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I stood on the side of the room while I looked at Nick dancing around the room. He stumbled as Imogen fell  Against him but I didn't care .
I grew up and I learned that Nick wouldn't leave me. He moved a bit away and kept dancing . Right next to him we're Elle , Tao and Darcy . On the left to me was Tara , who didn't want to dance in the full club too. I gave her an fry .
"We should be more extrovert you know ?"
"I know but I love watching Darcy from here . I see she is happy and safe and I don't feel uncomfortable"
"True !"
"I know , I see you staring at Nick. You want a bedroom for you and him alone?"
I felt how my cheeks got red , looking away from Tara.
"Shut up ."
She started to laugh.
"Oh , he's blushing !"
"For real , shut up , they're coming over ."
She smiled at me , knowing .

I felt how my body warmed up as Nicks arms wrapped around me .
"You're good ?"
I started laughing as I heard his voice .
"You're drunk ?"
"Noooo. I ammm not but ooune questioon ."
"Yes ?"
"Are youu siiiinnngglle ?"
"What am I ?"
"Single . Dooo youuu have a boooyfriend ?
Or NO !
I need to aaask something different . Dooo youuu likeee boys or girls or boooys oorrr waaait.... What waaaas theeee diffreeent geendeeer.... Orrrrrrr guuuuuuurls?"
I started laughing .
"Boys , Nick , I like Boys."
"Ouuuh and are you siiingle ? Caaause I'm aaaaaa boooy."
"No , sadly I'm not single."
"Thaaats Saad because you're hoooot."
"Should I Tell you something that will make you happy ?"
"You're my boyfriend ?"
"You liiikee Booyss ?"
"Yes , I'm Gay ."
"Omg ! I am biii ! Whaaaat a coincidencccceeee. LGBTQ+ Gaaang !"
I tried my best not to laugh.

"Should Iiiii Tell youuuuu a secret , wait whaaats youur naaame ?"
"Charlie , my name is Charlie."
"Charlieee , shouuuld I tell youuu a secret ?"
"Of course."
"I haaave a boooyfrieend toooo."
"Omg , for real ?"
"Yeeees his name is Chaaarlie and heeee's soooo hot ."
"Well thank you ."
"Why ?"
I needed to laugh again . Not knowing how to deal with a drunk Nick.
"Forget about it Nick ."

I stopped Nick from ordering more drinks because he was already drunk enough . The drive home was ... interesting . He told me three times that he had a boyfriend , named Charlie . Outed himself five times and told me about our first time again and again. I helped him to our bedroom and let out a happy sigh as he finally laid down .
"Chaaaarliee , I need to peeeee."
I sighed and helped him up again . After that I helped him back in bed .
"Caaaan I haaave a water pweeeeaassee."
"Sure ."
I Gave him a glass with water and he drunk it .
"Chaarliieeee I neeed to peee ."
"No , you don't , you already did ."
"But I want to ."
"Nick I love you but go to sleep."
"Iiiii looove youuu . And I loooove myyy boooyyyyfrieeend. Hisss name issss Charlieeee by theeee wayyy. Iiiiii loooooveeee hiiiim."
"I love you too , now SLEEP!"
"Oooookay , Okaaaaay , Noooooo Need to screeeeeam ."
And then he just turned around and went to sleep .
He will kill me some day , definitely.

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