Jealous 1.

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I'm so pissed . Since 2 Weeks Nick and Imogen are Besties . And please don't get me wrong , I'm not a super jealous boyfriend , who don't want that my boyfriend has friends.
No, no .
But why does my boyfriend needs to be best friends with a person who told him , that they have a crush on him and the person doesn't even know that he's in a relationship! And again don't get me wrong I don't want that Nick tell everyone that he's Bi .
But It is hard !

He doesn't eat with us anymore and he always hangs out with her ! Do they really need to hug each other all the time ? I should talk to him about it But I don't want that he thinks , that I'm super jealous or want that he comes out .
I just ...
Ugh IDK!

Right now ,I'm sitting with the whole group in Taos Room waiting for Nick . We want to do a movie night and then I can finally cuddle with him ! Finally the door to Taos room open and ...
No .
No !
NO !

"Hi Guys, I thought I bring Imogen with me ! Is that okay for all of you ?"
NO NICK ! It isn't ! Everyone beside Elle , You and Darcy is freaking introvert ! We don't want to meet new people ! INFACT I would be more than happy to spend the whole day without any of you.
"Yes of course !"
I stare at Tao. FR ?!  I sighed as I got up from my place and sat between Darcy and Elle , so Nick and Imogen can sit next to each other . What a cute couple they are. Maybe I throw up.
I know My Toughts are selfish but I don't really care right now !

Darcy slowly leans over and padded my heat .
"My poor little jealous gay friend !"
I whisper shouted back :
"I'm not jealous !"
She rolled her eyes and said in the most sarcastic voice:
"And I'm not gay ."
"What are we talking about ?"
Elle asked ( also whispering ) .
"About Charlie being jealous ."
"I'm not ."
"You are ."
"And you are in love with Tao , why can't we talk about that ?"
Suddenly Tara also leans over .
"Are we talking about Nick and Charlie ?"
I groaned .
"What are we whispering about ?"
Tao leans over too .
"Uhm Guys ?"
I think he scared us all, because we all forgot that they were there too .
"Yeaaah ?"
Elle asked slowly, now leaning away from me.
"What are you talking about ?"
"Nothing , let's put on the movie ."
I answered fast and shoot glances at everyone . We started the movie , Tao wanted to watch and It was so fucking depressing . After 30 Minutes , Elle was crying and It took me 5 More and I was too .
"Didn't we say no more depressing movies ."
I said while crying .
"Yeah Tao !"
Tara sniffed . Even Tao had Tiny tears in his eyes. Suddenly Isaac stop the movie .
"Okay someone make snacks and the others get us blankets and stuff , We all need to rest from this ."
Isaac the king of self care , I love you so much.

"Charlie and I could get the Blankets ."
I looked at Darcy . Help me out my Gay bestie ! I can't stand Nick right now! She saw my look and nodded. She knew what she needed to do.
"Uhm no."
"Why Not ?"
"Because Charlie and I need to talk about ...
Stuff ."
Nick looked really confused .
"Stuff ?"
"Yes , uhm ... Gay stuff , you wouldn't understand ."
Darcy says slowly .
"Right Charlie ?"
"Yes of course , I completely forgot that we needed to talk about this ."
I nodded my head fast.
"Omg , you're so brave to say that you are gay . Like wow ."
We all looked at Imogen .
"Uhm I guess Thank you, but we didn't really have a choice."
"Oh don't get me wrong , I'm an ally."
I saw in the corner of my eye how Darcy mocked her . I grinned .
"Uhm anyways Darcy and I will get the blankets and Talk about the stuff . The gay stuff."

We both stood up and get out the room to the wardrobe .
"I'm an Ally ."
Darcy rolled her eyes . I laughed .
"Stop it , she tried to be nice ."
Darcy smirked .
"Yeah yeah . But trying to be nice and being nice a two different pair of shoes. Hold this ."
She tried to give me like 1000 blankets .
"Wait , I get Tao , before we let it all fall ."
I ran back to Taos room .
"Tao , we need Help ! Darcy will die under 1000 of blankets ."
"And then you want Taos help ? He's ..."
"Don't say it Elle , I'm strong ."

"I come and help you ."
Nick stood up . Oh no . I quickly run back to Darcy .
"Oh hey Nick , take These ."
She pushed all the Blankets on him , before she smirked at me .
"You know what , I take these and you both get the Snacks ."
I mouthed at her .
"No , Don't you dare !"
But then she took all the blankets away and get to Taos room . What happened to gays support gays ?

"Uhm That was weird ."
I nodded at Nicks comment and make my way to the kitchen .
"Charlie are you alright ?"
"Yes of course ."
"Charlie . Something is wrong ."
"Nothing is wrong Nick."
I got the Chips ( even though I'm not gonna eat one of these ).
"Oh C'mon , you can't even look at me !"
"I can look at you ."
"Okay , then do it ! Look in my eyes and tell me nothing is wrong ."
I turned around to look in his big brown golden retriever eyes .
"Say it Charlie , Tell me Nothing is wrong ."
I sighed .
"I can't ."
"Why ?"
"Because Something is wrong ."
"Then tell me what !"
I looked down at my feet's."
"I'm jealous ."
I mumbled .
"What ? "
I cleared my throat.
"I said , I'm jealous ."
I couldn't look up . He probably thinks I'm an Idiot.
Well I'm one.
"I- It is just , you and Imogen are so close in the last weeks and and she told you ,she likes you ."
"Charlie ."
"And I just have the feeling you both are perfect for each other and."
"Charlie ."
"And I want you To be happy and I don't know if you can be happy with me becaus-"
I stopped as he hold my face . I looked up to him and he ... smirked ?
"You are fucking sweet when you're jealous ."
What ? He smiled at me before giving me a short kiss .
"I'm sorry that I didn't spend enough time with you, but I can promise you that me and Imogen won't date ever in our whole life Time because I have a beautiful boyfriend, that I love really much and she is going to know that in a few minutes too ."
"What ? No , you don't need to tell her that because I'm so dumb and jealous . I'm so sorry !"
"Don't say that you are sorry , you don't need to be .
I wanted to tell her for a while now and I want to cuddle with you while you're crying because this stupid film ."
He smiled at me before taking my hand and the Chips and going to Taos room .
"Don't act like you weren't crying either ! I saw the tears."

Do you want a part 2?

Eat and drink enough!
I hope you enjoyed this !

Byeee <3

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