Part 13

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A knock on the door halt Tae's work. He orders that person to enter his office,he left the document he is reading for a moment.

"Tae, you called for me?" ask Jin and take a seat in front of Tae.

Tae rarely call his friend to the office unless it's about work and mostly Tae will go to the institution directly if they want tk talk about it.

"coffee or anything?" ask Tae to Jin.

"sure, iced coffee is better" Jin comes from  outside which is really hot today, he is sweating a lot but cool enough when he enter the building.

Tae make a call to his secretary asking for two iced coffee. They catch up a little while waiting for the drink.

"two new ponies arrived today, I think they are strong enough to join next month game" told Jin .

Tae already aware of that and he also wants to go see the ponies himself. He asked Jin today for different things.

When both of their drink served, Tae take a sip together with Jin.

"I guess you called me about something else?" Jin has no idea why Tae is asking for his presence.

"Yeah. You know I really hate unfair treatment right?" ask Tae to Jin, his tone is cold and Jin can feel something did happened this time which he is unaware of.

"Of course. I always make it as a priority at work" replies Jin serious. He really treat everyone as a family, he never treat them lower than that.

"well, I heard about my staffs didn't know they get free food at the institution" Tae leans forward, his face is stern and when Tae talk about work, he is always serious.

Jin really has no idea about this, no one report about it to him. Jin try to think which staff and then he remembers Tee and Win.

"No way. Tee and Win? Are you talking about them?" Jin already assign Mai as their leader so Mai should be the one to explain everything to them.

"who else?" ask Tae and lean back to his chair, at least he knows Jin doesn't involve in this but Jin is at fault too because he didn't make sure his staffs wellness.

"I'm sorry, I'm not blaming anyone because it can be my fault. I was rushing that day because I have a surgery and I did send them to their leader. I will talk and apologise to them" Jin feels guilty, he didn't know Tee and Win didn't eat while working, it's impossible for them to find food near the place.

"I know it's not fully your fault but it's been a week and they still has no idea their privileges as staff. Who is the leader?" ask Tae this time. He can't fully blame Jin in this matter, how about other staffs? Why no one tell them anything?

"I assigned them under Luca but he is busy with the preparation for the game next month. I asked Mai to help" Jin doesn't want to pick her name because he knows, even Tae can't do much about it.

Mai is the daughter of one of the shareholders in the institution. Her father has a high percentage of shares in it too. That's why no one dare to stop her from doing what she want.

Tae sighs and rubs his nose, now he knows what is happening, well he can guess what happened now.

"I will drop by after lunch. For today, make sure Tee and Win will have their lunch and know about it. You can leave now" Tae sends Jin away.

Tae sighs and look outside the window, he needs to think a way on how to talk to Mai. She is a stubborn one and she didn't listen to anyone including Tae.

Ben enters the room to inform Tae about his new appointment.

"I want to clear up my schedule after lunch. I'm going to the institution and farm" inform Tae.

"Okay. Let's go now to the lunch meeting, we can go directly to the farm later"

Tae tidies his stuff and take the documents he will need. Ben already inform Fern to be ready with the car.


Tee and Win happily eat their free meal, Jin join them to have lunch together and apologise for his fault, of course they didn't blame him at all.

Win realise that Jin is really kind, even though he talk softly it still sound rough because of his deep voice. They have a small talk together and they feel a little closer than before.

"Uhm, Mai didn't tell you anything about this cafe?" Jin doesn't know how to ask but he needs to know the truth.

"Yes! She always, hm, hm" Tee stops Win's mouth from talking by shoving the food into it.

"she probably forgot or maybe we didn't hear her right" Tee glares at Win to keep his mouth shut.

Jin knows something did happened for them but he can't understand why Tee want to keep it quiet.

"You can tell me if she treated you wrong"  Jin try again and Tee still with his answer.  Win wants to tell the truth so bad, how she treated them but he listen to Tee to keep quiet.

"If she didn't teach you well you can inform me. I will assign you to someone else" Offers Jin this time.

"Really?!" Win is already excited to get away from Mai but Tee can't decide yet.

"I will let you think about it, tell me tomorrow" Jin pats Tee's back and leave them after that.

Win waits for Jin to be a little bit far from them before he ask Tee why Tee didn't say ues about the proposition. He really can't work under Mai and he hates Mai for treating them like a slave.

Tee did everything Mai told him to do, including her jobs. Tee just obey it without saying anything, Win always get scolded when he try to protest. Win stop protesting when he realise Tee was treated worst everytime he talked back.

"let's hurry up. You have to learn about medicines with Phi Lyn right?" Tee avoids  it like usual and Win just can sigh.

Tee walks to a stall where a hurt pony stayed at. He is attached to this one since his first day taking care of him. His name is Sii Kao (white). He is all black fur but his name is white because he is the kindest when he arrived here, he is kind as an angel, that's why they call him Kao.

"Hey Kao" Greet Tee and ruffles Kao's head softly. Kao lean to the touch and then Tee sit while leaning on Kao's body.

"You take the meds everyday but why you became weaker each time? I want you to be healthy again" mutters Tee.

Tee did his own research about Kao, he didn't understand why Kao in this state when all he needs is recovery and rehabs for few months. He is getting sicker everyday, he is still young to die.

Kao makes a sound like he is consoling Tee's sadness. Tee smiles and continues rubbing Kao.

"it's time for his med" Mai come with a syringe, Kao starts to neighing and panic.

Tee try to calm him down but can't.

"He is stressing, can we skip it today. He still getting weaker even though he took the med. Please, let him be today" Tee pity with Kao.

"Hold the pony. Inject him" orders Mai to her nurse and the caretakers. Tee try to stop them and struggle a little.

Because of the commotion the syringe accidently injected to Tee's arm. Not all but almost half of the liquid enter Tee's body.

Tee faint and got a small seizure.

Everyone start to panic but no one dare to do anything to help Tee.

Tae who saw everything from far comes running to the scene, he push everyone away and lift the unconscious Tee.

What will happen to Tee this time? Will the med be fatal to him?

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