Hospital 1.

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I stormed into the room, Nick was in . He got injured, while playing and passed out . They didn't want to let me to him while he was unconscious because I wasn't family but right after he woke up , I could finally see him .
"Yes Of course I am ."
"Why did you pass out ? Was it because of the injury? Do you need to take medicine ?"
"I just didn't drink enough and then I got tackled and my body was like : Nope."
Nick laughed but I didn't think it was funny.
"I told you to drink more ! You scared the hell out of me and then they didn't want to let me to you !"
He just sighed before opening his arms .
"Come here Baby ."
I crawl into the hospital bed and then on Nick. I snuggled my head into his Neck and closed my eyes . I was just happy, nothing happened to him .

Nicks POV
I think the last hours were more stressful for Charlie than me . Well I wasn't really conscious so nothing really stressed me. I hugged him tight . 30 Minutes later the door opened .
"Hey Homophob Idiot how are you ?"
Darcy grinned at me .
"Good , how are you ."
" I was a little bit scared after your, over dramatic , pass out but now that I know you're good , I'm good too . How is Lover Boy ?"
She looks at Charlie , who is fast asleep on me .
"He was stressed but now he is good . Darcy, Can I ask you something ?"
"Yes of course ."

"Were you nervous as you asked Tara to marry you ?"
She laughs .
"Nervous ? I was dying ! She is the love of my life and the I only question in my head was , what when she says no ? Am I going to die alone ? Without her !
Why you're asking ?"
I smiled as I caressed trough Charlie's fluffy hair .
"I am going to ask him ."
"What your going to ask h-
"Psst shut up , you're going to wake him up !"
"Sorry , but when did you decide you're going to ask him ?"
"35 Minutes ago , I woke up and he wasn't on my side and the only thing in my head was where is Charlie ? Not why am I in the hospital or something like that and as he stormed in, with tears in his eyes and told me , that he needed to wait outside because he isn't family and he was worried and all of this .
I knew I need to marry him .
He's the only person I ever want on my side when I wake up .
I don't care if this means in the hospital or every morning in my bed . The only thing I need is Charlie."

Darcy had tears In her Eyes .
"Awww Nick I can't ! I'm going to be your best Ma-
Woman, Right ?
Like yes of course you and Tara have the whole : Oh I told you first I'm bi and gay thing but we , we both we have ...
We both are the one who ask to marry them .
So ?"
I started to laugh .
"When he says yes , then yes you're going to be my best wife ."

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