Ditching me 1.

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Charlie's POV
I was sitting next to Nick, my head laying on his chest. I was enjoying to show affection to him in "public".
Well , the public was Tao, Elle, Darcy, Isaac and Tara. But I enjoyed it . Of course I didn't blame him for not being out yet , it was just ... complicated . It always felt like I was a step ahead of him, even though I got pushed in this situation.
Still, I don't blame him.

I Flinched as I felt his breath next to my ear .
"Could we Talk, outside ?"
I raised my eyebrow but nodded .
I pushed myself up and left the room. Nick following right behind me.

"What do you want to talk about ?"
Nick looked at me nervously . Like a little kid , who's about to tell their mum , that they drew on the wall.
"Uhm ... you know we wanted to do something on Sunday ."
I nodded , still not knowing where this is going.
"Yes , we wanted to go the cinema , why ?"
He stopped looking at me before he looked at his shoe .
"I don't have time anymore ."
I raised both of my eyebrows in confusion.
"What do you mean ? Do you have an appointment you forgot ?"
Normally I wouldn't even have asked and just accepted it but him acting so weirdly , made me question the situation.
"No , no it's not like that. I just-

I rolled my eyes as I heard the name.
"She asked me if we could do something together and I said no. But then she asked why I don't have time and I told her I was doing something with you.
And then she said , that we're hanging around quite often and that made me panic . So I agreed ."
I groaned .
"You've got to be kidding me."
Now , Nick looked offended .
"Oh , I'm sorry that I'm not ready to come out yet."
I scoffed .
"It's not about that ! And you know that ."
"And then what is this about ?"
"It's about you and Imogen ! Imogen has a serious crush on you and you're basically going on a date !
That's like the forth time this happened !"
"So , now you're jealous ?"
"I am not Jealous ."
I heard my voice rise but I didn't care .
"You Just seem to forget that you're able to hang around guys without everyone thinking you love them ! Or you just use it as an excuse to ditch me !"
"I'm not ditching you !"
"You literally are !
And it's not the first time. Last time Imogen wasn't feeling well. The time before she wanted to look a stream , which can't be on another day. You just always use her as an excuse !"

"So now you're mad at her ? Wtf Charlie ?"
"I'm not mad at her , I'm mad at you ! She didn't absolutely nothing wrong ! She doesn't know about us . For her , we're friends . So of course she tries to spend more time with you because she has a crush ! But you're pretty aware of this situation, or should I call you mate from now on ?"
"Well what am I supposed to do now ? You do like there's a resolution."
"There is ! Grow some balls and tell her no or at least that you don't like her ."
"Then she thinks that I'm gay !"

I just stared at him in disbelief . I was so done with him excusing everything with that he doesn't want to come out . It really starts to feel like the relationship of Ben and I. And I was done with that too. I was done with boys, who can't accept they like me, usw. me because they want to kiss a boy from time to time.
"You're right Nick. How could I forget how bad it is to be gay. Sorry."
I grabbed my coat.
"Cmon Charlie, you know that's not what I meant ."
"No no , it's fine ."
I looked at Nick shortly before turning away .
"I should keep going. Tell the others it was nice hanging out with them but make sure they know not to tell anyone, before the whole world thinks they're gay."
And then , I left.

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