Bad idea right ? 3.

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           Inspired by Bad idea right ? from
                              Olivia Rodrigo

As I walked into the kitchen, Charlie was already sitting on the contour. He was looking like he saw a ghost.
"Is everything fine?"
I asked, while opening the fridge, deciding to make eggs for the both of us.
"No Nick, nothing is fine ! We slept with each other ! You get that ? We ..."
He gestured between him and me.
"Had sex ! That's awful."
I didn't looked at him as I spoke.
"You didn't enjoy it?"
"That's not the point."
I smirked , as I closed the fridge, turning around to Charlie, whose cheeks were red.
"Then what is the point, Charlie?"
"I- ."
He watched as I came closer , resting my hands on his tights. God I missed being close to him.
"The point is, that you're my ex boyfriend. Ex boyfriends don't sleep with each other."
"But you enjoyed it."
"Nickolas ! Stop it."
I smirked at him again.
"Say it Char."
"Don't do this to me."
"I'm not doing anything."
He looked at my hands, which were still resting on his tights, before pushing them away and jumping of the counter.
"Let's just eat something and then I can go.
Tao will freak out, if he found out I was here."

It was silent while we ate. Charlie was pushing his food around with his fork as if I wouldn't notice it.
Charlie looked up confused.
"Stop overthinking this all. It's not good for your mental health. Eat."
He sighed , laying away his fork.
"I can't."
"Why not ?"
I laid my fork to the side too.
"Because I liked it."
I raised an eyebrow , looking at him .
"I liked it."
"Well, I'm glad you did. I was worried you may regret it."
"No... yes... idk."
I sighed , looking away from Charlie.
"Char , for me this wasn't just a dumb mistake. I miss you like a lot."
Everything in my body was screaming to just push away the table and hug him and never let go again.
"I miss you too but that doesn't matter."
"Why doesn't it ?"
I looked at him again, now frustrated. How could it not matter how we felt ?
"Because this won't work. You living here. I'm living there. You meeting all this new people and I'm still where I'm used to be."
I looked at him for a few seconds before deciding.

"Move in with me."
"Move in with me. Pack your stuff and life with me."
"You're insane ?"
"Why ? I got enough space here."
"We can't just move in with each other just because we slept with each other one time !"
"Why not ?"
"You're insane."
"Charlie, I have enough room. If you don't want to sleep in my bed , fine. We can make my fitness room to your bedroom."
"No listen . I miss you a lot , every day and I love you. Charlie , I love you so much. I can't just move on, I tried ! And I'm not gonna waste this chance. I should never even let you break up with me."
"Nick, I don't know how you imagine this."
I stood up, walking around the table to Charlie.
"Char, I don't imagine anything. I just think , this is worth another try.
We are worth a try.
Don't you think so?"
He looked at me for a long time , my heart was pounding in my chest.
We try but just for a month and I get my own room."
"Yes of course."
"And you tell our friends !"
"Anything for you."
He smiled at me.
"Fine. One try."

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