What I get.

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Tara and Darcy kissed, both grinning stupidly. For someone, who was not interested in girls, I surely watched them a lot but man, I was jealous.
They made my skin ich.

I want to have what they have. I want to kiss Nick where and whenever I want. I want to hold his hand and hug him and wear his clothes and well everything.

But no. That's not what I get because I never get what I want. I get to watch people flirt with my boyfriend. I get to wonder if he really likes me or if he just wants to kiss a boy like Ben did. I get to help him sort his valentine carts because he gets so many and watch girls scream his name while he plays football.

But I also get holding his hands and being pulled in changing rooms to make out. I get cuddling to sad movies and soft sweet kisses before he needs to leave. I get-

"Hey guys."
An arm slings around my waist , pulling me into him. Finally Darcy and Tara stop kissing and start smiling.
"Hey Nick!"
They say in union. Nick presses a kiss to my head.
"Hi Nick."
I smile at him.
"Hi Charlie."
"Ugh stop this, it's disgusting."
"Shut up, you made out with your girlfriend for whole 6 minutes , even though I was sitting here the whole time."
"I was testing if you're really gay."
"Sure you were ? Are you ready to go ?"

We left my house and went to the cinema until we were in the dark room, where nobody could see us, Nick and I were friends. Just friends.
Or so I thought.

I was about to order as Nick nudged my side.
"What do you want?"
"Uhm- I guess I order popcorn and a cola."
"What flavor ?"
"I guess salty."
Nick nodded and turned to the woman on the counter.
"Hey . We want two popcorn and two colas."
She nodded and went to get us the things we ordered.
"Thank you Nick, that wasn't necessary."
"Please , of course I buy my boyfriend his snacks."
"Oh that's so gay of you."
Darcy hugged Nick from the side.
"Darcy, let go of Nick. He's Bi , not gay. He's not one of your puppies."
Tara smiled as she pulled Darcy away from Nick, who laughed.
"Here's your order."
Nick turned around and first got my portion , which he then gave to me and then his.

We went into the room. We were looking Inside Out 2, which we were also dressed as. Tara was Joy, Darcy Nostalgia , I was Fear and Nick was Anger.
We sat down and started to snack.
Even before the movie started Nick laid his arm around me.
"Nick , it's still bright. They can see."
Nick looked down at me, smiling at me.
"And you know what ? I don't care."
And then he pressed his lips against mine. I was frozen for a second before I kissed back. I couldn't help myself from smiling into the kiss.

That's what I get.

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