Rugby game 2.

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Such a bad idea . Such a bad idea.
I fiddled with my dumbs as I sat on the bench, waiting for the players to run on the field.
I jumped as somebody sat down next to me.
"Charlie !"
My face went pale.
"Didn't expect you to be here."
"Well I play rugby , so why shouldn't I watch it.
Also why're you here."
Ben grinned.
"Well my girlfriend ."
He nodded to a girl sitting three rows behind us.
"Wanted to watch. That's what I do for the people I really love."
I knew he thought he would hurt me but I've grown out of the crush. I realized that not being loved by Ben is a compliment and not an insult.
So I just smiled.
"So ... Ben aren't you concerned that the only thing your girlfriend wants to do with you is to watch other boys play rugby but I would do that too if I needed to watch you all day."

I gasped as Ben grabbed my shirt pulling me towards him.
"Be careful Charlie what you say , or I will-."
"You will what ?"
We both flinched and Ben softened his grab on me.
"Nick ! Charlie and I were just having a chat."
"Mmh how delightful for the two of you but if you would allow me, I want to borrow Char for a second."
Ben finally let his hand fall from me and I was about to stand up as Nick pushed me down again.
"Obviously not you, Ben will give us some privacy c so I want have to go so far from the field. Right Ben ?"
"Yes of course."
I watched as Ben went to his girlfriend before I turned to Nick.

Nick sighed.
"Charlie , stopp apologizing."
Nick groaned before he smiled at me.
"Let's change the subject, you came."
"I did."
"So... you did want to watch me."
I blushed but decided to not give in.
"Mmh maybe I came to watch Harry."
"Ah yes because Harry and you are so cute sweethearts."
"So If you think I came to watch you, are you implying that we're sweethearts ?"
"What if I'm?"
"Then you should go to your captain because if not , I'm sure you will no longer be in the team."
I pointed to the captain , who was furiously articulating towards us.
"Oh shit!"

I watched the players for the first part of the game. Right before the end of the first half Nick made an incredible touch down, making me jump and cheer in joy.
The bell rang announcing the half time. I watched as Nick clapped with the other boys before he turned around and started to run towards me.
"NICK! You did amazing ! Good job !"
I squealed as Nick grabbed me at the waist and hugged me.
"Stop what you're doing !"
"I'm partying !"
He let me go.
"I can't believe it ! I hope I'm allowed to play the second half too."
"Sure , you will !"
Before I realized he was on the field again.

"You played amazing !"
"Thank you very much !
I just can't understand how you don't like playing rugby."
We turned into the next street in which Nick was living. We decided that I would stay over for the night.
"I don't know it just bores me like I could literally sleep in."
"Well then I seem to be so hot that you enjoyed watching today."
I blushed. Man , how could he be straight.
"You're really confident, aren't you ?"
"But I'm right ?"
"What if you are ?"
"Mmh , I can show you as soon as we're in my room. My mum isn't home."
I blushed once again.
"Is that a promise or a treat?"

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