The Cake

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TW: Eating disorder !!!

We were all sitting in a Caffé , in which we decided to meet up , before we all leave for vacation. Tao was telling a joke , as the waitress came .
"Hey , do you know what to order yet ?"
She was around our age and looked really kind.
"Oh yes Uhm I want A Bagel."
Tao said . One after one said what they wanted to eat .
"I want A piece of your chocolate Cake please ."
I looked over to Charlie, who looked nervous .
"Uhm , I just want a water please ."
The waitress nodded and left .

"You're okay ?"
I whispered to Charlie, who just nodded . It didn't take long and the waitress was back with all our food.
"Omg Nick , Do you want to switch ? My Bagel is nothing against your cake ."
I smirked .
"No way ."
Tao looked at Charlie .
"I told you Charlie , Rugby Player are mean ."

Charlie smiled . I love his smile . Not the fake ones , the real ones .Where his eyes shine . We all started to eat and it was perfect . I would marry this cake, if I could. Are you able to marry a cake ? Just asking for a friend.

"Mmh this is so good !"
Tara started to laugh .
"We get it Nick , you're going to leave us all for this cake ."
I nodded before leaning over to Charlie .
"Do you want some ?"

Charlie's POV
I would say no , or ? I never eat in public, if I even eat but It was Nick...
Nick always wanted the best for me , didn't he ? I decided to let the little voice in my head ,who tells me that I'm fat , be .
Nick smiled and gave me a fork .
"Omg This is so good !"
Everything Stares at me before they started to laugh . I took another piece of the cake .

"Should we order a second Piece ?"
Nick asked me , not loud enough for the others to hear . I shaked my head no . This would be so embarrassing. The waitress would think for sure I'm dumb or something .
"Why not ?"
"I- It's just embarrassing, they think I'm too dumb to order something ."
Nick looked at me weird and then started to eat the rest of the cake before calling the waitress .
"Hey Miss ?"
"Yeah , what can I do for you ?"
"Could I have a second Piece ? This Cake is delicious."
She nodded before going to the kitchen . As she came back she gave Nick the cake . He waited a little before slowly punching the plate between us .
"It's A date now , we need to share . That's the rule !"
I smiled . I loved him so much .

"You're both so cute . I hope one day I find my sole mate."
After that comment , Darcy slapped Tara.
"Could we please talk about how Nicks has favorites ? I asked him for the cake and I got nothing !"
Elle smirked at Tao.
"I'm sure if you make out with him, he would give you a piece."
To all our surprise , Tao leaned over.
"Come here Nick."

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