Jealous 3.

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I was on my way to pick Charlie up from his orchestra lesson . He didn't know I was picking him up , but he was going to come to my house in two hours anyways . I waited at the end of the corridor while leaning against a wall . The door opened and the first students stepped out and then I finally saw Charlie .
With a boy .

He has brown hair and greens eyes. I never saw him before but he ruffled trough Charlie's hair and they both laugh .
What did I miss ? Where did this boy suddenly come from ? Who was he ?
Charlie stopped at his locker and the boy stopped also . They both were still talking while Charlie stuffed all his stuff in . His locker was so chaotic like always. It was a real wonder how it didn't fall apart yet. I didn't know what they were talking about but the boy keeps touching Charlie's arm . So I decided to do something .

Charlie's POV
I was talking with Jonas as an arm wrapped around my shoulders . I was scared until I hear the voice that Belongs to the arm .
"Hi guys ."
Nick . Gosh ,he scared me but what was he doing ? Jonas looked hella confused . He looked exactly like I was feeling.
"Uhm Hi, whoever you are ."
"Oh I'm Nick."

Nick's POV
Whoever I am ? I'm his Boyfriend . Who the hell are you and what are you doing with my boyfriend?
"What are you guys doing ?"
Charlie looked at me . I didn't know what this look means but right now I was way more interested in this other guy.
"Uhm we brought my stuff to my locker ."
He gestured towards his locker.
"That's nice ."
Charlie raised his eyebrow before he started to stuff his books in his locker again , which took some time , given that every time he pushed something in something else fell out.
"You're new,aren't you ?"
"Oh yeah, I'm Jonas . I play the Piano in the orchestra."
"That's sounds cool."
He nodded, eying me suspiciously.
"It is ."
It was silent until Charlie finished and slammed his locker shut.
"Okay Nick , we can go now ."
I smiled .
"Yeah let's go ."
I grabbed his backpack and fake smiled to Jonas .
"We see us around ."
He nodded .
"Yeah bye ."
Charlie smiled and waved and then we make our way out of school . Charlie looked back one time, before he looked at me .

"What was that for ?"
"What do you mean ?"
"The whole : What Are you guys doing ? Thing ."
"Nothing , I just talked to a new friend of MY Boyfriend ."
Suddenly Charlie started to grin . This grin what he always had , when he solved a problem or understand his exercise in school .
"You're jealous ."
"What no , I'm not !"
He started giggling.
"You totally are . Nick Nelson , the rugby king , the famous Guy in school . You're jealous."
"Charlie I'm not ! He was just really close to you ."
He tried his best to not laugh .
„Sure Nick ."
„Let's just go home ."
He nodded before giggling again .

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