Part 15

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Tae go through all documents in front of him, there is no evidence on how the chemicals enter the institution, everything disappears just like that. They can't trace anything at all and that make Tae is furious.

"we need to reopen and start operating again. We need to find another way to investigate this" suggest Ben to Tae, they already tighten the security, they installed  more CCTV and hired their trusted people in security.

"All the meds that has dangerous chemicals already sorted out" inform Jin.

"how many ponies were injected by the chemicals?" ask Tae, he needs to take care of the ponies well to recover them from the dangerous stuff.

"Six including Kao." Six is a big amount to Tae, he is not angry that he will face lost but he is angry people dare to hurt the ponies.

"how about investigation on the staffs that gave their meds?"

"all clean Khun. None of them enter the meds room, we can't find anything in this ground" Ben wants to sigh so bad but he controls himself. This is a mess he never thought they will face, someone almost die too.

Tae rubs his face, five days and they all still meet the dead end.

While they are in meeting Fern got a text from Saint saying Tee will be able to discharge today and they are already on the way back to the house.

Fern informs Ben about the news.

"Khun, Tee is already discharged from hospital and on the way back now"

"thank goodness." Jin is glad that Tee is better now.

Tae nods his head a little, at least they have one good news today compared to all the bad ones.

"Tell Saint to take him to my place." orders Tae without looking at Ben or anyone else, his focus is on the documents on his table.

Fern's brows raised a little, he is surprised with Tae orders but say nothing, Ben and Jin had their mouth open a little without they realize it.

"don't you hear me?" ask Tae to Ben with a sharp eyes.

"khrub! I will call now" Ben takes his phone and make a short phone call to tell Saint. Even Saint can't believe Tae ordered him to take Tee to the main house. He just obey his boss.


"Boss want you to stay here, the room is already prepared" Saint supports Tee to get into the house.

Tee is still weak mostly because of the after effect of the drugs, he can walk but often feels dizzy, sometimes he shivers without a reason.

Win didn't agree nor disagree with Tae's order because he was informed to return back to work soon. He want to protest but Tee told him to go and check up on Kao. He is worried thinking about what happened to Kao.

Tee already rest and fall asleep when Win and Saint walk out of the room. Saint walks together with Win to the car, they need to go back to his place to take his and Tee's stuff.

"Who will take care of Phi Tee when I at work?" ask Win to Saint.

Saint looks at Win and he smiles a little, their relationship becomes better while staying at the hospital together. Win can tolerate Saint because he realize that Saint is not really scary, Saint is a nice guy too. A little, just a little.

"Khun Tae has maids. Don't worry about it" Saint ruffles Win's hair and Win slaps the bigger hand away from his head.

"Don't touch me!" warns Win glaring with his eyes, Saint just scoff and continue driving to Win's house.

Win brings his stuff together with Tee's and he return back to the main house with Saint. When they arrived Tae already in the house with Ben.

Win greets them and excuse himself to go to Tee, Tae just nods his head allowing Win to leave.

Saint went to Tae and he brings with him an envelope he got from someone thst told him to give it to Tae. He doesn't know that person but Tae knows that man very well.

"thanks Saint. You guys can leave" Tae walks away to his room. He has a long and tiring day so he decided to take some rest in his room. He is curious about what's in the envelope but his tiredness win over his curiosity.


Tee wakes up in the middle of night because he slept for a long time already. Now, he doesn't feels sleepy anymore, not sleepy and hungry at the same time. He go to the kitchen, decided to make himself a simple dinner, he made fried rice for himself.

His hand still shakes sometimes and he still feel cold and shivers when he feels any wind. This is the aftereffectsof the drug, he try to fight it but his body still not in good shape.

His appetite is still not coming back but he forces himself to eat because he is hungry. He takes slow bites and drinks water more than eating rice.

"ahem!" Tae clears his throat when he see Tee is eating alone at the dine table.

"Khun! I'm sorry, I, I'm hungry so I..." Tee is startles with Tae's presence in the kitchen. He didn't ask the permission to use the kitchen tonight.

"it's okay. What did you make?" ask Tae, he also feel hungry because he just sleep without eating dinner.

Tee looks guilty, he didn't cook a lot and he only has what's left in the plate. He can't finish it but it's not like he can give it to Tae, his leftovers.

"uhm, I made fried rice but this is all left."  Tee shows his half eaten fried rice.

"You are done eating?" ask Tae. Tae makes a cup of instant coffee for himself and take a seat beside Tee.

"Yes" replies Tee slowly.

Tae pulls the plate to him and take the spoon.

"It's mine now" Tae take a spoonful and eat it, he loves the taste of Tee's cooking.

Tee is dumbfounded, his scary boss ate his leftovers, he feels guilty to make Tae eat that.

"Khun, I can cook a new one for you" Tee is panicking now, how could he let his boss eat his leftovers.

Tae ignores Tee and finished everything in the plate, it's delicious. Tee continue staring at Tae and the clean plate, super clean at that.

"thank you for the food" said Tae.

Tae still can see Tee flinch and shivers a few times, maybe because of the cold wind night. Tae take off his cardigan and give it to Tee.

Again, Tee is speechless.

"Wear it and sit here. I will make you hot chocolate" Tee willingly obey the strict orders from Tae. He sits on the chair besides Tae while Tae is making hot chocolate.

'I was the one injected by the drug, why he is acting weird?' Tee ask himself.

"here" Tae puts a glass of hot chocolate on the table.

Tee who is still in daze take it and drink it without cooling it down first.

"Ouch! Hot!" Tee put the glass back of the table, he almost pour it on himself.

"You! Careful!" scold Tae and take a tissue to wipe Tee's wet chin. It's already red a little bit because of hot water. Tee is really pale and easily turn red with just a mere force.

"How old are you?!" scold Tae more and Tee feels numb when Tae is wiping his chin.

'am I going crazy? Is he going crazy?' Tee has a lots of thoughts clouding his head that he can't think rationally anymore. He didn't even realize Tae add some ice into his glass to cool down the drink a little bit.

Why Tae act so nice to Tee?

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