Part 26

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The man name Alex, he is in the bad state already but he didn't want to open his mouth and tell them about who hired him and behind all of this.

"Get me the saw. I'm sawing his fingers" Tae ask Fern to get it. Alex look scared,everyone look scared too.

Tae is really angry now and Alex stubbornness make Tae's blood boiling with rage.

"here" Fern come with a saw, it looks sharp.

Tae cracks his knuckles,he look directly into Alex's eyes. He wants Alex to confess everything now or else he will cut the fingers slowly.

"I give you 3 seconds. Think about it, your finger or open your mouth" Tae waits for exactly three seconds and Alex still doesn't want to open his mouth.

"Hold his palm" orders Tae and Fern hesitates but obey the order.

Alex already tied to the chair but he still can move his palm and fingers freely.

"Which finger first? You choose" Tae looks into the eyes while asking, he looks very scary.

"You won't dare!" yells Alex.

Tae clucks his tongue, seems like he has to do the hard way to crack Alex. Tae is in the position, he is ready to saw the finger.

"Let's start with the middle one. We can make it shorter by 1cm" Tee position the saw and pull it down a little. This time he never look at Alex and he is totally ready to start.

The saw touch the middle finger and it touch the skin making it bleeds a little, when Tae make a little push the point sink into the skin making Alex screams.

"oh shut up. It's just a grace" Tae smirks evilly and be in position once again.

"Fern, should we do it fast or slowly?" Tae looks at Fern when Tae ask that. Even Fern is scared right now, he never see Tae like this before.

"It will hurt more if you do it slowly" replies Fern and Tae smiles widely.

"Correct! We will make it slowly and painfully. Tomorrow, when we send him to police, he will be sent away with no fingers"

Alex is trembling so hard, he is sweating a lot and he is very pale like he will die anytime soon.

Tae make another push and this time harder because the saw sink in the flesh a little. It's making Alex screams in pain very loudly.

"Khun Phanit! Khun Phanit paid me to do it. Please! Don't cut my finger! I swear it's him! Please!!!" Begs Alex after that.

His fingers is bleeding so much, Tae laughs and pull away the saw. Fern also let Alex go, Alex writhing in pain but no one cares.

Tae pull a chair and sit in front of Alex, he is ready to hear everything from Alex and he hopes he doesn't has to use anything sharp to make Alex talk again.

"Now we can talk" Tae smirks at Alex making Alex shivers in fear.

"I will tell everything I know" Alex also cry a little.

"Good. Is Phanit working alone or he has someone else above him?" ask Tae directly.

He is shocked that Phanit involve in this matter because Phanit has shares at the farm and institutions. Why he wants to sabotage his own business? Weird.

"I don't know much about them but they called it OT Organisation. It's a big organization that hides under multiples charity organization. I only work for Phanit and I never know anyone else in the organisation. I swear, I only changed the meds and nothing else, I don't know anyone else from the organization" Alex is begging for his life. He doesn't want to lose any part of his body

Tae ask more questions and mostly Alex didn't know anything about that. He already order his men to investigate Phanit and gather some information about the Organization. They will work all out since they already left behind a lot.

After three hours questioning Alex, Tae finally done asking everything he wants to know. He got nothing much from Alex, they need to capture Phanit in order to get more answers and informations.

"clean him up, aid his injury too" Tae pats on Fern's shoulder and left after that.

He sighs when he see blood on his hand and shirts, he doesn't want to go home like this where Tee is waiting for him. He decided to take a bath at Fern and Ben's place before come back home.

When he arrives at his house, the lamp is all on that's mean Tee is indeed waiting for him. It's already past midnight,2am in the morning exactly. Tee shouldn't sleep this late especially when he already took his meds.

Tae opens the door, he looks around looking for Tee until he saw a silhouette is sleeping on the sofa, the tv in showing a late drama and Tee is hugging his cute dolphin he forced Tae to buy for him.

Tae smiles and walks to Tee's side, he sits on the floor and plays with Tee's soft hair. Tae can't stop smiling watching Tee's peaceful face while sleeping.

"I want to come home to you all the time" Tae drops a kiss on Tee's forehead. Tae lift Tee easily in his arms and walk to the stairs to take them to the bedroom.

"Phi Tae" mutters Tee in his sleep.

"Shh, sleep more"

"You are home" Said Tee sounds so content, he even smiling sleepily. Tae chuckles a little and holding Tee close to his body.

"I'm home Tee" Tae fasten his steps and they enter the dark room.

Tae carefully put Tee on the bed and covers Tee with the duvet. Tae takes another side and lay on it. He get close to Tee and Tee moves around and hug Tae in his sleep. Tae can't help but smile widely and he puts his arm around Tee.


Morning comes and Tee is already awake and cooking in the kitchen. Tae woke up to the empty bed, the second things he di after opening his eyes is looking for Tee. He even look around the second floor till he heard someone is cooking in the kitchen.

"good morning" greets Tae and moves closer to Tee. Tee turns around and return the greetings.

"Have a seat phi. I'm done with cooking" said Tee with a smile.

Tae doesn't want to leave Tee's side, he wants to hug Tee all the time and if he can he wants to attach their body together. He will do it if he can even though it sounds crazy.

"You have your last session today right" the doctor said Tee improves a lot and today will be his last therapy. Another therapy will be needed if Tee needs it.

Tee also will has last medicines prescribed to him today. His mental state is healthy again and the nightmares fully went away too.

"Yes. I'm a little bit nervous but I'm grateful"

"I'm proud of you. I will be there with you today."

"really?" ask Tee excited. Tae always try to make time but he is busy and Tee understand it very much. He also doesn't want to trouble Tae with his problems

"You will be there till the end?" ask Tee softly, he wants Tae to be there with him. He wants Tae to hear the good news from the doctor too.

"I will, I want to be with you"

Tee can't help but hugs Tae tightly,he is so happy because of this.

Tae already reserved a restaurant to celebrate the good news with others. Of course he prepared one for him and Tee only but tonight they will celebrate it together with others.

"Now let's eat and get ready"

"khrub!" Tee didn't even bother to take off the apron. He sits in front of Tae and start eating the food.

They share small talks and mostly it about the ponies. Tee wants to avert his attention to another topic and Tae just go along with it.

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