He's my boyfriend 2.

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Dylan scoffed and stood up , now looking more then pissed
"It was nice meeting you Charlie ."
Charlie smiled and nodded before Dylan walked away. Tao started to laugh and even Isaac laughed,
laying his book to his side.

"Nick Nelson! What we're you doing ?"
Charlie looked at me furiously, which was hard to take serious because he was still sitting on my lap
"He was flirting with you !"
"No he wasn't and even if he was . Why do you care ?"
"Because you're my boyfriend ! I don't want you to leave me for some dYLaN."
Well, for Dylan O'Brien would be okay because then I could tell people that I dated someone, who now dates Dylan O'Brien.
"1. Why would I leave you ? I'm fucking glad you even looked at me !"
Tao interrupted him, while Isaac was reading again.
"Oh yes believe me Nick . He told us so much about you looking at him ."
"2.Don't say something about the name Dylan !
I mean ducking Dylan O'Brien ?"
Can he read my thoughts ?
"Charlie he was drooling ."
"But you can't just be jealous ."
"I wasn't jealous ."
I scoffed . Why would I be jealous about some Dylan ? I mean Cmon .
He wanted to be in the rugby team .
I'm the captain of the rugby team .
There's no way we're on the same level.
"You were !"
Charlie looked at me in disbelief .
"I wasn't !"

Isaac shut his book and looked at the both of us .
"Omg ! Charlie, Nick was jealous because some creepy boy just came up and flirtet with you without even knowing you . Nick you were jealous and that's okay because you love Charlie and just want the best for him !"
We all were silent for a moment before Charlie whispered .
"You were jealous ."
I tackled him on the ground and started tickling him.
"No N-Nick stop !"
"I stop when you say that I wasn't jealous ."
"Ne-Never !"
He winced while trying to wickle out of my grip but no chance.
"Omg , this is so embarrassing."
Tao covered up his face , so nobody could see him.
"Come on Charlie . Say that I wasn't jealous !"
"You- you weren't ."
"I weren't what ?"
"Jealous ."
I stopped tickling him.
"You See wasn't that hard , was it  ?"
"I hate you ."
"We all know that you don't ."

Happy Pride day for the Omnisexual readers here !

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