Dad 2.

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"Did we forgot something ?"
Charlie walked up and down, without stopping once.
"Charlie, we have more then any kid would need ."
"But what if we forgot something ? Did we buy Pyjamas ? Omg , we forgot the Pyjamas ."
Nick laughed as he placed both hands on Charlie's shoulders, trying to stop his husband from going insane .
"I know you're panicking right now but we have everything. We bought everything Emily needs or wants. We're more then ready for this ."
"Could we please breath together ?"
"Sure . Breath in... breath out ."
The chests of both boys moved in sync .
"Okay , I'm ready ."
Charlie nodded and hugged Nick before they got into the car. To go onto their most important drive of their life.

Nicks POV
"Hi Emily !"
I kneeled down and spread my arms open. The little girl laughed and started to run towards me . I couldn't believe that I could hug her, that she was finally our.
Every time we met her before the adoption paper got singed , there was always the feeling of being afraid.
Afraid of her getting taken away. But now she was officially a part of our family .
Charlie waited until I was done hugging her and then  picked her up and hugged her too. We filled out the last papers and then we went home.

It was a weird feeling to get my daughter in the car.
A weird but beautiful feeling. We stopped at McDonalds and got us burgers and her an happy meal. I still couldn't believe it .
My daughter.
Our daughter.
She was so happy , giggling all the time. She told us about the things she likes :
Rainbows , unicorns , Wizards , everything that moves.

Charlie's POV
I let Emily help us lay the dishes on the table and then helped her on the chair . We got one of this kid chairs , which looks so adorable. We let her unwrap her gift from the happy meal first and then ate together . I could see how her cute little eyes seem to fall close after some time.
"Emily , are you tired ?"
I asked , mustering her. Understanding, that this day must have been so exhausting.
She muffled while rubbing over her eyes.
"Mmh okay. How about Daddy and I read you a story in your bed ?"
Nick suggested . He probably also realized how tired the little girl is.
"But I don't want to sleep !"
Emily was already near tears , what made me want to cry too.
"You don't need to sleep . You just listen to it ."
Nick smiled at the little girl.
"It will be about a Princess."
I promised, hoping it would help the situation.
I smiled at Emily, until she turned towards me .
She demanded . I started to laugh.
"Whatever is your wish , princess."
I picked her up and Nick and I helped her getting ready for bed . It didn't took long until she was asleep , probably because of all the things that happened today and I was just starting in aw at her.
"She's our daughter ."
I whispered , afraid to wake her up if I speak louder.
"Indeed , she is."
Nick smiled while hugging me from behind.

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