama with a blank look on their face.

"take him" orders The one who drive the car to another man, not the giant one.

"No!!! I won't let you take his body! I will call police, I will make you all go to prison. How could you kill an angel like Phi Tee" Win hugs Tee close to him, he is still crying like crazy.

The rain choose this moment to fall heavily too. The leader has no choice but to take both of them, they also didn't want to make someone else to witness this too.

"Saint, take that boy. Fern, take the kid. Ben, make sure everything is clean" the leader enter his car and speed off.

Saint pick Win easily and hokd him like a sack of rice. Of coarse Win fight like crazy.

"let me go you gaint monster!" Win punches the giant's back repeatedly but nothing happened, he is still on the Giants shoulder.

"you shut your mouth now or I feel feed you to the crocodile" threatens the giant, Win becomes freeze in instant. He doesn't want to be eaten by crocodile, he wants to die peacefully.

"dear death angel, come and take me now" Win never pray so hard before, but today, he prays for his own death. What a tragic day to Win

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