Camping 2.

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"You're okay with that, right ?"
Nick watched me intensely.
"Uhm... I mean I'm of course."
I'm literally this close to just faint or DIE.
Maybe both.

But how do you say :
Hey Nick, no I don't want anyone of the two of us to sleep on top of the other one, because I'm gay and you're not . And I have this really huge crush on you , so yeah please don't mind.
Maybe sleep on top of Darcy, she won't fall in love with you <your supportive gay friend Charlie3

"So how we're going to sleep ?"
YOU DIDNT THOUGHT ABOUT THAT BEFORE HE VOLUNTEERED? He's going into this like Harry into the triwizard tournament.
( Charlie is a Harry Potter fan. There's no way you can change my mind)
I'm going to die here.
"Uhm I don't really like sleeping on top of someone to be honest."
I looked away, trying to push the dark thoughts, about my weight, in the back of my mind.
"Oh yeah , that's fine. I like being the little spoon."
I'm high , right ?
What drugs did I take ?
Or is this one of this weird dreams ?
You know , one of these, where you wake up the next morning and think what the hell. I turned my head towards Tao, who was starring at me the way I was feeling.
He mouthed towards me:
What the fuck ?
I shrugged.
I don't know either. But I'm going to kill Tao for bringing just one tent like they're already murder plans in my head.

"Charlie ?"
I turned back towards Nick.
"What ? Sorry I was in thoughts."
"I asked if I could lay between your legs ?"
Yeah sure , you also want my organs so you can sell them ? Or my soul for the devil ?
"Uhm I guess?"
I awkwardly spread my legs and Nick shuffled between them, finally making enough place for Tao to get into the tent with all his body parts.
He won't have them anymore, when I'm finished with him.
He still starred at Nick and me. To be honest I'm not sure if I want to get away from
Here. I mean Nick Nelson is laying on top of me, basically cuddling me but at the same time NICK NELSON is laying ON TOP of ME, basically CUDDLING ME.

I tried my best to relax, which is rather hard to be honest. The others were already sleeping but my mind couldn't rest. This wasn't how a straight friend acted.
I'm sure of it.
Tao would never!
Well Tao is weird.
But Nick is straight, at least he never told me something different and he kissed Tara once.
But Tara kissed Nick too and now she has a girlfriend.
Don't overthink this Charlie.
He's straight and there's not point in thinking he could like you,  like you like him.
"You're comfortable?"
I flinched. I didn't realize Nick was awake. His head was now turned towards me and wasn't resting on my chest anymore.
I tried not to be loud, so I just nodded. I didn't want to wake anyone. Especially not Tao , he would complain for the next three weeks. Again, he won't be alive that long.
"I'm sorry if you didn't want to lay like this with me.
I just thought we could do it because we're such good..."
I finished for him. He nodded.
"Yes. Friends.
Anyways, I'm really sorry."
I shook my head.
"Don't be Nick. I don't mind. I'm actually really comfortable."
That wasn't a lie.
Of course I was nervous and I had the feeling that my heard beat a thousand times in a second. If I wouldn't overthink so much, I would sleep like a baby right now. I could see a smile form on Nicks lips.
"I'm too Char. I'm too."
And with that he laid his head back on my chest and went back too sleep. God , I just want to run my fingers trough his hair.
Is that wrong ?

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Thank you so much for your nice comments !

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