Are you serious ? 1.

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Tao and I were driving around together. He has a new car and was very exited about it . I looked outside the car as a few shops fly by . My heart stopped as I saw two persons standing at the side of the row . That , no that couldn't be.
"Tao could you drive a little bit slower ?"
I looked back at these two and I was right . This are Nick and Imogen .
Nick like my boyfriend Nick , who told me he would stay home today and Imogen like this girl, who has a crush on him .
"Are you okay Charlie ?"
"Oh yes , you can drive Normal again . Sorry. I thought I saw something."
I decided to have a great day with my bestfriend and to not care about Nick, at least not until I get back .

3 hours later

I opened the door to our apartment and made my way inside .
"Charlie where have you been ? I've been worried ."
"I was out with Tao . I told you that ."
Nick laughed but not in the I think this is funny way.
"Yes but you said, you would be back at 8:00 PM and now it is 10:00 PM."
I groaned.
"Yes and ? It got Late . It's not a big deal ."
"You could've texted me ?! I thought we tell each other what we're doing, so the other one doesn't need to worry."
I laughed . Was he serious now ? Who does he think he's ?
"Nick , not sure if you've realized it but I'm a big boy ! I can do whatever I want , whenever I want and you have nothing to say about it ."
"I'm your boyfriend, I should know where you are !"
"Are you KIDDING me ? Then tell me Nick how was your day at home ?
Or wait ...
Sorry, I forgot. YOU CANT !
Because you weren't home like you told me . No no you were out with Oh SURPRISE!"
I did jazz hands, making my performance even more dramatic.
"FUCKING IMOGEN ! What a surprise !"
"Are you stalking me ?!"
"WTF NO ! Tao and I drove by, as you two sweetly stood there together . And then I thought isn't that my boyfriend, who told me he Would stay at home ...
And guess what IT WAS !"
Nick looked at me, like I was crazy.
"She called me if we want to hang out ! Am I not allowed to have friends now ?"
"You're not seriously using this as an argument ."
"I totally do ."
"Oh okay Nick ...
So you're allowed to hang out with friends, without even telling me and a little side detail from that friend is that she has a crush on you for 2 YEARS now . You can do that, whenever and wherever it pleases you without telling me .
But I can not even hangout with Tao. A friend of mine for years, who never saw me in another way then a friend and come home 2 hours later without you freaking out ?!"
"She doesn't have a crush on me anymore !"
"Oh of course she doesn't ! Thats why she literally calls you Babe sometimes LIKE WTF !"
"Oh Cmon !
Why would you be jealous of her ? You're the one with a ring on your hand , not she !"
"What Are you Talking about ?!
I don't have a ring on my finger !"
"But You're going to!"
"What !"

Happy Pride day for the demisexual readers and for the Skoliosexual.
I am sorry that I didn't have enough energy yesterday to write for you alone a chapter !

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